I will start tomorrow

Has anyone know about this one phrase? This phrase has kept me in bondage for a very long time. Has anyone over come this challenge let me know.


  • JamesAztec
    JamesAztec Posts: 524 Member
    Yeah. Start right now instead.
  • ladycclear
    ladycclear Posts: 50 Member
    Start one thing now and keep doing it.
    Habit change is hard, but you can do it.
    (And MFP will cheer you on the journey)

    -Take a short walk when you feel stress or pressure to fall off your own goal path.
    -Drink a glass of water every time you say you will start tomorrow.
    -Don't buy the trigger food again and you can't fail.
    Start right now with a fasting period of your choosing to reconnect with what "hunger" really means. Learn that you won't starve and you have control.
    -Write a post or journal entry about your plan and what a lifetime of healthy habits looks like for you.

    Embrace your "start tomorrow" attitude because every day for the rest of your life you will be starting again tomorrow. Know your true self and tailor your diet plan and slowly ramp up into healthy lifestyle habits to last for all of your tomorrows.
  • 150poundsofme
    150poundsofme Posts: 523 Member
    The best day to start is when New Year's Day falls on a Monday. It is true for me, I actually did love that. And you know how many times on January 1 I blew my diet? Yup, like all the time. Yea, I was always a Monday person starting diet. Or next month after Halloween or whatever holiday or event is over. There have actually been days in the last year or two that I "started" on a Saturday. Wow, what a concept. I "started" on a Thursday once. Go me. When I am in the middle of a binge, for whatever reason, I cannot stop until either I get so tired or uncomfortable with the overeating (that is only recently happening) or mostly when I psyche myself up to start again, and I usually will have a date in mind. Why do I do this? Because of 45 years of doing this habit? Because it is an excuse to keep on eating my favorite unhealthy foods in the quantity I want? Because I have to be emotionally ready? I don't know. So sometimes when I am dieting, I can be doing fine, eating 1 or 2 carbs, maybe making an exception to whatever my diet rule is. But then I don't know if it is too many exceptions to my rule (too much sugar or carb) that I end up going off and bingeing. And now I am in binging mode again (for weeks/months). I really have crazy diet self talk. Just last week I was doing well. Went to a restaurant. Had what I normally eat there but then started afterwards feeling like "oh, maybe it was too much" and yup, I talked myself into just giving up and started binging. And that feeling that I will start another day. To learn to eat a meal and maybe overeat and not then feel like you have to start another day because you ruined it is something I need to get over. And when I am in binge mode, when someone tells me to just start now, I am like ok but I know I won't because I have to get this whole emotional thing/habit get out of my system. And also, more importantly for me, eat all the foods I love in the quantity I want that I will not be eating when I am on my diet. Sheesh, I need help. But I started again today, on a Saturday!