Getting "bulky"

RRRobynnn Posts: 31 Member
So, I'm in Stage 4 right now and still working out the right balance of calories, cardio, and lifting. (I think I've finally figured it out...hurray!) I truly love lifting and what it's doing for my body for the most part, BUT I'm starting to feel like some areas are beginning to look bigger/more muscular than I'd like. I've always had a fairly muscular build and had well defined thighs from running. Now they're even bigger and I'm noticing that my jeans are more snug, especially across the top front of my thighs. My shoulders are also bulking up, particularly my traps.

Have any of you modified your workouts to avoid getting too large? I know that I still have a good amount of fat to lose (20+ lbs) and I'm hoping that shedding some of that will help with the size concerns. I was talking this over with my husband last night and he gently suggested that maybe lifting isn't doing what I had hoped it would do for me. Ouch! I really want to be healthy and lean, not look like a bodybuilder.


  • speakyword
    speakyword Posts: 6 Member
    Aww... those kinds of comments make it hard when you're feeling doubtful. Yeah, I think shedding the fat will make a big difference.
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    Fat loss will make a difference.

    I highly doubt you are getting "too bulky". This programme is not designed to do that. Sure, you might change shape. I know I have. Muscle definition just helps to point out the bits of fat we could still do with losing, haha
  • heatherloveslifting
    heatherloveslifting Posts: 1,428 Member
    Yeah, I think you get bulky from diet, not lifting.

    ETA I did t mean that in a snarky way. I did the program on a slight caloric deficit since I still had fat to lose. Loved the results and am hooked.
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    You can't build from nothing. As long as you're not obese, and you're on a calorie deficit, you should continue to lose inches in your problem areas. Muscle makes you lean, fat makes you bulky.
  • RRRobynnn
    RRRobynnn Posts: 31 Member
    Muscle definition just helps to point out the bits of fat we could still do with losing, haha

    I spent some time in front of the mirror this morning and I think this is exactly it! I have some curves and lines showing up, but there's still a lot of chub that makes my legs look huge. I so much more aware of the jiggly parts now that there's firm muscle underneath. ;)

    Like I said in my first post, I think I've finally found the right formula for me to lose fat and build muscle. I'm sticking to 1700 calories per day, lifting 3x/ week, and running or biking 3x/week. I'm also watching my macros and trying to keep my eating clean while still allowing occasional splurges.