New to Paleo

I am new here. I am not Paleo yet, but I’m researching. I very recently went wheat free and while looking around for recipes I stumbled across some info on what it means to be Paleo. I was very intrigued and it makes a lot of sense. I haven’t had much trouble giving up wheat, although eating at restaurants is hard and family functions are difficult. I am spending the long weekend at my mothers who makes a lot of carb rich foods, covered in sauces, so I know the weekend will be difficult as well.

This year I started having some gall bladder attacks – four to date. It made me really want to find some diet that works so I can get this weight off. I am 40, about 100 lbs overweight and years of being obese is starting to take a toll. I get heartburn, have digestion problems, starting to get arthritis in my hands and get frequent migraines.

So I will continue to research, pick up a book today on the paleo diet and if I think it will work for me, start sometime next week. So far, I like what I’ve read.



  • primal7
    primal7 Posts: 151 Member

    It is great that you are looking into the Paleo/Primal lifestyle and are educating yourself before making the decision,
    Some good books:
    The Paleo Solution by Robb Wolfe and Wheat Belly by William Davis
    Mark Sisson web site is another area for information

    I started giving up wheat at first and worked my way to giving up all grains, sugars, processed foods etc....
    I does become a lifestyle change and I feel healthier now than when I started.
    What helped me was to substitute one healthier food for a non healthy food everyday. It has been slow and steady.

    Feel free to add me as a friend!
  • strychnine7
    strychnine7 Posts: 210 Member

    The good news is that I think you'll lose weight pretty effortlessly even with regular "cheating" with that much weight to lose. I used to eat pasta and bread for the first sixty or seventy pounds, probably two or three times a week. Never as a primary dish, mind you, but I wasn't nearly as strict as I am now.

    The only book I've read is The Primal Blueprint, but that wasn't until after I had already lost most of the weight and only because I wanted to see if there was anything in it that I didn't already get from his site and others. I do intend to read Body by Science by Doug McGuff at some point, too.

    Good luck.
    PLUMSGRL Posts: 1,134 Member
    Hi Stacie!

    I'm new to Paleo eating. I started with eating Primal about 2 weeks ago and noticed improvements with pain and joint/muscle stiffness (I'm 56). I did get a headache that lasted 4 days, but it's gone now (carb flu). I think this has made it easier for me to ease into the next phase and started the Whole 30 Monday, and after 2 days I find myself lethargic. I read a post last night on the same topic and found out I may need more salt. Odd, because I've always been salt sensitive, but apparently the body stores salt on a carb rich diet and gets rid of it on a low carb diet. I'm not doing any real activity except for walking. I'll go back to weight lifting (NROLFW) in about another week.
    Good book to read "It Starts With Food" Dallas and Melissa Hartwig, It's the bases of the Whole 30.
    Just taking it one day at a time is helpful.
    Happy eating!

  • ladyfyre13
    ladyfyre13 Posts: 37
    I went out at lunch and bought The Paleo Answer by Cordain. The reviews weren't the best, but it was in the bargain bin for $7.00. I figured it was a cheap way to get the information I need. There were a few other books that looked very appealing and would probably be more to my taste and I may purchase one of those if this book sounds good.
