Mini Goal Challenge- Week of November 27th through December 3rd
clicketykeys wrote: »Daily:
1. Eat only what has already been logged into MFP. 4/5 - I had a snack when I came home, and it was something I'd cooked earlier and put in the freezer. I know it's SOMEWHERE in my food diary, but I haven't found it :P
2. Plan dinner before leaving for school. 5/5
3. Daily writing: 30 minutes. 1/5! I FINALLY DID MY WRITING Y'ALL!
4. 10k steps, 2x 12 push-ups, 2x 20 sec wall sit, 2x 45 sec plank, 2x 20 sec lunges each leg, 2x 20 second tree-stands each leg. 5/5
5. Before dinner, take meds, prep next day’s breakfast and lunch. 4/5, although I wasn't home until after dinner, so I took meds later.
6. Cleaning: 20 minutes putting away dishes or laundry. 2/5 - I could have when I got home from school after 9, but I was tired and grumpy and just didn't.
7. Practice daily: Duolingo, audition monologues. Duo 5/5, monologues 1/5 Yay!
8. Check in by 9 PM on non-work weeknights, teeth flossed/rinsed/brushed; in bed by 9:30. 2/2 - I got to bed SO LATE last night, but I worked, so... kind of a suck-it-up buttercup, yanno? Ah well. I have caffeine ;D
Yesterday's stuff:
1. Get in touch with mom and friend to see if they're joining me for yoga tomorrow. They are!
2. Meet with another teacher to brainstorm instructional plans for next semester.
3. No gym today
4. Email my boss at the garden to tell him about the callbacks and that I might have to quit if I get that part in the play so mixed blessings there either way
5. Send in the student of the month rec.
6. Update the music on the USB for the car.
7. WRITE LESSON PLANS. Since I stayed so late at school, I was able to double up and get those done in between the final bell and when my duty for the basketball game started.
8. Design and print a survey for the club I'm running that will meet for the first time today.
9. Call parents.
WOOOO! Overall yesterday was a success, and even though I had my soup-plus-ham-plus-cheese leftovers, which was probably high in sodium, somehow I still had a whoosh that puts me in a good place for tomorrow's scale goal! SO encouraging
Today's stuff:
1. Zumba was apparently cancelled? Bummer.
2. Yoga!
3. Probably going out to lunch - choose something tasty and relatively low-cal.
4. Walk after lunch to help me meet my step goal.
5. Laundry!
6. CALLBACK!!! Cross your fingers for me, friends
7. Gym tonight since no Zumba this morning. I should still have some energy!
8. Grocery shopping. Dinner plans for next week include ceviche, chicken salad, BBQ pork roll-ups, quinoa and lentil stew, and chicken tikka masala.
Dec 1 weigh-in: 176.6
Scale goals: 174.7 by Sunday 12/3 ... yikes! dunno if I'm quite gonna make that.
Jan 1 weigh-in goal: 169.6 (7 lbs, ~1.5/wk)
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