December 28 Sign In



  • RangerRickL
    RangerRickL Posts: 8,469 Member
    I've used 2 pass days this month. I expect to be in the Winner's Circle. (With all of you from the U.K., I refrain from abbreviating Winner's Circle as the W.C.).
    Today's report:
    Just got home from taking the oldest grand daughter out to dinner (sushi) and then a movie, Jumanji. That is a fun movie for all ages.
    Calories: Ok, under by more than 300
    Exercise: walking at 3 mph
    Tracking: ok
    Cardio/Strength scheduled on Fridays...tomorrow
  • MzRuthy
    MzRuthy Posts: 434 Member
    Yes 3x. Worked on arms 20 min.
  • BadgerLamb236
    BadgerLamb236 Posts: 823 Member
    Exercise Yes
    Calories No, but not too bad.
    Tracking No, not fully.

    On the positive side I made more mince pies and wasn't even tempted.