Stuck in a rut

Joannefenton15 Posts: 12 Member
edited November 2017 in Social Groups
So I'm 18, 5'3" and 146lbs which is just slightly overweight for my height but not worryingly so, I used to be so slim but in my final year of school last year I was quite stressed and comfort ate, I can. Or notice it all over in my face, thighs and stomach, I used to love my body and be confident but now I hate looking in the mirror. My goal weight is to be 135 lbs but I've been stuck at the same weight for so long now. I'm in a calorie deficit but I can't seem to shed the pounds. I've started doing HIIT this week and so far LOVING IT. I've done it 3times and the days I didn't do it I went for a 7km cycle.
According to MFP it says I should eat approximately 1500 calories a day and in total I get 1200 and that's with all my required means and healthy Snacks and any exercise I do burns only 300-500 calories. Would this show results and if so how long?


  • sardelsa
    sardelsa Posts: 9,812 Member
    How long have you been stuck and using MFP? If you aren't losing weight, then unfortunately you aren't eating in a deficit. Are you weighing and tracking all your food using a food scale? Even on weekends? Could you be overestimating your calorie burn from your exercise? I would get your logging as accurate as possible and go from there.
  • Joannefenton15
    Joannefenton15 Posts: 12 Member
    sardelsa wrote: »
    How long have you been stuck and using MFP? If you aren't losing weight, then unfortunately you aren't eating in a deficit. Are you weighing and tracking all your food using a food scale? Even on weekends? Could you be overestimating your calorie burn from your exercise? I would get your logging as accurate as possible and go from there.

    Thanks for the reply :) to be honest I though i always tracked my calories correctly and when I do log my calories from exercise I get it straight from my Map My Fitness App but the problem is probably to do with my diet by the looks of things. I probably need to be more strict with myself or something I'm not too sure. i thought i was in a calorie deficit but I guess not
  • DananaNanas
    DananaNanas Posts: 665 Member
    How's it going this week @Joannefenton15 ? Are you keeping up with your workouts and tracking?