Happy I went to a local group last night.



  • MoyMG
    MoyMG Posts: 312 Member
    I saw my bariatric dietician yesterday; very interesting! Please note that the following information is specific to people who have undergone RNY (gastric bypass) surgery. I'm almost 5 years post-op; I'm now down 151.6 pounds, and working to lose another 65 pounds prior to having a full-body tuck. (I'm 5'6" and 64 years old, currently at 278.4 pounds.) Anyway...

    She advised me that my calorie count is good, I should be staying between 1100-1400 calories per day, and NOT to eat back the exercise calories! We discussed carbs; she advised me that people react to carbs very differently, which I know, but we decided that I would start at around 100 carbs/day and possibly lower that further, but absolutely no lower than 40 carbs/day. (My nurse practitioner told me to make sure I do not go into ketosis by using the UA ketone strips. Ketosis is bad for me because a) I was diabetic Type II up until my surgery, and b) I need to protect my kidneys. Ketones are large molecules and can strain the kidneys to filter through.) (My father is sensitive to carbs, so I suspect I am sensitive to carbs also.) Protein is a minimum of 63 (but up to 90) grams/day. The rest of the calories is fats. We discussed saturated versus unsaturated fats, and right now all the experts are arguing over this, so we dropped it. Finally, I need to verify that I'm getting in the right amounts of B12, Calcium, and Iron.

    I found this reassuring, to know that I'm on the right path and only need to make a few tweaks to my current plan. Unfortunately, those tweaks include dropping to 100 grams carbs / day, which I suspect will be a challenge for me. I'll see.

    Now to establish a consistent exercise program. I get in the cardio each day, but that is about it; I know I "should" have some sort of strength program and some flexibility too. Ugh. I may have to resort to a session with a personal trainer. Nope, not ready for that yet!