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DECimate your workout



  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    Behind in posting my lifting, so here are the last two sessions.

    deadlift 2x5 @ 135, 1x5 @ 165, belt 1x4 @ 185 and 2x3 @ 225
    front squat 1x8 @ 45, 1x5 @ 65, 2x4 @ 95
    good morning 3x8 @ 115
    cable kickback 3x8 @ 40

    push press 2x6 @ 45, 3x5 @ 65, 1x1 @ 85
    clean 2x6 @ 45, 35 @ 65, 1x1 @ 85
    jerk 3x6 @ 45, 1x3 @ 65
    snatch 3x5 @ 45 - not up for doing 65 yet
    pendlay row with straps 3x6 @ 95
  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    i'm frustrated by not having a sense of progression with hamstring falls. and not having a plan for progression either. they're very all-or nothing: you're either where you still have the control, or you're over the tipping point and you don't.

    i keep defaulting to the seated-curl thing instead. but it's not good. first because you have to do the concentric before you can do it the opposite way, and second because 'seated' means 'with hip flexion', of course. i did do some veerrrrrrrrry slow eccentric for several reps though, and i did for sure feel them while i was doing them. i just don't know if that's going to turn out to be a good thing or a very bad one until sometime tomorrow though. and then i moved down to the floor and did it again with the cable bracelet. le sigh and le bleh.

    balanced a chip plate on my ankle for my abductions today. 2.5 pounds whoop de doo. to put it in context though, i guess three weeks ago i couldn't do them 'naked' without getting the terrible tendon burn on the bad side. so there's that, but i skipped weighted bridges because all the faffing around was a fair bit of wear already.
  • krokador
    krokador Posts: 1,794 Member
    Christmas WOD, stolen from a Team Richey video, à la 12 days of christmas (so 1, 2-1, 3-2-1, etc)

    - 1 thruster
    - 2 push press
    - 3 hang power cleans
    - 4 deadlifts
    - 5 burpees
    - 6 pull-ups (use bands to regress)
    - 7 bw squats(at this point it's like a rest! Lol)
    - 8 toes 2 bar / hanging knee tucks
    - 9 KB swings (i used 50lbs and I coulda gone heavier)
    - 10 HR Pushups
    - 11 overhead squats
    - 12 power snatches

    Rx = 50/35kg (110/75lbs)
    I did 65 lbs. Warming up itself took like 40 minutes this morning. The past few days have really taken a toll, but tomorrow is a day off and I'm gonna earn all the food I'm gonna be eating somehow! lol.

    The first 4 rounds took like a minute and a half. I questionned for a bit if I'd gone too light after all.

    The whole thing took 36 minutes. The workload just creeps up on ya

    I finished my session with face pulls & side planks, then straight arm pullovers & cable crunches (which I always have a hard time feeling, until I start to get in my hip flexors for some reason... I had planned a bit more work in my head, but I was lightheaded and, like, starving, so home I went. I'm gonna go for a walk after lunch to loosen up my hips a bit (and, let's admit it, I still play pokemon go, and I want my 7 day pokestop streak, lol), then it's off for some last minute shopping (I have all my gifts but one, but they need wrapped! xD) and then the 3 days in a row celebration starts. Weee!
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    Later shift at work today and lucky me, have morning shift tomorrow. Gym went okay though squats felt a bit heavy and knee wasn't a fan of the pauses this time around. Tried pausing with the knee sleeves on just to get some use out of them. Almost out of room in my current notebook. 2018 will feature a new gym notebook.

    squats 1x8 @ 45, 1x6 @ 115, 2x3 @ 155, belt & sleeves 2x4 @ 185, 1x2 @ 205
    pause squats with sleeves 2x5 @ 95, 1x3 @ 115
    sumo deadlifts 1x6 @ 135, 1x5 @ 155 and belt 3x4 @ 158

    Also managed to scratch my knee with my nail and break the skin during deadlifts. Never had the bar scratch my legs, so instead to get myself but at least didn't break a nail. Might need to trim my fingernails soon.
  • krokador
    krokador Posts: 1,794 Member
    2 more awesome days of workouts in the books. I really wish training was not the only thing I was able to do right now though, haha. I'm feeling quite lazy outside of the gym. Guess i should go get started on chores >_>


    Bench Press 45x8, 65x5, 75x3, 87.5x3, 100x3, 112.5x3 122.5x3, 130x3
    I was going to joker set (jump up by about 5%) until I hit a rough set, but I ended up goofing with the weight on my initial top set and I was really disappointed with myself for how "weak" I felt, until I recalculated and realized I'd put on 10lbs too many! Ha, oops? So I went with it and loaded up 130, knowing I,d never done more than a double at that weight. Got 3! =D
    And I was doign the bulgarian split squats between sets, too. 25lbs x8, 30x6, 35x2x6 per leg
    Then I backed down and relatively quickly hit 95x5 for 3 sets

    Pendlay Rows 45x8, 65x5, 75x3, 80x3, 95x3, 107.5x3, 115x3, 85x5 (3 sets)
    Sumo deadlift 65x8, 75x8, 95x6, 110x12, 115x12, 135x12, 135x8

    I think those are the weights? Memory's not great today lol.

    And I hit up the 10, 8, 6, 4, 2 knees to bows + burpee ladder in 5:25. Because goals =D

    And today was more of a conditionning session.

    Bear complex 65x5, 75x3, 80x2
    every 3 minute @ 85lbs x3 (I did 4 on the 2nd set) for 4 rounds, then 3 min AMRAP at 65 and I got 13, which is 2 more than my best =D

    and i finished this with 1.5 mile on the treadmill in like, 22 mins, alternating between running faster, walking, and walking at an incline. It felt pretty awesome, funnily enough. I usually hate cardio! lol

    Here's to ending 2017 on a high note, folks!
  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    trust the process. trust the process. trust the process. fleh.

    yeah, i must be having one of those physical fallback phases. added another pound to my hip abductions, so depending on what my own home made microweights weigh (i forget), that's either 3.5 or four pounds. now if i could just get myself to believe that i'm actually doing it with my glute med.

    i can't tell because i never could find my own glute medius. what i feel when i poke around back there just does not correspond to what all the pictures display. i think it's the top edge of my glute max, in fact.

    rage break

    it's all really confusing and therefore it's frustrating. and people who say 'don't overthink it' give me teh rage. because those same airy dismissers are the people who will triple my rage three weeks later by discovering with a carefree laugh that i've been doing it all wrong all along - because i could not get information FROM THEM about doing it right WHEN I ASKED THEM FOR IT. /done.

    also i can't work out how to do the falls anymore, with full range and/or without having my right leg overtake once again. i'm compensating as best i can, with extraordinarily slow and controlled knee straightening, while lying flat on my front with those same ankle weights on. i'm seriously dubious about it doing any good or the right kind of good, but it's something and so i do it.

    i'm not getting worse, it appears. so there's that.
  • irridia
    irridia Posts: 527 Member
    krokador wrote: »
    I'm frustrated. Physio appointment ended up actually helping with my neck to the point where it was only uncomfortable and not painful anymore this morning. That is, until I started doing depth broad jumps. He was right. My neck muscles are too weak and whenever I have to stabilize a lot, especially with explosive movements, then whatever's been hurt has to fire again and goes into spasm. So I'll have to do my strengthening exercise(s), and stretches, like an adult. And stay away from anything high impact for the time being :(

    The thing is, with it hurting when I try to strengthen it, it makes it very uncomfortable to try and train it, and I'm sure my babying it for a month and a half has also contributed to the weakness.

    So I have some questions for you.. (I also have some crazy neck problems)
    Are you a desk jockey?
    What's your posture like?
    Are your shoulder's rounded?

    3 things that have helped me are rotator cuff exercises to strengthen the muscles that are overstretched from slumping at my desk.

    And laying on a foam roller so that my spine is on top of it. I let my shoulder blades drop to either side to try to get a good stretch.

    also using the foam roller perpendicular to the spine up around T12 which is often out for most people. Popping that back into place almost always relieves neck stress.

    For the rotator cuff get a good band that you can stretch slightly behind you when you hold your arms in a "T" position. What you do then is hold the band slack in front of you with thumbs pointed in. As you pull your hands apart, rotate them so that your thumbs are pointing behind you by the time you've gotten to the point of reaching slightly behind you.

    If you sit at a desk all day, check that you aren't slumping: shoulders rounded and head titled up. That is my number one problem and it wreaks havoc on my neck.

    lots of time with your head down on your phone will do it too.

    I hope this helps or if nothing else gives you something to think about. I got this info from a guy who's a professional trainer and a physical therapist. he says, when you have pain in a joint look above and below for things that are out of balance, so for a neck it would be head (position is about all you can do there) and the shoulder girdle.

  • irridia
    irridia Posts: 527 Member
    Whelp, I've been out of it for several years now. I finally figured out what I actually need to fix in order for me to get my hips under me so that I don't become broken when the weights get heavy again. I got a bit depressed over December due to suddenly not being able to go to a fancy dress up event we'd been planning for months and cancelled 4 days before, so I stopped doing anything.

    I started back walking on Tuesday and Friday I'm going to start back aggressively with my rehab stretches and exercises part with the goal of really minimal lifting in the form of Romanian Deads and split squats and maybe something that looks similar to split squats but is for activating the glutes and hams, by the end of next week.

    We shall see.

    I've become a real fan of Jeff Cavalare and a couple of other physical therapy youtube dudes.
  • krokador
    krokador Posts: 1,794 Member
    irridia wrote: »
    krokador wrote: »
    I'm frustrated. Physio appointment ended up actually helping with my neck to the point where it was only uncomfortable and not painful anymore this morning. That is, until I started doing depth broad jumps. He was right. My neck muscles are too weak and whenever I have to stabilize a lot, especially with explosive movements, then whatever's been hurt has to fire again and goes into spasm. So I'll have to do my strengthening exercise(s), and stretches, like an adult. And stay away from anything high impact for the time being :(

    The thing is, with it hurting when I try to strengthen it, it makes it very uncomfortable to try and train it, and I'm sure my babying it for a month and a half has also contributed to the weakness.

    So I have some questions for you.. (I also have some crazy neck problems)
    Are you a desk jockey?
    What's your posture like?
    Are your shoulder's rounded?


    Thanks for chiming in on that :) Yeah, I do work at a desk and have grown up with a severe forward shoulder lean, which has been slowly getting better as I started training. It's still a work in progress, but since the shoulder injury I haven't gone a workout without at least properly warming up my rotator cuffs and t-spine area (and probably not a day recently where I don't lay down on the roller for that, as my upper back gets incredibly sore at the end of the day. You should hear the cracking I get just out of bending forward and letting my upper body hang. I'm like a walking freak show in the regard).

    Problem with my neck was very likely derivated from those issues, but not directly caused by them. Both my scalene and levator scapulae were in almost constant spasm for the better part of, what, like 2 months? I'm not convinced there wasn't an actual injury somewhere in my trap that they were trying to compensate for (came on after doing a lot of oly lifting, dropping the bar and catching it at thigh levels was really awful on it).

    I tried a LOT of stuff on my own, and what gave me the most relief at first was the kelly starret scalene lax ball release trick I posted about either a few pages back here, or in the november thread, and using the stupid prone head tuck and hold to strengthen the front of my neck while at the same time stopping all sorts of impact that could cause it to go back into spasm. I've stopped doing it the past few days thanks to the holiday craziness tho, so thanks for the reminder. xD

    I like Jeff, and Bob and Brad, the "2 most famous physical therapist on the internet", I don't know if you've heard of them? They tend to cater to a slightly older demographic, they are cheesy as hell, but I've learned a few good stretches from them! Also recently found a mobility expert who's a little less annoying/aggravating than Kstar (maybe you'll like him a bit better, @canadianlbs haha xD), SmashweRx, and I'm about to go try his latest rounded shoulder and groin pull tricks today. If it works, I'm stopping at the hardware store on the way home and getting myself a dang PVC pipe, lol.

    That is, after I squat. Hoping for a top triple of 180 today. But I'm still feeling all ooey gooey from that stupid 2DB complex (I think I forgot to write about it on wednesday, oops? I made it through 4 rounds with 90s rest, 2x25lbs. The lunges were atrocious), so we'll have to see where my mileage takes me.

    I think a part of my new year's resolution is going to have a "prehab" routine I perform at least every other day, written on a board or a piece of paper, so I don't stupidly say "I forgot about it" because I don't feel like digging into all the ressources I have on it and putting one together and doing it. Mostly it's the doing it part xD
  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    edited December 2017
    krokador wrote: »
    the "2 most famous physical therapist on the internet"

    lol. i like those guys too, and you're right about cheesy as hell. i enjoy how they seem to have fun with it, although the dadjoke is strong with them both. tbh when i was watching them i had a more acute thing going on than i think they aim at, so i just let them entertain me more than i really absorbed their content.

    someone else that i like on youtube was matt hsu of upright health. solid physio info, and my kind of sense of humour. right now i'm in a state where the last thing i need is any extra mobility, so i'm more of an eric cressey girl.

    i am going to go get me some theraband. today. i swear it. having a frustrating time again with the drills and sort of fighting the don't-know-what-i'm-doings and the oh-whats-the-points. so in my head, having enough resistance-band length to do full-range falls is going to fix everything.

    it's just getting hard for me to believe that leaning out and then doing a hold at the tipping point really counts on those falls. but once i get past the tipping point, it's equally hard to believe i'm diong anything worthwhile thanks to the speed of the drop. can't tell which muscles are still working and which ones have checked out, and can't use palpation to check either since falling flat on my face is something i haven't schooled myself into Just Doing, just yet.

  • krokador
    krokador Posts: 1,794 Member
    Happy to report I survived squat day, even though I didn't quite hit the number I was hoping for. My entire left side is feeling a little wonky today, in a "not quite in the socket" type of way. My hip was so stiff at the start of the workout it didn't really matter, but my shoulder did bother me a bit on squats to where I wasn't able to properly lock it in. Didn't hurt, just uncomfortable in an unsettling, clicky fashion. So I didn't force anything with it.

    Squats 45x5/5 (I like to do 5 slow to let my hips warm-ups, then 5 fast ones to remind them of explosiveness, then I usually tack on 10 good mornings and 15 calf raises to rounds it out before I get into the meat of it)
    65x5, 85x5, 105x3, 120x3, 135x3, 155x3, 165x3, 175x3 - top set felt like death, but the video I have of it I seem to go back up relatively fast. I may have had 180 in me. Maybe. we'll never know. Then 3 sets of 5 @125 to finish is off. The hunger was strong with those O_o

    In between sets I was doing hang power snatches. 65x5 twice, 70x3/4/4, 75x3 and 85x1, then a floor power snatch @ 85, and a back off set of 8 high hang muscle snatches @ 35. Just working that good groove I found today.

    Moved on to my low incline DB presses and rows. 30x15, 35x10, 40x6, then I tried 45s, got 2 reps and my left shoulder kind of caved/misgrooved, and there was no saving that rep without hurting something, so I figured I was done. Did a set of 15 with 20lbs one side at a time, then an extra 8 on the left just to keep working that motor pattern.

    I then did 15 minutes on an old old stair-stepper like machine that didn't even have HR handles... not a fan. My stride length is so different on both sides I was a wobbly mess when I wasn't holding on. Hey, I sweat. I'm kind of hoping that forcing myself to use the machines instead of avoiding them will eventually correct that odd pattern I got? Maybe I'm just making it worse.

    I then found an ab crunch machine that wasn't used (so many people there!) and did 75lbx x12, 80lbs x10, 80lbs x6, 45x10, and finished with some of those PVC pipe mobilizations and OMG those were targetting EXACTLY where that upper back tightness usually settles. So yep, buying a PVC pipe is on my todo list now.
  • krokador
    krokador Posts: 1,794 Member
    someone else that i like on youtube was matt hsu of upright health. solid physio info, and my kind of sense of humour. right now i'm in a state where the last thing i need is any extra mobility, so i'm more of an eric cressey girl.

    I watched something today about pelvic tilt/SI joint position, and the inability to fire the glutes med/glutes max because of an anterior pelvic tilt (I think). Is it possible that that could be a part of the issue? If I dig into my memory, you were having issues with feeling the squat right, before this whole odyssey into rehabbing. Maybe it's all stemming from something really simple. Then again, I'm guessing the doctors you saw would've also seen that? But maybe they just weren't looking at it. Figured I'd mention it just in case, though. Video was about a way to reset it in the proper position, so if you think that could help I'll send you a link :)
  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    ^^^ if it was hsu, i may have seen it. my acquaintance with him stems from back then and research into exactly that. he seems to have an fai fix to peddle, which doesn't invalidate him for me but it does mean i see him as a bit more of a niche practitioner than when i first came across him.

    idk. i'm having a day of 'tired of being poked and prodded and all the guessing' right now. gonna go do controlled face plants with my brand new theraband tape for a while and pretend none of it's happening.

    my abductions are up to four pounds, for whatever that's worth. and i guess i'm . . . what? not even four weeks in yet. so at least that's on track for the goal of being able to handle eight pounds.

    i did two - count them TWO - air squats yesterday just to try out my new improved muscle mass on that side, and that's why i'm so churlish and surly today. all the same old stuff hurts.
  • krokador
    krokador Posts: 1,794 Member
    Last workout of the year, and it was... well, brutal, for one.

    Started off with deadlift and OHP. That was fun. And tiring, since I worked up to heavy triples.
    deadlift 95x6, 115x5, 135x3, 165x3, 185x3, 205x3, 215x3, 225x3

    OHP 35x6, 45x5, 55x3. 65x3, 72.5x3, 80x3, 85x3, 92.5x3

    Pretty sure the OHP is a PR. That 3rd rep got stuck about top of the head level and I probably leaned back a little to push it past the tipping point, along with a rather loud grunt of effort. Deadlift was not quite a max effort, but all 3 reps were slow and didn't quite lockout smoothly, so I left it there.

    Then I hit another one of those "12 rounds of christmas" type of WODs. This one was a lot more gnarly than the previous one, though.

    1 KB Turkish Get Up (/side)
    2 Double KB Start-Stop Squat Clean Thruster
    3 Single KB Goblet Lunge / Leg
    4 Single Arm KB Snatch / Arm
    5 Double KB Deadlift Burpee
    6 KB Push Ups (Hands On Handles)
    7 Double KB Push Press
    8 Sit Outs
    9 American KB Swing
    10 Double KB Thruster
    11 Double KB Hang Power Clean
    12 Double KB Start-Stop Power Clean and Press

    I used 2x25lbs DBs for the double KB moves, and a 30# KB for the single KB moves. And after the first 2 times going through the burpees, I regressed them to squat thrust deadlifts (so removed the push-up). Push-ups were all done on the floor cuz my left wrist is still not feeling awesome.

    Wanna take a stab at how much time this took me? 1h00m10s
    I tried to race through the last few exercises to make it in under an hour, but I had already taken that extra water break I shouldn't have and there was no salvaging it.

    By the start of the round of 6 I was already like 20 minutes in and thinking to myself I could probably just quick and call it a day, considering the heavy weight I moved beforehand.

    Towards the middle of the round of 10 I was just about ready to quit. Knowing I had 2 more round to run through was hell.

    By the middle of the last round I was barely moving myself from one exercise to the other. I must've spent about 30-45s after the sitouts crawling myself to the DBs for the push presses. I'd already been 95% of the way though, so I wasn't about to give up.

    Had not eaten a thing before hitting the gym, btw. I was feeling hungry before I even started but I forgot the granola bar I had in the car in the car, and didn't feel like re-braving the cold to get it. I had my trusted BCAAs with me and that's all that kept me fueled for this one. I am still shaky and wobbly from it, and it's been like 3 hours xD Obviously have had some food since. OMG I was starvingO.o

    Definitely a good one to end the year on, and make me feel less guilty about pigging out tomorrow.
  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    minor check-in just so i don't dismiss even the crumbs of stuff that i'm doing, just on the basis that it's only crumbs.

    i set up a resistance-band thing so i can do the full falls. twelve feet of heavy theraband stuff, looped round the cross-bar part of my futon frame and then over/under my shoulders like some kind of a toddler harness. it's not strong enough to hold all my weight, but it has made it at least so i can experience the motion of taking the fall all the way. i feel like a lot of this particular move is not a strength thing; there's also the sheer bodily bewilderment and reaction to doing something that nobody, in any stretch, could call 'functional'. this one is something you'd only ever be doing if you were doing this thing.

    did them properly for the first time last night: 3x8 times. and maybe it's psychosomatic but somehow this morning i'm now ready to do them the same way without using the band. i still fall like a rock but at least i'm sort of kind of a bit in control, so there's that.

    abductions still at four pounds. i'm fully able to do them by now; it's just that i still struggle like crazy to FIND my glute med. as opposed to glute min or tlf or who even knows what other muscles might be jumping in and doing it instead of the one that i'm trying to use.

    i just checked date lines last night and got reminded by that that i only saw the doctor on december 12. so i guess i should cut myself and this process a little more slack, but i truly did think it had been a lot longer than that. i still have a little bit more than five weeks \o/