Sept 25th --> Oct. 1 What's your goals for this week?

What's your goals for this week? How did last week go?

I just want to stay on track with my fitness and eating and not make excuses for eating really craptastic foods. I'm using the Daily Burn app, but I am not actually strong enough to do the full 30 minutes without making myself sick, so I'm doing 15-20 minutes and trying to build up my fitness. I also try to do some light cardio. This next Saturday the 30th there is a local trail run at the National Park and I'll be out there running either the 5k or 10k dirt trail track. It isn't competitive, just for fun. I'm volunteering afterward with my son.

I love to run, I've been running for ten years, but I do tend to get comments like, "10k are you sure? Are you okay? Do you need to stop or sit down? Are you going to be alright going that far? Run, you mean walk right?" It would be nice for people to just take for granted that I can make it through a fun run without dying so that's an over all goal I have also. :D

Have a good week everyone!

Paula, age 42, 2 grown-ish kids, 1 cat, lives in Oregon near the ocean

pic is from the Discovery Trail today, Ilwaco Washington on the Longbeach Peninsula



  • Sroboto81
    Sroboto81 Posts: 20 Member
    Whoa! Great Picture Paula!

    Last week:

    A great start. I have kept up my food tracking streak, as well as achieved my step goals. I am becoming more comfortable with tracking my food intake and it is getting easier to incorporate it into my everyday.

    This week:
    • Log in every day into MFP & hit my daily macronutrient and water consumption goals
    • Keep my coffee intake to 1 cup a day
    • Pack a lunch for work everyday (no eating on the run)
    • Start a free-weight & body weight routine for 3x a week
    • Hit fitbit tracked step goal of 10k steps a day all week

    This Wednesday I have my scheduled bi-weekly weigh in, and my goals is to not fixate on this number, for good or bad. YES I absolutely want to lose weight, but that is a byproduct of getting healthy, and changing my diet. the moment the scale becomes my grading scale, I put myself at risk of losing momentum should I not see the numbers I want. This is a big mindset change for me, and I am hopeful that treating my weight like data will help!

    Let's have an awesome week :smiley:

    31 - Boulder, CO

  • OregonRunner5
    OregonRunner5 Posts: 404 Member
    Sounds like great goals! I have a fitbit and just dug it out and started using it again the other day. If you want to add me I think my username is 7hunters. I'm not too adept at using it yet though... ;-P

    Coffee is a tough one! I haven't beaten that beast yet in life at all.