Introduce Yourself



  • live2dream
    live2dream Posts: 614 Member
    HI :)

    - I'm Brooke
    - I usually say labels are for soup cans but helllll i can play
    - Nerdy hippie headbanger
    - Good girl gone bad gone good (Got straight A's in school until i joined the 'bad' i'm good again...mostly ;)
    - Hate video games, but love to read
    - Vegan superhero
    - Also obsessed with the Beatles, any classic rock but also heavy metal \m/
    - Computer programmer by day, photographer by night/weekend
    - World explorer... traveled to 28 countries in 6 yrs
    - Enjoy horror movie conventions (met the cast of Revenge of the Nerds!)
    - People say I'm shy, but i'm just more of an observer/listener
    - I don't eat meat, but i sure like the bone ;)
    - I do Stronglifts because it's sexy
    - I had giant glasses for years, but got Lasik right before those glasses became 'hip'
    - Misspelling urks the hell out of me
    - I like Laura. :)
  • thesupremeforce
    thesupremeforce Posts: 1,206 Member
    I am:

    - Chris
    - 32
    - Less fearless, but ignoring it
    - a huge fan of European Power Metal
    - a gamer
    - fond of handstands
    - run when chased
    - surprisingly flexible
    - grammar nerd
    - fall somewhere on the warmth spectrum
    - more modest than you
    - also humble
    - a reader
    - a beast
    - have access to more cats than you do
    - am full of fantastic, creative writing ideas that I never finish
  • Fithealthyforlife
    Fithealthyforlife Posts: 866 Member
    HI :)

    - I'm Brooke
    - Computer programmer by day, photographer by night/weekend

    Hi Brooke! That's awesome.
  • latenitelucy
    latenitelucy Posts: 1,314 Member
    I am:

    -a bookworm
    -an EDI Analyst
    -just starting NROLFW
    -an NHS shot put record holder
    -an ex theater geek
    -a windows down and radio up singer
    -a dance in random public places kinda girl
    -an air guitar and air drum player
    - a logic puzzle solver
    -a do-gooder
    -Goddess Extraordinaire
    -alas, not as hot as Laura (sigh)
  • MNA76
    MNA76 Posts: 1,541
    My name's Michelle.
    I give great hugs
    You're not my friend,
    If you do drugs (and don't share)!!! a cheer not the proper way to introduce myself?

    Well, I think that we've established that I'm Michelle.

    I am:

    - 36 (37 next month - Eek!)
    - not shy
    - a smart azz
    - a person who loves absurd humor
    - a former band/show choir geek
    - obsessed with collecting and reading books
    - a person that can sing with her mouth closed
    - a person that has a lisp
    - am addicted to playing Sudoku on my phone
    - am out of things to write about myself
  • tehboxingkitteh
    tehboxingkitteh Posts: 1,574 Member
    I am

    -older than I look but don't reveal my age
    -I totally snort when I laugh
    -push my glasses back up along the bridge of my nose instead of readjusting on the sides. I feel awkward when I wear contacts and find myself going to adjust my glasses when I'm not wearing them
    -I read about a book a week
    -used to be a gamer when the Nintendo64 was out... I still remember waking up on Christmas day to my dad playing duck hunt on the original Nintendo
    -a huge fan of Marvel comics, and yes, I just started a collection
    -@scottynohotty I will take you up on your challenge about scooby doo trivia
    -was a gymnast growing up and trying to get back to a place where I can do at least a handstand and kartwheel
    -I box
    -doing a modified stronglifts program because I have a serious aversion to odd numbers
    -my friends call me rainman because of my abilities to recall numbers and associate everything I remember with numbers
    -I play guitar. And piano.
    -my friends like to show me off at parties because I'm full of random tidbits of information
    -I draw
    -I know more about computers and software than I let on
    -and I eat meat

    ETA 1 year sober this month
  • miss_jessiejane
    miss_jessiejane Posts: 2,819 Member
    I'm Jessie.

    -I cuss a lot.
    -I lift heavy stuff and run.
    -I like books.
    -I have a comic book collection that would shame a 12 year old boy.
    -I like heavy metal.
    -I bellydance, I have the outfits and everything.
    -I don't like lists of stuff about myself.
  • _HeartsOnFire_
    _HeartsOnFire_ Posts: 5,304 Member
    I am

    -I love going to comic book conventions
    -I also push my glasses up by the bridge and not by the sides
    -I love punk rock
    -I love taking photos of bands
    -Had 2 photos published on one of Samiam's albums
    -I'm so in love with Ireland I'd consider being a mail order bride...
    -I love love love the Big Bang Theory
    -I've seen Band of Brothers so many times I could recite every episode
    -I love kickboxing
    -I just started a couch to 5k program
  • tomomatic
    tomomatic Posts: 1,794 Member
    I am:

    - Tom
    - 35
    - an IT guy
    - Home Gym: BioForce + Stationary Bike
    - Grew up in a Soul Food Chinese restaurant/liquor store.
    - I got recruited to draw for a comic book company in California. I was 13 and had to turn it down.
    - Gamer. I only play old games after they hit the bargain bin.
    - Comic book junkie.
    - Anime and Cartoon junkie.
    - Manga junkie.
    - SciFi nerd.
    - TV junkie. Always looking for a good series.
    - My board games: Cranium, Uno and Banana Grams. I want to get into Cards Against Humanity.
    - Received the Scholarly Athlete award in high school for keeping up my GPA during football season. *Geeky Jock cred, yo*
    - On weekends, I'm a substitute teacher at a Chinese school where I teach arts and crafts. Origami and gimp lanyards are my specialty. (yes... just like the girl in Napoleon Dynamite... Gawwd!)
    - I used to have some sweet moves on the dance floor. My friends and I used to watch Soul Train after Saturday Morning cartoons and then we'd try to emulate those moves in my driveway. We were @%@%ing awesome.

    The only thing more awesome than my sweet dance moves is my FL.

    My trivia topic: Saved by the Bell and Buffy the Vampire Slayer. I will p'own you all in those topics.
  • raychulj
    raychulj Posts: 458 Member
    i am:

    - Rachel
    - 23 for 2 more months
    - Virgo
    - obsessed with astrology and online personality test
    - Heavy lifter since 2009
    - First time mommy as of September 2nd 2012
    - wannabe runner
    - half *kitten* yogi
    - singer
    - awkward dancer
    -loves big words
    -I love Panda bears
    -I have a lisp too!@Michelle
    -closet freak
  • Tatonka_usn
    Tatonka_usn Posts: 433 Member
    I am:

    - Alan
    - I am 41, but feel about double that (most days)
    - I am the father of two adorable spawnlings (or so says my better half)
    - I am truly adrift in the sea of estrogen that is my house
    - I am trying to survive the ongoing madness that is life in the DC area
    - I used to be some VERY distant point
    - I used to be athletic, before my spine decided it didn't like me
    - My bachelor-mobile was turned into an accordian a few years back, with me in it.
    - I suffer from terminal, un-repentant sarcasm
    - I swear like a sailor....given that I was (and will always be) a sailor
    - I am among "the 1%" of capable drivers on the road
    - I am a secret squirrel, by trade and training
    - I actually DO know what the Kanji characters in my tattoo say
    - I always root for the underdog, and whoever happens to be playing the Yankees, Lakers, Cowgirls, and Florida Gators
    - I have nearly exhausted the library's collection of history-related and/or non-fiction books on CD (which help me survive DC area commutes)
    - Rather than lining me up with a great job, finishing up undergrad "with honors" got me a piece of parchment and a one-way ticket into the Navy
    - I look back at my master's thesis and wonder what the hell I was even writing about
    - I love listening to music of nearly any sort (though Rap is VERBOTEN)
    - If I could quit my job to travel the world, taking pictures, I'd do it IN A MINUTE!
    - I am the decsendant of a Titantic survivor (and wouldn't be here otherwise)
    - If given the opportunity, I'd GLADLY live overseas again (not that I don't love the US, it's just boring here to me)
    - I'm so damn senile I can remember what else I should jot down on here
  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    I also have a lisp. :(
  • SpeSHul_SnoflEHk
    SpeSHul_SnoflEHk Posts: 6,256 Member
    I am: smelling like the rose that somebody gave me on my birthday death bed.......\m/

    Glad I am not the only one who kept hearing Scott Weyland with these.,...

    I aaaaaaamm... Smelling like a rose 'cause I'm dead and bloated.

    I am... Speshul
    -a comic nerd
    - a scifi geek
    -I don't know. I was never good at this stuff.
  • live2dream
    live2dream Posts: 614 Member
    I am: smelling like the rose that somebody gave me on my birthday death bed.......\m/

    Glad I am not the only one who kept hearing Scott Weyland with these.,...

    I aaaaaaamm... Smelling like a rose 'cause I'm dead and bloated.

    I am... Speshul
    -a comic nerd
    - a scifi geek
    -I don't know. I was never good at this stuff.

    I dig the STP reference. I have that song in my head more than any song for some odd reason.
  • Run_Forever
    Run_Forever Posts: 147 Member
    I am:

    - Todd.
    - I sell action figures and collectibles as my profession.
    - I am crazy competitive, I make it my goal to be the best at whatever I'm involved in.
    - I love running.
    - I love hockey (I'm Canadian).
    - I collect the weirdest things: old photos, antique train whistles, cool toy action figures.
    - I workout 5 to 6 times a week but I hate the gym, I'd rather mountain bike, trail run, get involved with a sport etc.
    - I'm a TV nerd, I get obsessed with shows and wonder if they will make action figures of it.
    - I'm 37 and married but Laura is still hawt !
    - I have a 15 years old daughter who loves anime, she blows her allowance on toys I sell.
    - I'm also a beer snob, I have craft beer parties and we all act like beer snobs.
    - I love all music and I mean all music, right from death metal to country.
    - I live in the country and love it, its so relaxing.
    - I want to live to be at least 100.
  • bregalad5
    bregalad5 Posts: 3,965 Member
    I am:

    -30 as of July 5
    -very shy
    -a lover of hard rock and metal \m/ <- this is apparently shocking to a lot of people, haha
    -an ESL teacher
    -a nomadic travel addict who is moving to Moscow in late August
    -slowly but surely working my way toward my life goal of setting foot on every continent before I'm 35
    -a grad student
    -a recovering MMO addict (cold turkey, which was tough)
    -adopted, and know nothing about my birth parents other than my birth mother's age, occupation, and that I was her first child
    -the oldest child of my adoptive family (one other was adopted, and no, she is not my biological sister)
    -someone who loves photography, but does not consider herself a photographer
    -a noob at lifting heavy things
    -a Whovian
    -bothered by the repetition of "am" and "I am", as well as the grammatical structure of a lot of these posts :wink: :wink:
  • heatherloveslifting
    heatherloveslifting Posts: 1,428 Member
    I am:

    - Heather
    - 42
    - a lifter
    - a bellydancer
    - a scientist
    - a professor
    - hotter than most scientists and professors my age :tongue:

    I also

    - read a lot and write stories for fun
    - have a "hearty" laugh
    - never attended band camp (but can I stay?)
  • tomoswilding
    tomoswilding Posts: 56 Member
    I am:

    - Tom
    - 28
    - Live in South Wales.
    - Graphic Designer. MASSIVE design nerd. I collect vinyl design toys.
    - Bit of a gamer.
    - Into most kinds of music, especially Rock (old and new,) Blues, and a little bit of Swing and Electro...
    - Big film geek. Especially horror, (and then especially anything with zombies.)
    - All about the superheroes. Spiderman is who I want to be when I eventually grow up. Or Sully from Monsters Inc.
    - Love to travel, especially to the US, spend lots of time in London with my mates from Uni.
    - Part of the reason I'm dieting and training is so I can go out dressed as Mr. Incredible from the Incredibles and not look like a big red walrus.
    - I have an English Literature and North American Culture degree and a Graphic Communication MA. I like to read.
    - I get a huge kick out of baking.
    - I'm currently really missing baking.
    - Big Johnny Cupcakes fan. (Not baked goods.)
  • The_Enginerd
    The_Enginerd Posts: 3,982 Member
    I am:

    A lifter and a runner.
    A Mechanical Enginerd and a Science nerd. More nerdy than geeky. I have read books on Quantum Physics for my own interest and fun. No... really.
    A not very serious gamer. God of War, Portal, Prince of Persia are some of my faves.
    Listen to punk, metal, and trance.
    I like racing cars :happy:
  • magnum26
    magnum26 Posts: 356 Member
    I am:

    - Matt
    - 28
    - Engaged
    - Web Designer
    - Welsh, living in England
    - PC gamer, although I also have a Xbox 360, PS3, DS & a Wii
    - Build my own PCs
    - Attend LAN and host Parties
    - Currently doing a shredding cycle
    - Tropical Fish keeper and lover