Please talk me off the ledge!

So yesterday, I weighed myself in the morning as usual. I weighed 207.8. I had gained .8 from the day before. I know fluctuations happen, so I wasn't concerned.

Yesterday, I ended up going over my calories by 20 grams. And over my net carbs by 11 grams. I stepped on the scale this morning, and I was at 210.6! I've had fluctuations by .2 or .6 etc, here and there since I started, but never almost 3 pounds!

In the past, this would have been enough to say the "he77 with it" and go on a binge. I'm trying to stay positive and keep my consumption normal. I didn't even eat over my maintenance limit! I just don't understand how our bodies work! Grrr! I wasn't over with any of the other macros. Just carbs and calories.


  • Jigglypuff00
    Jigglypuff00 Posts: 267 Member
    Thank you again, @KnitOrMiss ! You seem to be coming to my rescue a lot today! LOL! I'll check out that app. Although I don't know if I can download anything else. But I have some games I never play, so I can delete those! I guess I am just missing my pre-keto type foods. I love the foods I'm eating now, but I really want regular pasta instead of zoodles. Or toast with my eggs in the morning.

    I'll quit whining. I was just having a bad moment when my co-worker heated up his yummy spaghetti in the mic before me. I really had to restrain myself not to attack him and steal his food!
  • kpk54
    kpk54 Posts: 4,474 Member
    Don't quit. Remember why you started. Perhaps you drank another 16 ounces of water that you haven't peed out yet. Perhaps your poop didn't weight much. The worst invention ever was a body weight scale that weighs by the 10th of a pound. Kudos for staying @ your calorie amount. Trust me...losing is short term in the scheme of things. It is just practice for life long maintenance. For-ev-er. Relax and keep working your program. Don't sweat the small stuff...worry raises cortisol.

  • chinatowninchina
    chinatowninchina Posts: 1,279 Member
    So yesterday, I weighed myself in the morning as usual. I weighed 207.8. I had gained .8 from the day before. I know fluctuations happen, so I wasn't concerned.

    Yesterday, I ended up going over my calories by 20 grams. And over my net carbs by 11 grams. I stepped on the scale this morning, and I was at 210.6! I've had fluctuations by .2 or .6 etc, here and there since I started, but never almost 3 pounds!

    In the past, this would have been enough to say the "he77 with it" and go on a binge. I'm trying to stay positive and keep my consumption normal. I didn't even eat over my maintenance limit! I just don't understand how our bodies work! Grrr! I wasn't over with any of the other macros. Just carbs and calories.

    I'm with KnitOrMiss, as soon as I have more carbs than I should, my weight shoots up. The calories make little difference if I go over them but the carbs.......I can almost feel that water retention as I eat!! I'll bet that you didn't have to get up in the night to wee and usually you do! Know that's what happens to me! It will go within a day or so, just remember Onedeland is getting closer and watch those damn carbs!
  • Xerogs
    Xerogs Posts: 328 Member
    It's a momentary blip in the scope of things. I had something similar happen over the weekend and my weight popped up a few pounds but then I went to a Doctor follow up appointment this morning and my blood pressure was excellent and they showed I had lost 3lbs since my last visit and my blood calcium levels were normal as well as my parathyroid (whew on that last one, I was not looking forward to a surgery). My doctor wanted to bottle up whatever was motivating me to give to his other patients in the weight management clinic.

    Just remember nothing is really static in life, things change so focus on the good things and let the rest fall away. I always give it a few days after my weight pops for things to even out and I get back on track. Right now I feel like I am battling biology since its almost as if my body is telling me to put on winter weight, its a struggle but I don't want to go back to where I was last January.
  • chinatowninchina
    chinatowninchina Posts: 1,279 Member
    xerogs1 wrote: »
    Just remember nothing is really static in life, things change so focus on the good things and let the rest fall away. I always give it a few days after my weight pops for things to even out and I get back on track. Right now I feel like I am battling biology since its almost as if my body is telling me to put on winter weight, its a struggle but I don't want to go back to where I was last January.
    Tell that body it's wrong and that you are buying it an extra warm winter coat!!

  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    I can easily gain 5-6 lbs overnight, it's just water, any kind of a gain that big cannot be, don't fret the scale...just keep on keeping on and track additional metrics like measurements or body fat or mood to keep your motivation engaged even when the scale is being a giant pita.
  • Parsley456
    Parsley456 Posts: 10 Member
    You know what, yesterday I was over the moon delighted to have hit my first mini-goal. Today I weighed myself and I was soooo disappointed because I'd gone backwards and no longer could say I'd hit my first goal, because I'd put on, overnight, 4 pounds. I was so so so disappointed. It keeps going up down up down up down hovering around the same-ish weight, for the last 3 days.

    The thing is, daily weigh-ins has become addictive for me, I'm so eager to see the weight disappear its almost as if weighing myself so often will make it disappear fast. But - as others have commented above, weighing daily isn't accurately reflecting the Overall progress. So, I've decided to try to be more disciplined and weigh in just once a week, and enjoy the anticipation of the change, rather than get daily instant 'gratification' because its not, as you have experienced, always gratifying!!

    Its the overall trend that matters - not the fluctuations day in day out. The overall trend, if you saw it on a graph, will be downward - and that is what matters most!
  • Jigglypuff00
    Jigglypuff00 Posts: 267 Member
    @Parsley456 - I need to do that too, just weigh once a week. I still have not gotten to 207 lbs. I'm headed downward, but it's taking forever! I go back and forth...weigh every day...weigh once a week. Then I read advice to someone else to weigh 3 times a day! And I was like...hmmm...they may be onto something! LOL! My weight is going back down. So I'm happy with that. Maybe on Sunday's weigh-in, I'll be below 207.
  • chinatowninchina
    chinatowninchina Posts: 1,279 Member
    @Parsley456 - I need to do that too, just weigh once a week. I still have not gotten to 207 lbs. I'm headed downward, but it's taking forever! I go back and forth...weigh every day...weigh once a week. Then I read advice to someone else to weigh 3 times a day! And I was like...hmmm...they may be onto something! LOL! My weight is going back down. So I'm happy with that. Maybe on Sunday's weigh-in, I'll be below 207.

    New photograph, nice!! :) Re weighing: I'm a compulsive.......... It does tend to keep me on the right way though, I know disaster has arrived for me when I avoid the scales as if they are a snake about to bite! Last time was from May until September when I achieved a 21lb gain, which is quite an achievement I feel!! :# Thankfully now back heading down but still not what I was in May, how annoying! Still at least it's down again and not more increase, if compulsive weighing is part of that I'll just have to continue!
  • Jigglypuff00
    Jigglypuff00 Posts: 267 Member
    Thank you! Yes, I may have to start doing that. I am too compulsive for my own good. I can't figure out the Libra app, but once I get it figured out, I'll start weighing more often. It might help keep me on track. Right now I'm obsessing over food. It's a terrible thing sometimes to be so OCD in behavior.
  • Jigglypuff00
    Jigglypuff00 Posts: 267 Member
    Oh, and I'm finally back down to 207.2. So hopefully on Sunday's weigh-in, I will be at least 206 something! It does kill me though, how much further I could have been if I didn't gain that 3 pounds! Ok...I'll stop fixating on that! :'(:#:p
  • chinatowninchina
    chinatowninchina Posts: 1,279 Member
    Oh, and I'm finally back down to 207.2. So hopefully on Sunday's weigh-in, I will be at least 206 something! It does kill me though, how much further I could have been if I didn't gain that 3 pounds! Ok...I'll stop fixating on that! :'(:#:p

    yup do not fixate or we will all go mad remembering we were once under 130lbs!! Might have been when I was 12 but nevertheless.......... :'(