Not getting into ketosis?



  • Goal179
    Goal179 Posts: 314 Member
    kristafb wrote: »
    Goal179 wrote: »
    If you believe in extended fasting, you can try a 3 day fast to help "reset" those hormones and push that insulin way down. It's pretty intense, but maybe during your three days off, you can try it. If you start to feel bad or it doesn't work for you, you can always just eat. =0) Research extended fasting and see if it is something you would like to try. Talk to your Dr first though because he may want you to supplement while you are doing it. I'm proud of you. You have NO QUIT in you.

    I'm not sure I could do a fast that long! I might try a full 24 hour one & see how it goes. Tomorrows my birthday & our thanksgiving dinner so it will be tricky. lol. My doctor is very unsupportive of this way of eating. I've stopped trying to talk to her about it.

    Don't worry about attempting an extended fast unless it fits your social calendar. Trying to do so during your birthday is definitely not a fit. Try to find a three day span where you are going to be extremely busy and you won't have much time to eat. And by the way, HAPPY BIRTHDAY
  • KarblessKreature
    KarblessKreature Posts: 52 Member
    If all is dialed in, sounds like it is. Then your eating too much fat. You need to allow your body to burn your body fat and not dietary fat. Your eating too much fat. Cut the fat back some. Make sure to hit your other macros. Just cut back the fat. Calories don’t mater as much in keto but they still matter. You’ll get there.
  • webbsark
    webbsark Posts: 17 Member
    I wrote a similar post in another support group. I have been seriously stalling. I have found great inspiration with Shawn Mynar. She has a podcast Keto for Women show which addresses a lot of these issues. Her website is
  • kr15tymartinez
    kr15tymartinez Posts: 3 Member
    Have you had any change?