Introduce Yourself

silvergurl518 Posts: 4,123 Member
i am:

- laura
- 30
- your fearless leader
- obsessed with music, especially the beatles (and yes, HANSON. deal with it).
- a heavy lifter of things
- a runner
- a novice boxer
- grammar nerd
- hot
- modest
- amateur pinup model
- guitar player
- singer
- snort laugher
- reader


  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    I am:

    -More fearless than Laura
    -I love reading. An average of 50 books per year, mostly of the fantasy fiction genre.
    -I also love video games. I am a PC gamer, not one of you dirty console peasant "gamers".
    -I lift heavy. Sometimes really heavy.
    -I love cooking, gardening, carpentry, basically anything I can do with my hands. (rawr)
    -I also love absorbing knowledge. I will often learn for the simple pleasure of it or aquire a mostly useless skill just because.
    -I like music.
    -I like manga.
    -Laura is hot and modest.
    -I taught myself web design and several programming languages when I was 17.
  • _DreDay_
    _DreDay_ Posts: 40
    I am Dre

    -I love writing and drawing
    -Sometimes a grammer nazi
    -My favorite book is "Falling" (Christopher Pike)
    -My favorite TV Show is Game of Thrones (and The Office)
    -I love science and technology
    -I am an IT Tech
    -I love anything to do with genetics and DNA
    -Conspiracy nut
    -Music lover
    -Nostalgic <3
    -Runner and lifter of heavy things
    -Shy and reserved
    -Civ V is my favorite PC game
    -Zelda is my favorite console game
    -Agree that Laura is modest and hot
  • vixenveggie
    I am...

    - She who shall not be named
    - 18
    - Probably more of a book nerd than Tim (I work in a bookshop as well as being a student)
    - Vegetarian
    - Proud owner of two dogs and three stick insects
    - Not as hot as Laura
  • jackpotclown
    jackpotclown Posts: 3,291 Member
    I am: smelling like the rose that somebody gave me on my birthday death bed.......\m/

    -More fearless than Tim and Laura
    -obsessed with \m/ and \m/ music
    -lifting heavy
    -run when chased
    -grammar nazi in reform
    -can't drum at all
    -playing music, riding the motorcycle, camping....working out
    -agrees that Laura is hot and modest
    -also Father Jackpot every other Friday hosting "The Confessional"
  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    I am...

    - She who shall not be named
    - 18
    - Probably more of a book nerd than Tim (I work in a bookshop as well as being a student)
    - Vegetarian
    - Proud owner of two dogs and three stick insects
    - Not as hot as Laura

    Come at me bro.
  • vixenveggie
    I am...

    - She who shall not be named
    - 18
    - Probably more of a book nerd than Tim (I work in a bookshop as well as being a student)
    - Vegetarian
    - Proud owner of two dogs and three stick insects
    - Not as hot as Laura

    Come at me bro.

    I've read 5 this week - 2 in English, 3 in French. Dystopian fiction is my genre of choice ;)
  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    I read -some- dystopian. The latest two being Atlas Shrugged and Brave New World.
  • capnrus789
    capnrus789 Posts: 2,736 Member
    -I'm Rus
    -I don't play video games anymore. But I can still kill it at Super Mario 3.
    -I play the Euphonium. Ultimate band geek instrument.
    -I like Star Trek AND Star Wars and don't care who knows it.
    -I roll my windows down and play movie sountracks REALLY LOUD (John Williams can do no wrong)
    -I don't read
    -I drink lots of beer.
    -Not as hot as Laura
  • ScottyNoHotty
    ScottyNoHotty Posts: 1,957 Member
    I am....

    ~ Scott
    ~ 43
    ~ Dad and husband
    ~ Lover of blues and classic rock
    ~ Former top 20 ranked Magic the Gathering sealed deck player
    ~ AD& D player and DM..started in 1978
    ~ I want to be Harry Dresden
    ~ Yes, I read all the Harry Potter books in one month
    ~ Farmer, hunter, fisherman, I raise and kill my own livestock
    ~ I lift, i run, I bike
    ~ I'm a pervert, I LOVE porn
    ~ I 'm a beer snob
    ~ I watch ST: DS9 all the time and HATE ST: Voyager
    ~ I want to bang Felicia Day, Grace Park, and Summer Glau in a basement dungeon
    ~ Did I mention PORN!!!
    ~ I will kick your *kitten* in Scooby Doo trivia!!!!

    Anything else you want to know....PM me for some naughty TMI....
  • The_GingerBeard_Man
    The_GingerBeard_Man Posts: 197 Member
    i am:

    - laura
    - 30
    - your fearless leader
    - obsessed with music, especially the beatles (and yes, HANSON. deal with it).
    - a heavy lifter of things
    - a runner
    - a novice boxer
    - grammar nerd
    - hot
    - modest
    - amateur pinup model
    - guitar player
    - singer
    - snort laugher
    - reader

    I actually just saw hanson in concert on Friday, and they were better than I expected. :hangs head in shame:

    I posted a video of my daughter and her friend dancing to mmmbop on instagram
  • vixenveggie
    I read -some- dystopian. The latest two being Atlas Shrugged and Brave New World.

    Loved BNW :) Also thought Never Let Me Go was brilliant!
  • _DreDay_
    _DreDay_ Posts: 40
    I read -some- dystopian. The latest two being Atlas Shrugged and Brave New World.

    Great books!
  • belle_of_the_bar
    belle_of_the_bar Posts: 474 Member
    I am

    ~ Christina
    ~ 33
    ~ mom to the coolest kid ever
    ~ a songwriter
    ~ a self-proclaimed chef. I love to create my own dishes
    ~ strictly gluten free (celiac)
    ~ a dog lover, although I don't have one anymore
    ~ a coffee addict
    ~ an ice cream truck driver
    ~ an underachiever
    ~ totally awesome
    ~ also modest and I think Laura is hot
    ~ I like to pick up heavy stuff
  • silvergurl518
    silvergurl518 Posts: 4,123 Member
    i also forgot to mention i'm the biggest fan of archie comics that i know. over 1000.


    and, i kind of geek out about my sobriety too. celebrate 6 years this month :) is it possible to get all geeky about nature? cuz i do that too. and talk to myself, out loud. *pushes glasses up nose and flexes 'ceps*
  • Fithealthyforlife
    Fithealthyforlife Posts: 866 Member
    -In great health
    -a student
    -Love working out; just got serious very recently

    Edited to add: I'm apparently Laura's fearless assistant, too! Thanks, Laura.

    We want you all to enjoy this space!

  • silver_arrow3
    silver_arrow3 Posts: 1,373 Member
    I am:

    -also obsessed with music and seeing my favorites live as often as possible
    -hardcore car jammer
    -shower singer
    -loves midnight movie and book releases
    -read the last three Harry Potter books in 24 hours after the midnight release (each, not all together)
    -has a (small but growing) collection of dino t-shirts
    -space nerd
    -tour guide of various space nerd things
    -reader (though not as much as some others, apparently)
    -a beginner at lifting heavy things
    -working on fitting the "hot" criteria
    -also agrees Laura is hot
  • sheenarama
    sheenarama Posts: 733 Member
    I am:

    -Currently raising 2 nerdy little boys to whom I shall bequeath all my awesomeness onto
    -I am a grammar nazi-- I get paid for correcting other peoples' mistakes
    -I've played videogames since I was a kid
    -I'm kind of a Nintendo snob
    -I watch anime
    -I watch cartoons--oldschool and new
    -I read comics
    -I read manga
    -I love Sci-fy and fantasy books. Currently reading Ender's series; I'm on Xenocide.
    -I love to dance
    -I prefer craft beer over wine
    -I love to dress up (and not just on halloween)
    -I played FinalFantasy XI for over 5 years.
    -I'm pretty badass
    -My favorite people in the world are Joss Whedon and Neil Gaiman
  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    Has anyone read Cinda Williams Chima's books? Her Heir Series was amazing.
  • mleech77
    mleech77 Posts: 557 Member
    i am:

    - Matt
    - 35
    - a reader (okay really audiobooks, it passes the time while commuting in Northern VA)
    - a gamer (PC as well as console, just depends on my mood)
    - a triathlete (that's right, you may run, but I run after swimming and biking)
    - a scuba diver (divemaster certified as of tomorrow)
    - attending my online gaming guild's yearly conference in two weeks
    - taught myself html in order to land a job
    - taught myself ksh scripting, unix, and linux administration to keep my job
    - considering lifting heavy things
    - reminded of Felicia Day everytime I see Laura post
  • The_GingerBeard_Man
    The_GingerBeard_Man Posts: 197 Member
    i am:

    - Dan
    - 33
    - a parent to an awesome geeky girl
    - a trekie and starwars fan
    - a bit of a whovian
    - love Joss Whedon stuff
    - a superhero junkie (Batman is my favorite)
    - am hitting up NYC comic con in Oct
    - work in IT
    - a console gamer
    - silversmith
    - fencer
    - like lifting (currently doing the stronglifts 5x5)