7 day water fast

Morning ! Day 2 of 7 for my water fast. So far the hunger pains are not that bad, im drinking about a gallon of water a day that seems to help.
Has anyone tried this type of fast before ?


  • JamesAztec
    JamesAztec Posts: 524 Member
    My girlfriend brother did a 40 day fast for lent many years ago. Lost about 25lbs. Ended up in hospital 3 days when he started eating again. He weighs around 400lbs now.

    Why are you fasting?
  • merchantmarine
    merchantmarine Posts: 70 Member
    Holy crap, im not doing 40 days. I'm thinking 5 days to reboot the system. I'm trying to rid my system of a few extra pounds and cleanse out the body
  • fosheyn
    fosheyn Posts: 7 Member
    Today I did a one day broth fast, drinking broth I made using beef bones. I drank water too, and tea. Good luck on your fast! You can do it.
  • merchantmarine
    merchantmarine Posts: 70 Member
    I lasted 48 hours . Not too bad
  • Adc7225
    Adc7225 Posts: 1,318 Member
    No fasting for me, unless it's under doctors orders :) I have decided to try IF for the week - eating between 11:00 - 8:00, for the same reason - hopefully to restart my system.

    You do drink a lot more, not sure if that is great or not, so far so good.

  • justkc
    justkc Posts: 4 Member
    I'm on day 3/5 day fast. So far so good here. Lots of water and electrolytes especially for day 3 and later.