New to IF

Hey guys! Im new to IF. I'm 28 and have 45 pounds I would like to lose. This is day 2 for me. Im doing 16/8 every other day and plan on doing that for a few weeks then would like to do it weekly after my body gets used to it. 16/8 works well with my schedule so far so that's why I wanted to try this first. I fast from 8pm to 12pm and so far I really like it! What does everyone like to do for their meals? Im needing some good ideas :) Any tips you have would be great as well! Thanks guys!


  • ajonesy17
    ajonesy17 Posts: 4 Member
    Hey girl! I just got back into fasting yesterday. I gained back 15ish lbs of the 70+ that I lost since having my kiddo. I still have 70+ to lose. I am kind of doing opposite hours of you, as I struggle with overeating during the night time and at work (swing shift 12 hr shifts). So my eating window is 8am to 2pm and I generally only have a protein coffee before 11 or 12. So one or two larger meals between noon and 2.

    Let me know if you need any support! I know my biggest struggle with this (well any diet in general) is the thought that 'one time won't hurt' and then I go back down a black hole of sugar and candy.

    Happy losing!
  • DananaNanas
    DananaNanas Posts: 665 Member
    @SaraJeanCahill Hi Sara, doing my rounds and catching up with posts... how's it going? It's been about a week now since you've posted. I would think it would be harder sticking to a fasting schedule every other day so I do 18:6 (mostly, turns into 16:8 on the weekends) and my eating window is usually 3-9 or 3-11 on weekends. I eat roughly two "meals." Usually greek yogurt and kashi go lean then a bigger, more nutritious meal before I close my window. Veggies, tofu, cheese, eggs, etc.
  • Kelsterina
    Kelsterina Posts: 13 Member
    Hi! Also 28 and been doing some IF to help boost my metabolism :smile: For me the biggest benefit is feeling more freedom from food. I haven't really changed what I eat, just when/how often I eat. I started out at 18:6 and often do OMAD now without any trouble.
  • EmdeeLooloo
    EmdeeLooloo Posts: 4 Member
    Kelsterina wrote: »
    I haven't really changed what I eat, just when/how often I eat.

    Me too! I'm hoping it works, but I just downloaded MFP so hopefully that'll keep me from snacking too much
  • lady_of_steele
    lady_of_steele Posts: 36 Member
    @SaraJeanCahill, @ajonesy17, @DananaNanas, @Kelsterina, @EmdeeLooloo ... friendly nudge for updates! :) Inspired by your journeys.

    How's it going so far?
  • DananaNanas
    DananaNanas Posts: 665 Member
    edited April 2018
    @lady_of_steele wellllllll I don’t know how inspiring I am lol. I looked back at my weight entries and I’ve lost a grand total of 6-7 pounds since I posted in here last lol.

    That being said also since I’ve posted I’ve gone on my honeymoon, been through Thanksgiving and Christmas and New Years, and battled with my depression getting worse around the holidays and in January... and I didn’t gain weight. SO for me, I feel like that’s a win.

    I’ve also had coworkers and friends comment on my weight loss (without me ever mentioning I was trying to lose weight) and had to replace lots of work pants that are now too big. I’ve been thinking I should take measurements again soon just to see. I haven’t taken any since December 23rd.

    Honestly I don’t think about fasting. I just do It. It makes my life way easier. I’d rather eat a snack and a giant fulfilling meal than pick at non-satisfying things all day. I’m gone 12-14 hours a day so it helps not having to pack 3 square meals to take with me every day!

    Any specific questions I can help you with? Lol that was kind of just word vomit.
  • lady_of_steele
    lady_of_steele Posts: 36 Member
    Awesome @DananaNanas! It's encouraging to hear that you've been able to reach a point where you don't think about fasting and just DO it. I think I'll be there in a few weeks.

    Nah, no specific questions. As you pointed out, sooooo much happens over the months between posts, and I enjoy associating the human with the journey :smile: thanks for sharing!
  • labenton419
    labenton419 Posts: 8 Member
    Hey everybody - I don't know how often y'all check these things since it's been a few months since the last post, but I just started IF 16:8 yesterday, so I'm on day two. Today once I got to work has been easier than yesterday, but both mornings I have woken up hungry. Will my appetite adjust?

    I'm worried that by working out and then having my "big" meal ~600 calories that my metabolism is burning through it all right then...I'm trying to stay at 1500-1600 calories, because I'm 5'0" and have 30 lbs to lose as my goal (BMI says I'm obese). But when I do bootcamp I burn ~500 calories so my net caloric intake is pretty low. Should I try to eat more?? Or focus on eating a bigger "big" meal? I have lunch and a snack at work equaling about 300-400 calories each, then a pre-workout snack about 200 calories. I noticed a lot of people only eat twice a day, but that's intimidating.
  • dynamicwon
    dynamicwon Posts: 175 Member
    Just listen to your body if you are not hungry dont eat. You will stop being hungry in the morning when appetite correction sets in.