Anyone still active here?



  • Ge0rgiapeache
    Ge0rgiapeache Posts: 6 Member
    Hey everyone! 6 weeks pp and looking to lose the 30lbs I gained during pregnancy. Just got cleared to get back to working out! Add me!
  • maryk80
    maryk80 Posts: 1 Member
    ddache wrote: »
    I see that most of the post older or not active so I was wondering if there are any moms here that are still active.

    I`m in the last month of pregnancy and I want to jump start the weight loss as soon as possible. I try to eat healthy now but it`s been a hard pregnancy and I dont think I`ll achieve my goal of staying under 195lbs. I`m waiting to see how much I drop after the baby is here and then my goal weight would be 146lbs by July (chopped into smaller goals).

    Any moms wanna chat our way trough losing the baby weight?

    Hi, I'm a new mother and finally getting comfortable enough to try to start losing some baby weight (6weeks). slowly of course since I am breastfeeding. I have used MFP before but never interacted with the community, this is my first time joining a group or posting so hoping this is still active!
  • 4legsRbetterthan2
    4legsRbetterthan2 Posts: 19,590 MFP Moderator
    maryk80 wrote: »
    ddache wrote: »
    I see that most of the post older or not active so I was wondering if there are any moms here that are still active.

    I`m in the last month of pregnancy and I want to jump start the weight loss as soon as possible. I try to eat healthy now but it`s been a hard pregnancy and I dont think I`ll achieve my goal of staying under 195lbs. I`m waiting to see how much I drop after the baby is here and then my goal weight would be 146lbs by July (chopped into smaller goals).

    Any moms wanna chat our way trough losing the baby weight?

    Hi, I'm a new mother and finally getting comfortable enough to try to start losing some baby weight (6weeks). slowly of course since I am breastfeeding. I have used MFP before but never interacted with the community, this is my first time joining a group or posting so hoping this is still active!

    Yup there are a few of us still here. Its a bit quieter around here than some other groups, but I imagine we are all pretty busy, babies aint easy after all!

  • wearmi1
    wearmi1 Posts: 291 Member
    I actually just found this group. I'm ten months pp, I gained 50ish pounds and have had to really work VERY hard to get it back off. I'm back to my pre-pregnancy weight but my body is not looking the same ;-( I'm carrying a lot more fat around my waist. Oh well.....
  • karen_thinmint
    karen_thinmint Posts: 499 Member
    wearmi1 wrote: »
    I actually just found this group. I'm ten months pp, I gained 50ish pounds and have had to really work VERY hard to get it back off. I'm back to my pre-pregnancy weight but my body is not looking the same ;-( I'm carrying a lot more fat around my waist. Oh well.....

    Me too with the belly weight. I lost most right away but i have a feeling I'll have to lose below my pp weight to look the same.
  • 4legsRbetterthan2
    4legsRbetterthan2 Posts: 19,590 MFP Moderator
    wearmi1 wrote: »
    I actually just found this group. I'm ten months pp, I gained 50ish pounds and have had to really work VERY hard to get it back off. I'm back to my pre-pregnancy weight but my body is not looking the same ;-( I'm carrying a lot more fat around my waist. Oh well.....

    Me too with the belly weight. I lost most right away but i have a feeling I'll have to lose below my pp weight to look the same.

    yeah I am feeling this way too, grant it I needed to lose weight pre-pregnancy anyways, but its still weird
  • mrsmunde
    mrsmunde Posts: 24 Member
    Hiiii!!!! I am 1.5 weeks postpartum. Trying to get back into the swing of things. This week I’m trying to make healthier food decisions and determine a calorie target where I will still lose weight and maintain milk supply. It’s COLD here so no outdoor walking for me (darn it!), going to start walking on the treadmill at 2 weeks PP.

    Height 5’7”. Age 27. 2nd child. Baby weight 7 lbs 8 oz.
    Pre-pregnancy: 138lbs
    Delivery weight: 163 lbs (+25 lbs)
    Goal weight: 128 lbs (at a rate of 1.5-2 lbs/week) NEED TO KEEP THE MILK SUPPLY UP!
    1 week PP: 148.6 lbs (-14.4 lbs)