Recovering from surgery. Heaviest ever!

lisaze30 Posts: 15 Member
edited September 2017 in Social Groups
Due to depression and binge eating ... I've put on a lot of weight.

Then had surgery and was bed bound for 3 months, only just started walking with crutches, still in a lot of pain and exhausted. My time in bed gifted me with 15 extra kilos on top of the blubber I already had!!!!!!!

I'm hoping the 5:2 plan will help shift as much weight as possible as it will not only help my mental state and self esteem but will also help my recovery and physiotherapy

I'm planning on doing 4:3 with fasting 3 days a week in the hopes that it will give me a boost.
Please feel free to friend me and check out me meals on Instagram food.addiction.journey

Here's hoping for a miracle!!


  • Meghan509
    Meghan509 Posts: 1,998 Member
    Welcome @lisaze30 we are glad you have joined us!

    Sorry to hear about your gain due to your surgery. I have dealt with surgery as well. It not only takes a physical toll but a mental one as well. Sending hugs. I have sent you a friend request. I would love to join you on your journey and for you to help me on mine! That is what we are here for. :)

    The 5:2 plan is a great way to get back on track and start losing. Have you decided how you are going to arrange your meals for the day? Can I make a suggestion and maybe start with two fast days and see how that goes? Give it
    a week or two and see how you do. When you feel comfortable, then add another if you want. Starting out with three right off the bat, might be a bit much. Pinterest is a great site for low calorie recipes. There are also many saved here in the threads that you can choose from.

    As you get stronger, see if you can add in some light walking for exercise. Exercise works well with this plan.

    Welcome! :smiley:
  • lisaze30
    lisaze30 Posts: 15 Member
    @Meghan509 thank you for the support!

    You might have a point there about 3 days being a bit much. It's my second fasting day and I'm already struggling a bit. I think I'll also have to make my goal to just stay under 600 cals till I get used to it again as I'm finding it too hard to stick to the 500 exactly.

    I am worried the fact I can't do exercise will hinder me but hopefully there will be enough of a calorie deficit to make a difference!
  • Meghan509
    Meghan509 Posts: 1,998 Member
    You can do it!

    Not sure if yesterday was a fasting day for you (haven't looked at your diary) but you might not want to do them back to back as that can be challenging! I find I like to have a fairly decent dinner in my tummy to get me through a light day the next day. Otherwise the day will drag...

    I like Mondays and Thursdays for my Light Days. Mondays are nice because you have a little reset after the weekend. For me, on the weekends I will do a cheat meal on Friday and Saturday nights and I will also have some alcohol. I am not saying you should do that I am just saying this is what I have been doing. :)
    Fasting days do get better and easier with time! Water and tea are your friend.

    Don't worry about the exercise. A lot of people lose weight without it. I did not add exercise until a month in. You do what works best for you! You are going to be fine. :)

    Here is a typical light day for me...
    Coffee in AM with a small amount of half and half and a little sugar.
    Lunch at around 12 or 1pm of a salad with light dressing. I put lots of veggies in my salad and often times some garbonzo beans or lite cheese for protein.
    Water and green tea all day long...
    After work I will go to the gym and will walk on the treadmill for 45 minutes.
    Dinner at around 7:30pm or so of a low calorie vegetarian soup or stew.
    Total calories for the day come in at around 550 or so. Depends on how many calories are in dinner. Some or more or less than others.

    If you have any questions or need any support we are here!