Week 7 Daily Chat, Exercise, Discussion and Encouragement



  • OregonRunner5
    OregonRunner5 Posts: 404 Member
    @corinasue1143 -- used to live across from the wheat filed in Kildeer Oklahoma. Most of Oklahoma is known by the local grain COOP ;-P We would ride our bikes up there and buy atomic fire ball jaw breakers. Family is Kaw Tribe and from Kaw City / Ponca City respectively. We had a farm / ranch when I was little, had a bit of everything. Favorite part was the Strawberries. :-)
  • corinasue1143
    corinasue1143 Posts: 7,467 Member
    We used to go to the cotton gin to get m&ms.
  • plainanjelik
    plainanjelik Posts: 232 Member
    Hey everyone! Yesterday was a downer day for me. Got sick with a stomach bug. Still managed to get a few minutes of exercise in but comoletely skipped calorie tracking as I had no idea what my body was actually retaining. Fortunately it seems like it was a 24 hour thing. Feeling much better today. Here arw my updated stats for yesterday.

    Steps taken: 35,991/84,000
    Exercise minutes: 171/300
    Diary complete: 1/7
    Days under calorie goal: 1/7
    Daily dare complete: 3/7
  • plainanjelik
    plainanjelik Posts: 232 Member
    Daily dare for today: 2 minutes side to side kicks


    Have fun and have a great day!
  • OregonRunner5
    OregonRunner5 Posts: 404 Member
    Day 3 streak, but just some little stationary bike because of migraine.
  • Fyreside
    Fyreside Posts: 444 Member
    @ccrdragon That description of Texas goes some way to explaining just why it's hard for a stranger to get a good handle on what it looks like. Sounds like a wonderfully bio-diverse place.

    @OregonRunner5 I almost suggested my place might look a bit like Oregon. :) Great work on the daily workouts. I'm getting daily exercise, but not yet back to the pace I was at last month. Working on it.

    @corinasue1143 I showed my snow pics to some Canadian friends, they had a good laugh :)

    @plainanjelik You are such a powerhouse of energy. Glad you feel better today and nice job with the daily challenges. I might not be able to do them all, but I'm inspired nevertheless, and generally find something similar to work those muscle groups.

    I'd love to share some news with you all that's pretty big for me. Last year I was diagnosed with Type2 Diabetes. After a bad accident I'd given up on ever getting back to being a person I wanted to be or even liked, and was sitting day after day in a darkened room eating my way to disaster. Type II is quite bad because it's degenerative and my doctor told me I could do something about it and enjoy another dozen years of quality of life or I could just live with it and start go go blind in about 2 years. Now I can live without all my toes. But the eyes... I like my eyes and I use them every day. You could say I've grown really attached to them. I drove home and looked at the beautiful world we live in. Did some reading and thought screw that, I don't like either of those options.. I'm going for door number 3. I'll change whatever I have to, and with a bit of luck, I will have caught the diabetes early enough to be one of the few people who reverse it.

    So.. Break out the chocolate bars because I'm celebrating. :) The glycosylated haemoglobin (HbA1c) test is a major determining factor in diagnosis of T2db and anyone with a score of 7%+ is considered diabetic. Today, my test came in at 5.8% and my fasting Blood glucose level was 4.3mmol/L Which is low, even for a healthy person. So while the original diagnosis will always stand. Clinically I am no longer diabetic. The keto lifestyle I've embarked on will only further cement my improved pancreatic state and with ongoing healthy life patterns I plan to keep T2db in my rear view mirror indefinitely.

    If you know someone who is pre-diabetic or have had your own scare.. I think it's important to know that you can do something about it, and you don't have to give up everything you like to do it either.

  • corinasue1143
    corinasue1143 Posts: 7,467 Member
    Woo Hoo! Getting rid of type 2 diabetes is epic!
    I don't have it, but the only other 2 overweight members of my family got it when they got older. One beat it with weight loss and diet, one didn't.
    Because I am heavy too, I am always afraid, always trying to watch out for sugar.
    But hey! You are beating it! Hurray!
  • ccrdragon
    ccrdragon Posts: 3,370 Member
    Yahoo @Fyreside !!! Great news!

    Did not complete my diary yesterday, have all my entries in for today tho.

    Exercise - walked to the store and back today... stepson needed to borrow my truck so I figured what the heck.
  • OregonRunner5
    OregonRunner5 Posts: 404 Member
    @Fyreside - way to go! That's terrific, just keep going. Diabetes is terrible and turns into a domino effect. I'm trying to dodge that bullet, I'm prediabetic but this has not been the best week in food for me.

    Had a migraine today but it's gone finally and hopefully for good. Yesterday was migraine part-1. I never know how bad they're going to get or if they'll last 2 or 3 days (mine are triggered by hormones so it's about once a month kinda deal). But feeling alright now and back to being motivated. Tomorrow is my 'volunteer for the fort' day (it's a literal old fashioned fort replica of Lewis and Clark's lodging for their winter here in Oregon when they went on their long journey to find the great Northwest passage in new and explored areas of the US). The National Park is a really cool place and the weather is supposed to be clear, so I really hope I'm in fine form tomorrow to take on the trail.


    I got bumped off my exercise streak but tomorrow is a new day. I had trouble fueling for my runs / walks / rides and doing Intermittent Fasting, but tried a Vega drink and just got addicted to sugar and caffeine all over again. It's too big of a crutch, so I'll figure something else out. Sugar gives me a little boost to my cardio but now I realize I feel awful the rest of the day, just not worth it. I'm really sensitive to sugar and white flour - not saying everyone is or anything of course - not demonizing it, it's just not working for me probably part of that is my substantial sweet tooth!

  • Fyreside
    Fyreside Posts: 444 Member
    @OregonRunner5 Wow that place looks absolutely awesome.

    I've never really had a big sugar problem, I don't have a sweet tooth as such.. However, I honestly just never got the whole carbs/sugar connection. It never even occured to me that buiscuits, bread, pasta and rice were effectively sugar to my body. There were times in my life where I literally ate whole boxed of breakfast cereal thinking as long as I don't put sugar or honey on them, they are a healthy option. {facepalm}

    Having just completely quit sugar and wheat flour, I can say I do feel very different. They weren't kidding when they said on keto you have a lot of energy. Like.. I wake up with a lot of energy and it never seems to dip. (probably because I'm carrying around 50lb of fuel hahaha) Don't worry I'm not going to go all keto preachy.. I can see why people do tho lol.

    With your sweet tooth, This week I bought a bag of stevia. I got the Natvia brand, but I'm sure they are all pretty similar. As far as sugar replacements go, it is pretty amazing. A natural herbal extract with all of the sweetness and none of the glucose. I'm going to make some sweet treats with it today to see how it performs there.
  • plainanjelik
    plainanjelik Posts: 232 Member
    Amazing news @Fyreside!!
    Sorry to hear about the migranes @oregonrunner5. Hope you feel better soon!

    Unfortunately this week my diet has been awful. Cravings got the best of me...oh well today is another day.

    Steps taken: 55,825/84,000
    Exercise minutes: 315/300
    Diary complete: 1/7
    Days under calorie goal: 1/7
    Daily dare complete: 4/7
  • OregonRunner5
    OregonRunner5 Posts: 404 Member
    @Fyreside -- at first low carb I have a lot of energy and then it dips so let us know if the energy sticks around or if it dips, I'm curious to find out. Also how are the workouts going? Watched a documentary last night called "Cereal Killer 2" and it examines keto / low carb and endurance exercise. It was super low budget but intriguing. It's for rent online if you're curious.

    In the US a lot of the Stevia is cut with Dextrose and sugar alcohols and it's pretty rubbish. But I use Sweet Leaf in a bottle, it's vanilla / stevia, I use it for tea but usually don't log it #lazy. I've seen the Nativa brand before here but not selling Stevia, I'll look for it. Maybe I"m thinking Nativa Naturals, it might be a different company.


    Today I took a broom on my hike and swept clean all the foot bridges! All four were nice and tidy when I left. The sun was out which is rare here this time of year so everyone was in a good mood and happy. There was a great energy to the woods today. I found today's walk easier than last weeks walk.

    I have gotten hooked on caffeine again (will have to stop that pronto) and gotta do better on the food next week before Thanksgiving. :)
  • MmamabearR
    MmamabearR Posts: 234 Member
    You guys are making me envious with all the great pics you post. Yes, @fyreside, Texas has a lot of different landscapes, but I am living in the most boring area this state has to offer. In the East where @ccrdragon is, there is so much more beauty and lots more trees. My parents used to live south of Fort Worth, so I got to spend a lot of time there. Very beautiful, VERY HUMID! it this case it is the heat and the humidity.

    moving on...

    Never give up! that is my motto, one of so many. I'm not doing great with my 20lbs before 2018, but I'm not giving up!!

    Last week stats:
    Steps taken: 64,141/70,000
    Exercise minutes: 151/225
    Diary complete: 5/7
    Days under calorie goal: 5/7

    Even though it's a holiday week and I'm starting off with a Cheat Day (yay!), I'm going to keep my same goals for this week.

    Happy Thanksgiving All!