Mini Goal Challenge - Week of Sept 25th to Oct 1st



  • Wiseinwellness
    Wiseinwellness Posts: 1,072 Member
    @goldthistime Love the changes in your goals and thoughtfulness in how they are motivating you to your greater goals...planning is so important, and awareness is key.

    I forgot to post my goals yesterday but did them, so feeling like I'm on point.

    1) no unplanned snacks in the kitchenette at work! (1/5)
    2) meditate in the morning (1/3)
    3) reduce caffeine slowly (this week is to reduce from 3 down to 2 coffees daily)
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    edited September 2017

    I love it Paulette!!! Thanks so much for your awesome encouragement to Everyone! So inspiring too!! You will get to those goals!

  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    Molly- so wise of you to take a look at habits that are not good for you and trying to get back to healthier ones that work and reduce the sabotage. good luck this week. I know you can avoid all that junk. you are correct when you say things at work are junk food. but we can't control coworkers, just ourselves.

    Monday check in
    My goals
    1. 5,000 steps daily 0/7
    2. workout 3 times 0/3
    not a great start but my steps were very close to 5,000 so that is a good thing. I need to get cracking. these are my current challenges.
    The gain and yo-yoing woke me up to the bad habits I had slipped back into :neutral:
    Thanks again!
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    edited September 2017
    Hello Warriors!! It is nice to see so many new ones and some of the newer ones sticking with us, thanks!! The more the merrier for sure and it helps keeps us all motivated and be mindful of our daily goals which will help us meet our ultimate goals.

    Have a great Tuesday! B)

    Goals week of 9/25/17:
    1) WW blue dot days - 1/6
    2) vegetables – 0/4
    3) No fast food - 1/6
    4) No junk food – 1/6
    5) 10 min housework 2 days - 0/2 (de-clutter)
    * W, Th, F, Sa, S, M (no check in -)

  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    mepeiffer wrote: »
    Week goals - 25-2
    log food and water 2/7
    Daily planks 0/7
    Daily yoga 1/7
    advo challange -
    stay positive 2/7
    keep on keeping on 2/7

    @IsMollyReallyHungry - Nice finish for the week. Thanks for this weeks quotes all so true. No brownies I need your
    will power the sweets are what have been kinking my ... I have been in the green but only because of my steps.
    Not under the 1200 cals.

    New day I am going to try to stay away from sugar and to keep calories down to 1200 as a last resort stay green. The next 5 weeks are going to be trying from me because I am not home in the evening three days of the week. positive thinking and wishes welcome.

    Thanks Elaine!! Keep up the good work too!!! We can do this!!

    I agree with Paulette on protein snacks and I like fruit too. Those are my go too and I am loving grape tomatoes right They are a easy veggie for me to snack on at my desk. On protein, I like premier chocolate protein drink (very filling and low cal), nature valley protein bar, sting cheese and of course chicken breast is portable and good room temperature too and not processed.
  • MnWild74
    MnWild74 Posts: 34 Member
    Hi everyone... I am back again. I've been in a little slump lately. Weight and measurements haven't changed in a month and a half. So as of Monday i started pumping in the water again and this time week i am going to increase my protein and try decreasing my carbs. Lastly 10,000 steps a day this week. Something has to work.
  • mepeiffer
    mepeiffer Posts: 105 Member
    Week goals - 25-2
    log food and water 2/7
    Daily planks 0/7
    Daily yoga 1/7
    advo challange -
    stay positive 2/7
    keep on keeping on 2/7

    @ Forestrose910 - Yes Elaine would be great. Thanks I did not think about bring almonds that would be great
    thanks for the reminder that I should be eating those. I often bring protein bars but sometimes get hungry
    because I am so good during the day at work. Today I am having half of my sub I had for lunch just vegies turkey
    and cheddar. if you have a fitbit you should look me up and become friend we can encourage each other with
    our steps.

    @IsMollyReallyHungry - Thanks Molly - together we can do this. Great meal suggestions that would work thanks.

    @mnwild74 - great maintaining

    Love the support here thank you each and everyone.

  • goldthistime
    goldthistime Posts: 3,214 Member
    Thanks ladies for your encouragement. With respect to mini goals graduating to habits, I've had my own history of getting off track for various reasons, and I fully expect that things will come up some time in the future and I'll have to make them the mini goals du jour again. There's no finish line.

    1) Eat all meals at the kitchen table 3/7
    2) Eat my meals at a reasonable pace 1/7
    3) Review calendar and prep, 5 times per week 2/5
    4) Consider/journal ways daily to lounge less and get more accomplished 2/7

    @mepeiffer I love the idea of staying positive as a mini goal. Might steal that some time.
    @MnWild74 I consider a month of staying the same weight/measurements a win! I think of it as consolidation. But of course I wish you luck in making more progress. Sounds like you've taken some reasonable steps.
    @IsMollyReallyHungry I had to google WW Blue Dots. Seems to be healthy eating. That's a great goal.
    @torontojulie Love your avatar, and your daily mediation goal especially.

    Apologies to others I missed. I just checked my time and I've been lounging too much, enjoying the thread!
  • cjsacto
    cjsacto Posts: 1,421 Member
    edited September 2017
    Thanks for the warm welcome!

    Goals for week of 9/25:
    - 4 days with exercise
    - Increase iron intake
    - No added sugars or sugar substitutes (except 1 tbsp molasses which I take for iron)
    - 2L water per day

    Exercise: 2/7 jogged one mile today
    Iron: 2/7, over 100% *
    No Addded Sugar: 1/7, none today
    Water: 1/7, got to 3L today

    * Note about iron, it's not good to have too much, but we don't absorb all the non-hemi iron we eat and mine is really low right now. I'm waiting for a dr appt to see if I have to start taking a separate iron supplement. The last time I took them they gave me painful abdominal cramps.
  • corinasue1143
    corinasue1143 Posts: 7,464 Member
    Goals for this week:

    1. Take snacks to the gym to eat on the way home.
    2. Pre-plan meals for heavy exercise days with extra food and calories
    That's it! These 2 have been very hard for me. Gotta work hard to conquer them.
    Monday - fail
    Tuesday - ate 2 of the 3 snacks on the way home, but didn't go really crazy.
    Had 3 possible meal plans for both lunch and dinner-- in case first one didn't sound good
    At the time. Ate least healthy of the 3 lunches, good dinner. I call this day a super win!

  • goldthistime
    goldthistime Posts: 3,214 Member
    @cjsacto Are you a vegetarian? I've had lifelong battles with low iron. The minute I get that dragged out feeling I buy a steak or some liver. I was a vegetarian for a while. At that point I approached it by taking a daily vitamin with a decent amount of iron. Not enough to create abdominal issues (I can relate) but enough to keep me in the low end of normal range. Thanks for the reminder that molasses is such a good source. I think I'm going to introduce more into my diet.
  • clicketykeys
    clicketykeys Posts: 6,568 Member

    1. In bed by 9:30 on weeknights. 1/2! Made it last night!
    2. Gym Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Sunday. 2/2
    3. Prep breakfast and lunch for the next day each day. 2/2
    4. Plan dinner ahead of time. 3/3
    5. 10 push-ups daily. 1/2. Forgot yesterday. Gonna do today's now!
    6. Log everything. 2/2
  • cjsacto
    cjsacto Posts: 1,421 Member
    @cjsacto Are you a vegetarian? I've had lifelong battles with low iron. The minute I get that dragged out feeling I buy a steak or some liver. I was a vegetarian for a while. At that point I approached it by taking a daily vitamin with a decent amount of iron. Not enough to create abdominal issues (I can relate) but enough to keep me in the low end of normal range. Thanks for the reminder that molasses is such a good source. I think I'm going to introduce more into my diet.

    @goldthistime Yes, I'm a vegetarian and I take a multivitamin daily but I just got some labs results back and my iron was really low in spite of getting 150+% RDA of iron most days according to MFP -- BUT I also donated blood 2 weeks prior and TOM one week prior to blood draw. I've been feeling symptoms of low iron for months but blaming it on being out of shape. Of course when I donate I load up on iron but I used to feel normal pretty quickly afterward. Last year I did a double red blood cell donation and I felt really weak for a long time! I think I can't donate whole blood at all any more, it takes me too long to recover. Might look into platelets or plasma.
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    edited September 2017
    Thanks ladies for your encouragement. With respect to mini goals graduating to habits, I've had my own history of getting off track for various reasons, and I fully expect that things will come up some time in the future and I'll have to make them the mini goals du jour again. There's no finish line.

    1) Eat all meals at the kitchen table 3/7
    2) Eat my meals at a reasonable pace 1/7
    3) Review calendar and prep, 5 times per week 2/5
    4) Consider/journal ways daily to lounge less and get more accomplished 2/7

    Thanks @goldthistime - I love your 1 and 2 goals. Those are two things I to struggle with and with you having them, I will be more mindful of that too, just not a priority for me right now. Good job on eating at the table!!

    I love the blue dot aspect of WW program. Next week I will be dropping that from my mini goals because I am in tune with making sure I get 5 to 6 blue dot days in even though I missed last week. I know that I absolutely need 4 minimum to lose and 5 to 6 to have a nice loss. I have been averaging 5. If I start falling below that average I will add it back.

    I also love your statement "There's no finish line"!! So very true and I have am OK with that because there are many things in life that have no finish line and is a part of life. Maintaining good health and eating habits are hard in the todays society because of the so called "good life". Less moving (drive thru, grocery stores, cars, remote controls etc) and more junkie foods (cakes, chips, pastas, crackers, processed, etc) to chose from. So we will always have to be mindful of our choices and it took me a while to be ok with this. Thanks for bringing it up because I believe to many times we like to look at healthy options as a diet or program and diets and programs end. :smile:
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    Happy Hump day!!!B) Keep up the good work Everyone!

    Goals week of 9/25/17:
    1) WW blue dot days - 2/6
    2) vegetables – 1/4
    3) No fast food - 2/6
    4) No junk food – 2/6
    5) 10 min housework 2 days - 0/2 (de-clutter)
    * Th, F, Sa, S, M (no check in -)


  • cjsacto
    cjsacto Posts: 1,421 Member
    Goals for week of 9/25:
    - 4 days with exercise
    - Increase iron intake
    - No added sugars or sugar substitutes (except 1 tbsp molasses)
    - 2L water per day

    Exercise: 3/7 jogged one mile today
    Iron: 3/7, over 100%
    No Addded Sugar: 2/7, none today
    Water: 2/7, got to 2.5L today
  • forestrose910
    forestrose910 Posts: 688 Member
    Happy Thursday. I can't believe I haven't checked in but I have been viewing things. Lots fo great work going on. So happy to see so many giving each other feedback and support. that is the way it works best. Keep going strong.

    Tuesday-Wednesday check in
    My goals
    1. 5,000 steps daily 0/7
    2. workout 3 times 1/3
    Well these are my challenges and the lack of results speak for themselves. I have been getting close to 5,000 steps but not there yet. I did get a workout in yesterday so we shall see if I can do another one today.

  • clicketykeys
    clicketykeys Posts: 6,568 Member
    1. In bed by 9:30 on weeknights. 1/3!
    2. Gym Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Sunday. 3/3
    3. Prep breakfast and lunch for the next day each day. 3/3
    4. Plan dinner ahead of time. 4/4
    5. 10 push-ups daily. 3/4
    6. Log everything. 3/3

    Sooooo it feels like, if I get to the gym and prep breakfast and lunch and fix dinner and get everything logged, it's after 9:30 already. Sometimes I feel like I have to choose between my fitness goals and having a life. :P
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    edited September 2017
    Hello Warriors!!

    @cjsacto - Doing awesome on exercise and Iron! :smile:

    @forestrose910 - Good job on workout! To me a good workout (better calorie burn) is better than steps if you have to choose between one or the other. You will get both, just keep at it :smile:

    @clicketykeys - lol! just think of fitness goals as a part of LIFE :smile: you are doing great!

    Keep up the good work Everyone!! Even if I did not mention everyone by name trust me I read all post and I am very inspired to keep mindful of my own goals. and yesterday I found myself eating slower :smile: That is the beauty of it, our goals are similar and overlap for sure. Keep coming back!!
  • corinasue1143
    corinasue1143 Posts: 7,464 Member

    1. Take snacks to the gym to eat on the way home.
    2. Pre-plan meals for heavy exercise days with extra food and calories
    That's it! These 2 have been very hard for me. Gotta work hard to conquer them.
    Monday - fail
    Tuesday - ate 2 of the 3 snacks on the way home, but didn't go really crazy.
    Had 3 possible meal plans for both lunch and dinner-- in case first one didn't sound good
    At the time. Ate least healthy of the 3 lunches, good dinner. I call this day a super win!
    Wednesday - no exercise
    Thursday - ate the biggest snack on the way home. Good meals. Another win!

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