Getting restarted

Lithom Posts: 1 Member
Have lost and regained weight multiple times. Am at an all-time high and frustrated amd ready to make changes. I will use MFP for about a week then I lose motivation. Am looking for friends to share this journey with


  • UncleMac
    UncleMac Posts: 13,130 Member
    Welcome aboard, Lithom! There's plenty of folks here who play nicely and support each other. :smiley:

    What kind of changes are you looking to planning? Remember, a goal without a plan is a wish!
  • Farback
    Farback Posts: 1,078 Member
    A lot of us here are in the same boat, make gains only to repeat. It's a common problem, you can beat it.
  • RodaRose
    RodaRose Posts: 9,562 Member
    'Wishing you well. Keep at it. <3
  • nikkib0103
    nikkib0103 Posts: 968 Member
    I am in the same boat as you! It is hard. But we must perservere. I think my problem has partly been with giving myself deadlines. You know, the old "I must lose 50 pounds by Memorial Day" business. And then when it doesn't happen I give up and whatever I have lost returns. It takes however long it takes. That is a hard one for me to accept. Because damn it, I want it all gone in a month!!!!
  • downongreenacres
    downongreenacres Posts: 327 Member
    I am in the same boat. Spent 2 years gaining but want it all off without a reasonable time frame or plan for doing it.sigh.
    I keep reading others entries in hopes that it will rub off on me.
  • MostlyWater
    MostlyWater Posts: 4,294 Member
    I hate saying this like a broken record. You can't really give up. If you never leave, you don't have to restart.
  • BBee5064
    BBee5064 Posts: 1,020 Member
    edited November 2017
    We are all here to support you .... remember this is your weight loss journey... like all journeys they have their ups & their downs. Some long, some short, visualise your destination... imagine how You will feel when you get their.
    Keep us posted .... we all on this journey with you :)