Class and Practice Check in - Week of 10/9/2017



  • Out_of_Bubblegum
    Out_of_Bubblegum Posts: 2,220 Member
    Worked on Tournament form tonight for about 20 minutes. Have a small pull in my right hamstring, so cut the workout short to let it rest. I have about 2.5 weeks to get ready for this one.
  • LuizH
    LuizH Posts: 211 Member
    I got back from a horrendous 2 day work conference with a head full of stuff unexpectedly early yesterday so I made it to my weapons lesson. What I needed was something to clear my head completely and help me relax, what I got was kali-style stick drills - something like this (but we're not this fast), it took us a while to pick up but it's great when it works. I have only worked with staffs so the short sticks were really different, it needed loads of concentration though so these were the perfect drills to clear the nonsense out of my brain!
  • faerie0506
    faerie0506 Posts: 27 Member
    BJJ tonight, small class tonight, only 3 of us plus coach. We drilled a fun little progression attacking the turtle to get side control then into a Kimura. I struggled with the first part, mainly because it did require a certain amount of strength to flip the other person over, and the two guys that were there are considerably bigger than me.
    Had a good roll after, I'm definitely moving better, seeing opportunities for submissions more often, and defending well.
    I am struggling with my stamina a little at the moment, and felt pretty gassed by the 3rd round of rolling. I think it's because a) I missed a few weeks training because of my knee, and b) I started a new job 10 days ago that's much more physically demanding than my old one and my fitness hasn't quite caught up yet.
    Having a rest day tomorrow, then BJJ again on Saturday.
  • Dory_42
    Dory_42 Posts: 3,587 Member
    BJJ last night was reverse triangles and lots of rolling escapes from various positions. Then, instead of rolling we did guard and mount escape drills. Guard escape drills were exhausting and then we then had to stay with our partner from the last round for mount escape. Not fair when I am with the biggest guy in the club who probably weighs double what I do. Luckily he is a blue belt so knows how to control his weight and if I did get the technique of the move right, he let me complete it. It was super fun although exhausting, as always!!!
  • LuizH
    LuizH Posts: 211 Member
    A bit of everything in karate last night, loads of kata, a bit of bunkai, some drills on kicks and a bit of sparring to finish. I was complimented on my kicks (people are always shocked when a short fat girl can kick to head height, even the people who see me do it every week), I was asked to help a higher grade with a kata he's working on for his grading, and some cheeky little *kitten* white belt kid patted my back and told me I fought well - next week I will not go so easy on him!
  • Bianca42
    Bianca42 Posts: 310 Member
    Last night's class was a combo karate/Muay Thai class. Lots of technique and then sparring. We started out sparring karate people against karate people and Muay Thai against Muay Thai...but then mixed it up. I'm still pretty new to sparring, so sparring against someone who's a different discipline is a little intimidating, but I do love this class format. They only run it for a few months, so I'm trying to make it to as many as I can.
  • Valsgoals
    Valsgoals Posts: 132 Member
    Bianca42 wrote: »
    Last night's class was a combo karate/Muay Thai class. Lots of technique and then sparring. We started out sparring karate people against karate people and Muay Thai against Muay Thai...but then mixed it up. I'm still pretty new to sparring, so sparring against someone who's a different discipline is a little intimidating, but I do love this class format. They only run it for a few months, so I'm trying to make it to as many as I can.

    Omg, that sounds so neat!
  • Soy_K
    Soy_K Posts: 246 Member
    I had an accidental private lesson last night. I think now that school has started + the fires has made it so that the late evening classes have very few students. I would have considered turning around and going back home, but the coach already saw me pull up in the parking lot through the window lol. I made it through with my gimpy leg, but it was pretty brutal for me. I'm still avoiding doing jumps until my calf muscle is 100%
  • Brabo_Grip
    Brabo_Grip Posts: 285 Member
    Ran 5k before class, had a good kickboxing class, the lifted.
  • Dory_42
    Dory_42 Posts: 3,587 Member
    Open mat Saturday! I have to cover for a sick colleague so could only do 30 minutes (no gi) but it was good. Rolled with a strong little guy who I always have fun with. Knee to the cheek bone did result in a rest period while the room stopped spinning, but once I have recovered we continued and he was impressed with how tough I was after the rest. Not sure what changed in how I was rolling, but I came close to taping him twice (he did admit to only getting out with strength, my technique was solid, I'm just not strong enough to hold the guys when they muscle out of things, generally because their ego doesn't want to tap to a girl.)
  • Soy_K
    Soy_K Posts: 246 Member
    I went in for a light 2 hours yesterday but today is a hard 2 hours. The afternoon classes got cancelled today so I was told I could go to early morning classes instead - this means I'm in with a bunch of young children! I'm really OK with that part but I hate the looks I get from the parents who sit through the whole class and watch. They are all very Chinese and stare at me like I'm insane or a criminal or both. But you know what- I pay for classes just like anyone else and if my classes were cancelled I'm going to crash these ones!
  • Out_of_Bubblegum
    Out_of_Bubblegum Posts: 2,220 Member
    @Soy_K That look.... is called jealousy.
  • Out_of_Bubblegum
    Out_of_Bubblegum Posts: 2,220 Member
    90 min black belt class, and it was a fantastic one. Starting off with warm up, then conditioning (pullups and squats for me today), then some light sparring for a few rounds.

    Then hook kick breakdown - floor exercises, standing, with partner working on close range reacharound hook, and kicking over obstacles.

    After that was forms work - we are focusing on a few members who are soon to be testing for higher rank, so I didn't do much here except help dial in others' technique.

    Then some tournament sparring practice... Full gear, full speed, must make complete contact, single point elimination, king of the hill style. It was fast, hard and I loved it! It's rare that I really get to let loose to that degree.
  • LuizH
    LuizH Posts: 211 Member
    Kata almost all lesson last night, sharpening up some of the lower grades for grading next month. I may try to fit in an extra class tonight because I'm not getting much time to work on my own kata and I'm grading too!
    I didn't get any strength training last week because of a busy work/social calendar. I need to get back to the gym a couple of times this week to get back into it.
  • Dory_42
    Dory_42 Posts: 3,587 Member
    Afternoons off mean I can get to kids class and roll with one or two of the moms! It was great to get some extra time in to work on getting my Jiu Jitsu fitness back. I would be able to get to both classes this week and next! That means at least 5 Jiu Jitsu sessions per week