Week 3 Daily Discussion, Weekly Exercise, Chat, and Discussion



  • OregonRunner5
    OregonRunner5 Posts: 404 Member
    @ccrdragon - is CCR from the band CCR? Cause’ they’re amazing. Listened to them forever. :smiley:

    It’s Saturday and raining buckets. I’ve felt good all day. My daughter whose 20 is home and her and I watched cooking shows most of the rainy day. I miss her a lot now that she’s grown and has a life. This next week I’m going back to regular workouts and will log a lot more activity.

    Been avoiding simple carbs, I guess that’s what they’re called, grain / dairy / sugar — for the most part. I have some half n half in my decaf americano occasionally (still decaf - woot! ) It has made a giant difference in how I feel so far. I’ve been sleeping good, having some energy, getting some stuff done thus far. I think it’s just easier on my stomach to have soups and smoothies and they aren’t feeding the bad pathogens in my GI. That’s my guess on why it’s working - not really sure. I did not expect it to work out actually.

    Driving out in the storm to go watch a movie tonight with the husband. It’s weird. I got up at a decent time 7am. I haven’t had a nap. I made breakfast / lunch / supper for the family (I ate my smoothies and stuff instead but I’m usually on some kind of limiting diet with my IBD stuff so it doesn’t bother them) - and I’m still awake and have enough energy to go out. Wow. This is pretty huge for me. I haven’t been able to do this in literally years. I’ve had weeks where my only accomplishment was a single shower taken.

    Night! Have a good weigh in tomorrow everyone!

  • meat513
    meat513 Posts: 258 Member
    Exercise and food diary ✅ have a good night
  • explodingmango
    explodingmango Posts: 171 Member
    Evening everyone!

    Went to the orientation. I qualified. There was, of course, a catch - a commitment deposit. They take some money, it's refundable in full upon successfully completing the program. Which makes this a perfect match for me - I have trouble saving money, and pretty much the opposite of trouble following a fitness plan when I have outside guidance and structure (I lost my first 100 pounds mostly by just taking a buttload of fitness classes at my school - sadly I've mostly run out of ones I can repeat that fit in my schedule; the stress management class I'm currently taking is the last one and it's...not very intense). So, I put some money down, I basically forget about the money as anything but motivation because that's Just How My Brain Handles These Things, I get my butt kicked into gear, I get the money back, I put it in savings or something because now it feels like a sudden bonus. Like DietBet (which I'm also signed up with, for similar reasons) but with intensive coaching.

    I'm excited. Boyfriend and I expect to spend more of our wedding budget on taking care of ourselves and starting our lives together off in the best shape we can, than on the ceremony/reception itself, so things like this...well, we budgeted for this without expecting to get the money back. Now I'm finding places where we have the possibility of getting it back (or in the case of DietBet, even making it grow) - that might not only save a lot of money, but help us a lot with finances in the long run.

    Sad to say, though, I haven't been super active today outside of washing my car (which my tracker registered as "light activity" - I imagine that's an underestimate considering how much I was skating around on the soapy ground and scrubbing aggressively, but I'd rather underestimate than overestimate so we're all good). I've been spending most of the day working on making accessories to sell in my Etsy shop, as I find myself inspired to do...well, every time I spend money on something big. I need to get back into the habit of Doing Things, especially since I have my first OCR a week from today and I need to make sure I'm ready - my personal goal for next week is going to be to rack up at least 1,000 Misfit points every day.

    Speaking of the race next week, I'm once again anxious beyond belief about the possibility of oversleeping again.

    Tomorrow I have a lot to do. My father is coming over for a couple hours; cleaning the car was largely in preparation for that. He always wants to take us out for lunch as a thank-you for driving him around to do errands, taking him to stores that aren't available where he lives - I'm already mentally preparing a list of places that will have food he'll like AND options that aren't going to throw off my entire day. It's not a very long list. :sweat:

    And, that's been my day. Hope everyone else is doing good! Have a great night!
  • plainanjelik
    plainanjelik Posts: 232 Member
    Hi everyone! I'm really excited to join this challenge but realize I'm super late to the game so would like to know if where should I start? Should I jump in with everyone else about to start week 4 or go back to the beginning and catch up? Thanks!!
  • ccrdragon
    ccrdragon Posts: 3,370 Member
    Happy Sunday everyone!

    Did my push-ups and completed my diary yesterday. Had a good day with the grandkids, but anyday spent with family is good!

    Oregon, no, CCR is my initials, the band actually came after me (yes, I am an old fart). I do like their music tho.

    Welcome to the challange @plainanjelik !
  • explodingmango
    explodingmango Posts: 171 Member
    @plainanjelik - better late than never, right? I imagine the best thing for you to do would be to just jump right in so we're all in this together. Welcome, and good luck!
  • plainanjelik
    plainanjelik Posts: 232 Member
    edited October 2017
    Thanks for the warm welcome @ccrdragon and @explodingmango ! Never been one to take the easy road so have decided to play catch up as much as I can. Did a 50 minute walk today (30 min of cardio-week 1) 40 pushups (week 3) then my Fitbit Coach workout (35 mins of cardio hell featuring one legged burpees). Wasn't clear on the week 2 challenge so subbed a 30 min workout. Let's see if I can keep it up this week! Hoping for at least a 2lb loss!
  • OregonRunner5
    OregonRunner5 Posts: 404 Member
    Welcome @plainanjelik :-) !
  • plainanjelik
    plainanjelik Posts: 232 Member
    End of day summary:
    Logged all meals
    Calories burned: 747
    Calories remaining: 1068
    40 pushups complete
    30 minute walk complete
    Steps taken: 15,318
    Active minutes according to Fitbit: 137
    Exercise miles: 2.88
    Starting weight 152.8 lbs
  • cnavarro002
    cnavarro002 Posts: 235 Member
    Ahhh I'm back! Vacation was amazing, but now it's over. I didn't weigh myself today because after a 12 hour drive home I figured I would have a lot of water weight that I'd be holding on to. I didn't eat the healthiest options, but I also didn't completely let loose and eat everything in sight. I guess the scale will let me know how I did.

    PS @ burley, I did not log at all the past 5 days. :(