Sushi Restaurant

BrownsFan19 Posts: 117 Member
SO I'm VERY new to Keto. As in I just started today and have been researching it for about a week now. I've got a lunch date with my friend in a few days and we are going to a sushi restaurant. I'm curious about what you guys suggest I get? I'm not really a fan of the raw fish so I usually go for shrip or crab. But will the rice ruin the keto plan for me? What other options do you guys go for? I can get Edamame, but not sure what else.

Also..... Whats the rule for Chicken Wings? lol. Have a family outing at a wing place this coming weekend so trying to plan ahead.


  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,103 Member
    Most of the time sushi places will do a variation with extra veggies and no rice in the rolls. If not, just limit your quantity. I found that about 5 1" pieces didn't toss me out of ketosis, but I was fairly adapted at the time... I believe crab is higher in carbs that shrimp (and fake crab is higher than real crab), but I don't remember ever getting kicked out by shrimp alone. With raw fish, it's called sashimi - but some places replace the rice with cucumber and call it Bonzai Rolls... Others have appetizers that are salmon, tuna, avocado, with spicy mayo... Seaweed salad... Order a hand roll and skip the rice... Some folks recommended sitting at the sushi bar to ask the chef for suggestions...

    Most home recommendations included cauliflower/cream cheese in place of rice, and lots of avocado and spicy mayo... I'd look up online and see what options you may have before you go...and if it isn't clear online, do not hesitate to call and explain. Call it a sensitivity or an allergy if they act like they don't understand...

    As far as chicken wings, as long as you get naked (no breading) and skip the sweetened sauces (like bbq), you're generally good. Some places will toss the wings in flour, but if you specify naked, it's generally okay... Garlic parmesan if you don't like spicy, and traditional hot wings (with blue cheese or ranch dipping sauce are generally okay, ranch will have more carbs if storebought)...just watch calories if you're wanting to eat over 24 on your own, etc...

    And always, a brisk walk after unintentionally getting "carbed" can help burn the carbs before they hit the bloodstream enough to knock you out of keto, but that's like a 15-30 minute walk for 10-25 grams of carbs over... Anything helps, but this is an emergency only won't help long term or frequently...
  • BrownsFan19
    BrownsFan19 Posts: 117 Member
    awesome! Thank you!
  • BrownsFan19
    BrownsFan19 Posts: 117 Member
    I found a solution to my lunch issue tomorrow. Instead of getting sushi, I'm going to get the hibachi steak lunch with double veggies instead of fried rice. And the soup instead of the salad. Looks like this will be a good option! YAY!
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,103 Member
    I found a solution to my lunch issue tomorrow. Instead of getting sushi, I'm going to get the hibachi steak lunch with double veggies instead of fried rice. And the soup instead of the salad. Looks like this will be a good option! YAY!

    Ha! That's usually what I do, sorta. The only place we get sushi is at a Hibachi Buffet near us... I do a HUGE plate of hibachi - meat and veggies - and I don't sweat the sauce carbs...not enough to worry about really... And I'll treat myself to a few pieces of (cooked) sushi. LOL Egg drop soup is fantastic...wonton or broth soups are good, eat around the dumpling type thing, etc.

    I'm SOOO glad you were able to research and find a great option for you. :)
  • ClayBengal
    ClayBengal Posts: 124 Member
    I go with the nigiri sushi but it takes quite a bit to get filled up. As for chicken wings you will have to go with traditional (naked with no breading) and a sauce without sugar. Usually hot and mild sauces have hot sauce and butter with no carbs.