eating the same things every day....



  • gorillababyface
    gorillababyface Posts: 14 Member
    I switch it up every week. On weekends I go to farmers market or butcher shop for meat and veggies that I will make on Sunday for the week. My snacks are typically the same week to week. Boiled eggs, string cheese, bone broth, bacon, zucchini chips (I do change the dips), nuts and seeds...I have the staple meals I like but I try to cook atleast one meal different every time for the week- breakfast meals I'll do cooked eggs or casseroles, dinners ill do salads to traditional meals. Going to cook a rabbit in a week or so, bison roast and pork ribs in my freezer for future. Chicken breast this week for dinner with whatever sides I choose. I buy foods at the market that are good deals and set them up for meals in the future. Makes planning a lot easier and it's constantly changing week to week.
  • kimberwolf71
    kimberwolf71 Posts: 470 Member
    I love the idea of keeping it simple, but as much as I tell myself food is only fuel.... I just can't bring myself to eat the same thing over and over. I do have a general plan though. I try to food prep a few key dishes on Sunday to mix & match and ensure I have 3 higher-protein breakfasts available on run days.

    I almost always do a large Sunday supper to provide at least 2 or 3 days days worth of supper leftovers or convert to work lunches. In the colder months, I make lots of soups for work (different soup each week). Summer months I seem to gravitate towards salad type meals for work lunches. I supplement those with odds and ends that strike my taste buds on shopping or food prep day.
  • kpk54
    kpk54 Posts: 4,474 Member
    I suppose I have my go to things for breakfast and lunch. Decaf with 1/2 and 1/2, eggs, cream cheese, cottage cheese, avocados, Greek yogurt, leftover meat, salad with canned tuna, sardines. Peanut butter...

    I cook our late meal of the day nearly every day so if it can be made with beef, chicken, pork, seafood, fresh North Carolina fish, dairy, eggs, vegetables, dairy, berries, nuts/oils, herbs and spices...I'll make it. I always add a starch for my husband.
  • 2t9nty
    2t9nty Posts: 1,611 Member
    I don't eat the same things, but I am pretty predictable. Almost every breakfast is 2 eggs, HWC in coffee, 2 slices of bacon and sometimes some leftover meat from the supper the night before. I eat canned chicken or fish with nuts for lunch at my desk a lot if things are busy.
  • ChoiceNotChance
    ChoiceNotChance Posts: 644 Member
    My lunches are always the same. My dinners do vary only because hubs would not be happy eating the same dinner every night. I don't/won't cook "special" for him.
  • canadjineh
    canadjineh Posts: 5,396 Member
    2c black coffee for breakfast. Always.
    Lunch at 3 or 4 pm - if I'm lazy or in pain it's pepperoni/cheese/pickled egg, otherwise it's whatever I pull out of the fridge which is always full of interesting things (I just don't always feel up to food prep)
    Supper with hubby at around 6 or 7 pm is whatever meat is on sale that week (or pull out of stock in our freezer) with a couple of different veg. He has rice or noodles if it's something that 'normally' goes with the main part of the meal.
    Midnight meal at work is a low carb protein bar/chips/shake.

    I almost never plan ahead unless he puts in a request for a certain meal ie. Thai Red Curry with Prawns or Mediterranean Burgers (with accompanying cuke raita and shredded lettuce).