New Points



  • linmueller
    linmueller Posts: 1,354 Member
    Im loving the new plan mostly because I do find it really flexible. I've been starting my day with a 0 SP bfast that's filling and satisfying. That leaves more points for later in the day. Plus, I can carry DPs over to offset a day of indulgence. I think i like this as well or better then PP, which i loved, especially compared to SP. Of course my praise is dependent on if I lose on this plan.
  • myallforjcbill
    myallforjcbill Posts: 5,592 Member
    At first glance the program seems to address some of the shortfalls of Smart Points which I found to more diet like, rigid and less lifestyle oriented. But it is a change and will take getting used to as every plan changed does. I left WW for tracking after Smart Points. From what I heard of the plan yesterday at my Lifetime meeting, it sounds like a big step in the right direction given flexibility and encouragement to eat healthy as in the "free food" list. We talked a bit about portion control and learning to eat till satisfied and stopping. I also noted there was less sale of new merchandise pushed which I found shocking. Just some cookbooks.
  • minimyzeme
    minimyzeme Posts: 2,708 Member
    Having only been on Freestyle since Wednesday, it's a little soon for me to know but I generally agree that I'm going to appreciate the freedom and flexibility. The zero-point foods work really well for me. SP trained me for what a 'serving' of those generally equates to so I feel comfortable not eating them to excess. That said, I appreciate the satiation that the lean proteins provide and am comfortable they can provide a solid base most days for me.

    I had an unexpected but yummy small serving of homemade apple crisp yesterday afternoon. It was pretty painless to work around it, filling out the evening meal with no- or low-point foods. I was fully satisfied and not needing or wanting for anything this morning. Now that I think of it, that might be a bit different than when on SP and would definitely want food first thing.

    I'm optimistic Freestyle is going to work pretty well for me.
  • Jimb376mfp
    Jimb376mfp Posts: 6,232 Member
    My third day experiment with Freestyle.

    Had breakfast with friends and used 21 of my 23 Points! Busy day and didn’t eat until I had to run out for errand late. Bought a large Wendys chili 4 Points, took it home and mixed it with a can of black beans 0 Points. I knew I could have added a chicken breast but that bowl of beans was filling.

  • beachwoman2006
    beachwoman2006 Posts: 1,214 Member
    Jimb376mfp wrote: »
    The “free” part is telling folks they can eat as much eggs, chicken, fish and several other Zero SP without measuring.

    And therein lies the problem. Telling someone that they can eat as much of ANYTHING without counting points is very misleading (and dangerous). If this is REALLY what was said in the meeting, I would be surprised (and disappointed). Are you sure they didn't say that you could eat those things "to satisfaction" without counting points? There's a big difference between "all you can eat" and eating to satisfaction.

  • podkey
    podkey Posts: 5,106 Member
    Agree with Cindy and our leader pointed out she eats the same amounts as when she was counting points. WW always says just to satisfaction and not stuffed whether it is "free fruit" or whatever.
  • minimyzeme
    minimyzeme Posts: 2,708 Member
    Just to beat the dead horse a little more, our WW leader made sure to emphasize the difference between eating to satisfaction vs eating to stuffed state. I get it.
  • jasper60103
    jasper60103 Posts: 222 Member
    Question. I was curious if the WW leaders stress tracking like they used to? With the new program, freestyle kinda implies tracking is optional? I've been a lifer/maintenance for over 6 years, and still track meals and activity in eTools.
  • Al_Howard
    Al_Howard Posts: 8,149 Member
    My leader stressed tracking of AT LEAST the non zero SPs you eat. Said tracking zero foods also helped you to know WHAT you ate.
  • jasper60103
    jasper60103 Posts: 222 Member
    Al_Howard wrote: »
    My leader stressed tracking of AT LEAST the non zero SPs you eat. Said tracking zero foods also helped you to know WHAT you ate.

    I agree. Thanks, Al.
  • myallforjcbill
    myallforjcbill Posts: 5,592 Member
    The Lifetime meeting I attended Saturday this came up. Our leader quickly made the point about learning to eat until full and not be a kid in a candy shop and the idea was to encourage healthier food choices. Tracking, portion control, measuring/weighing, etc were still life skills needed for sustainable success. I think it is enough for me to give it a try. I am a SmartPoints refugee.
  • minimyzeme
    minimyzeme Posts: 2,708 Member
    Question. I was curious if the WW leaders stress tracking like they used to? With the new program, freestyle kinda implies tracking is optional? I've been a lifer/maintenance for over 6 years, and still track meals and activity in eTools.

    @jasper60103 , I'm a little late with this but when the plan was rolled out at my meeting last week, our leader stressed that part of the intention with 0-point foods was to be able to cut back on tracking (but not eliminate it). She made the point that a lot of people start gaining weight when they stop tracking. So, by eating to satisfaction and only tracking the point-bearing foods, the idea is to have a little more freedom.

    In my own experience over the last week, I've really appreciated that. While tracking can't be viewed as any type of real chore to me, it does take a little time. I live in the land of slow internet. I can track but the added time per item to enter it in the tracker is certainly noticeable. I've bumped up the serving size on some of the 0-point foods, ate and enjoyed them and kept moving (literally and figuratively). I've maintained my weight about the same as with SP. So far, I'm integrating the new program without much fanfare and doing well with it.
  • Al_Howard
    Al_Howard Posts: 8,149 Member
    TOL and I have always tracked zero point foods also, so no changes here.
  • jasper60103
    jasper60103 Posts: 222 Member
    minimyzeme wrote: »
    Question. I was curious if the WW leaders stress tracking like they used to? With the new program, freestyle kinda implies tracking is optional? I've been a lifer/maintenance for over 6 years, and still track meals and activity in eTools.

    @jasper60103 , I'm a little late with this but when the plan was rolled out at my meeting last week, our leader stressed that part of the intention with 0-point foods was to be able to cut back on tracking (but not eliminate it). She made the point that a lot of people start gaining weight when they stop tracking. So, by eating to satisfaction and only tracking the point-bearing foods, the idea is to have a little more freedom.

    In my own experience over the last week, I've really appreciated that. While tracking can't be viewed as any type of real chore to me, it does take a little time. I live in the land of slow internet. I can track but the added time per item to enter it in the tracker is certainly noticeable. I've bumped up the serving size on some of the 0-point foods, ate and enjoyed them and kept moving (literally and figuratively). I've maintained my weight about the same as with SP. So far, I'm integrating the new program without much fanfare and doing well with it.

    it sounds like you've done well, and congrats!
    Tracking, exercise and weekly meetings (while loosing) were the 3 components that worked for me.
    I admit, I'm skeptical about trying new things, especially if its not broken.

  • myallforjcbill
    myallforjcbill Posts: 5,592 Member
    We discussed tracking zero point foods, it was about 50/50 or so in the group. The main concern was to be aware of what you were eating. But tracking is generally considered the primary key along with portion control
  • Al_Howard
    Al_Howard Posts: 8,149 Member
    And, you can look back for meal ideas.
  • linmueller
    linmueller Posts: 1,354 Member
    At our meeting, the leader emphasized the difference between zero points and free!

    As for the effectiveness of the new program (at least short term), not a single person at my meeting said they followed the program and didn't lose, and several 'mostly' worked it and lost some. One girl who's a diligent tracker, went over by 54 and still lost 1.4
  • Al_Howard
    Al_Howard Posts: 8,149 Member
    Possibly/probably because of tracking and/or more awareness of the program, portions, weights, etc.
  • linmueller
    linmueller Posts: 1,354 Member
    Totally agree Al. Although the program does have to promote an appropriate amount of calories, or tracking would be useless.

    The consensus was that this is much more livable long term (like PP, IMHO)