Nearly cheated - Thank you

stephmush Posts: 6 Member
Hey folks. I am on day 12 of keto and last night I nearly cheated. I was so hungry - my IF period was over hours earlier but time just got away from me. But I looked at this group and the rest of the MFP community and saw the support and motivation. It was exactly what I needed.
I lost 11lbs with a 100 lbs loss goal in mind. So far this lifestyle change using Keto is a perfect fit. But that doesnt mean we all do it seamlessly.
Thank you to all. I dont comment on discussions all the time but the posts help more than you know. THANK YOU.


  • Cpenney87
    Cpenney87 Posts: 20 Member
    Good for you! You can do this! If you ever need a Keto pal, message me anytime! I don't know you, but I'm proud of you for exercising that will power! It's inspiring.
  • AlexandraCarlyle
    AlexandraCarlyle Posts: 1,603 Member
    @stephmush I honestly know how hard this can be; it's not only adapting to a new lifestyle, it's also getting rid of past (bad) habits, so it's a learning curve - a process of adjustment, for the better. But nobody ever said it was going to be easy, and it's harder for some than for others.
    So really, good for you and pat yourself on the back.
    We can show you the road map, but walking the trek - an uphill climb, at times - is your grit and determination to get there. Don't look at how far ahead you have to go - look at how far you've come.
    not 100lbs - it's 89 now. Double figures.
    You've cracked that milestone.
    Keep going hun, arm-in-arm with you!
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 6,963 Member
    Great job exercising that resistance muscle. It will only get stronger over time.
  • grillinginthenameof
    This group and the comments in these threads have helped me talk myself down off the ledge many times. And I've also had my fair share of set backs during my 18 months of keto, but I have yet to give up. Thank YOU for sharing this! Great job!