Advice needed! What to eat in Thailand?

Parsley456 Posts: 10 Member
I'm heading to Bangkok in a few days for a holiday (so excited!) but I don't want to fall off the wagon! I'd hate to lose all the momentum of the last few weeks as I've lost 4kg/9lb.

Anyone had any experience holidaying in Thailand, any advice on what to eat and sticking as much as possible to keto?


  • chinatowninchina
    chinatowninchina Posts: 1,279 Member
    it is hard no doubt, even to eat in a Thai restaurant abroad, I mean not in Thailand! They do wonderful spicy salads though and excellent soups. You can avoid the worst of the fried things and rice and noodles of course! I'd just check the menus carefully and have the fresher items such as prawns, fish etc, the food is wonderful yum! B)
  • Xerogs
    Xerogs Posts: 328 Member
    Spicy Thai Beef salad is my go to at our Thai restaurants here as well as Satay if they don't go over board on the sauce. I will get stir fry dishes and just not eat the rice or ask for noodle on the side since my wife will eat both or we take it home for our dogs.
  • unrulygurl
    unrulygurl Posts: 103 Member
    You may have more luck checking a travel forum. American versions of foreign dishes are usually a lot different. I still can't get over my grandmother coming back from China and complaining they didn't know how to cook Chinese.
  • Parsley456
    Parsley456 Posts: 10 Member
    hahahaha! that's so funny P.S. I'm Australian not American but I think its kind of similar here, our dishes are 'Australianised'! :-)
    I've spoken to a few people and been told its easy apparently to get delicious chicken skewers everywhere you go, and they sell fresh raw salmon in their supermarkets, there are vegetable sellers everywhere and they even have apple cider vinegar! So I'm sure I'll be sorted. If I make my own salads in my hotel to ensure I'm getting enough green veggies I'll be fine. So excited!!
  • nantayarock
    nantayarock Posts: 7 Member
    I am Thai here some idea when I go eat out in restaurant or just food shop r6ica41qr7fz.jpeg
  • chinatowninchina
    chinatowninchina Posts: 1,279 Member
    OMG, I may just move to Thailand............!
  • nantayarock
    nantayarock Posts: 7 Member
    Here some meal home made
  • chinatowninchina
    chinatowninchina Posts: 1,279 Member
    Or maybe I just move in with you, Thailand quite far away..........!!
  • nantayarock
    nantayarock Posts: 7 Member
    Hehehe I am living in Thailand now 4gy8owtgfpq1.jpeg
  • chinatowninchina
    chinatowninchina Posts: 1,279 Member
    Oh, no easy solution then! Maybe I'll just have to ask for the recipes!! The food looks amazing.