White rice

What's you guys opinion on white rice?
I love it! It's a staple food in many countries around the world but not here in the US. So I thought why can't it be a staple food for me too. I feel like it has been under appreciated. It has helped me loose 12 pounds so far in the last few months. I eat white rice more than bread. To be honest I rarely buy bread at the store anymore. The last time I bought bread from the grocery store was in early august because I wanted to eat wheat bagels with cream cheese.


  • Adc7225
    Adc7225 Posts: 1,318 Member
    I do not believe there is anything wrong with white rice! I love it! I think the issue most people have is control. When something is like a gateway item to overeating it gets labeled 'bad,' my motto is 'if it makes me happy then it's good for me' of course coupled with moderation :) I prefer not to eat it much for myself, the same with bread - it's a personal preference because I have to work on moderation. But I would never label it as bad or say it's not good for you.
  • chriswill7782
    chriswill7782 Posts: 3 Member
    Moderation & portion control go a long way in helping achieve goals. I’ve been so bad about any food choices I’ve made in the past year