
Hi y'all! I've been eating keto since Oct. 1st. I've lost over 25 pounds, but I feel weak and lethargic most of the time.

I'm having trouble meeting my protein macros. I can hit everything but my protein is always lacking and my fat usually goes over when I'm trying to up my protein. I am trying to limit my cheese intake also, although I LOVE cheese! But it binds me ~ TMI...sorry. I'm not a fish or seafood person. I do like tunafish and haddock. But most haddock seem to come breaded.

My LDL cholesterol was a bit high so really trying to limit that too. I started making a protein smoothie, which is ok. But I'm still really lacking in protein. How can I up my protein without upping my fat and calories as well? My macros are 5% carbs, 25% protein & 70% fat but I want to change it to 30% prot & 65% fat.

Any suggestions? TIA!



  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member
    edited December 2017
    Eat leaner cuts of meat...more tuna, eggs (whites?), etc.

    As I went on, I found that the more important aspects for me were that I needed to restrict carbs (duh), make sure to get enough protein, and then only add enough fats for satiety.

    So I switched to eating more lean turkey/ham lunchmeat, tuna salad, chicken breasts, and lower fat beef...only adding in fats enough to feel full. Protein helps satiety, too.

    Unless you have kidney issues, are diabetic, etc., you're unlikely to have issues with too much protein. I'll look at your diary and see what I can suggest specifically.

    EDITED TO ADD: How little tuna salad are you eating to only have 7 grams of protein?! A single can of tuna shows to have 25 grams of protein, alone!
  • Jigglypuff00
    Jigglypuff00 Posts: 267 Member
    edited December 2017
    I buy the packet of tuna. I think it's a single serve, but mixed with 2 eggs, I divided it up into 2 servings. Or maybe 4 servings? I can't remember! I just incorporated the ingredients into their recipe app, and that's what it gave me. Maybe I am eating more protein than what shows on my diary?

    ETA: I had it set for 4 servings! Thanks @KnitOrMiss! I'm going to go change it now. But that's just for one meal. I don't have that all the time!

    2nd Edit: yikes! Now I'm over in everything!!! LOL!
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member
    That is definitely possible.

    It looks like your highest protein item was the chicken thigh(s?) you ate? Followed by the ground beef, and chicken breast in your salad, etc. You could easily double any of volume, or use more tuna in your salad, etc.

    It looks like most of the pouches run around 20 grams for the entire thing. I've used 2 cans/pouches of tuna for one meal before (not every day, obviously), rather than making one can/pouch go multiple meals. You might also consider doing chicken salad the same style, to see about upping the protein...

    This might give you some other ideas, too... Of course, this list isn't low carb, but it's worth a look see. Seems like lean meats are the easiest boost!
  • Jigglypuff00
    Jigglypuff00 Posts: 267 Member
    Ok, now to discuss another issue you brought up. I won't see a diabetic counselor until next month. What's this now that I should be limiting my protein because of diabetes? I'm so confused! LOL! First I'm told I need to up my protein, so I've been trying. But maybe I shouldn't? And why do I feel so weak all the time? I swear...trying to open a package of food takes a lot out of me! I have to use scissors all the time or my teeth! I was never this weak before!
  • Smoked33
    Smoked33 Posts: 186 Member
    Adding more protein won't help with energy, but it is a great idea for lots of other reasons. I'd just add a whey shake if I were you and that will take care of it right there. Most whey proteins come in around 140 calories per scoop with 25-40 grams of protein and under 4 carbs. You can mix other cool things in with them as well and they're convenient for home/travel/work.
  • Jigglypuff00
    Jigglypuff00 Posts: 267 Member
    @Smoked33 Thanks! I'll look for a higher protein shake. I don't mind the calories as I can work around that. Just really watching the sugar content. Some are really high.
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member
    Oh, and cottage cheese might be something to whip with berries or pair with jello, too, that has a little natural carbs from the lactose, but is higher in protein! :)
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    Sun warrior makes a chocolate protein powder that is sweetened with stevia, not sugar...I think it's 19p/3c...I do not like the other flavors, but the chocolate is tasty.

    protein is a tough one for me too...lots of eggs (I do eat cheese), lots of chicken or beef or pork...most diabetics are ok with excess protein, but everyone is different, so you should track your sugar and see how you brother doesn't do pork, but all other proteins are fine for him even in huge quantities.
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member
    Ok, now to discuss another issue you brought up. I won't see a diabetic counselor until next month. What's this now that I should be limiting my protein because of diabetes? I'm so confused! LOL! First I'm told I need to up my protein, so I've been trying. But maybe I shouldn't? And why do I feel so weak all the time? I swear...trying to open a package of food takes a lot out of me! I have to use scissors all the time or my teeth! I was never this weak before!

    @Jigglypuff00 - How much sodium are you getting??? The muscle weakness and extreme fatigue just screams low sodium to me. Are you supplementing the 3000 - 5000 mg plus of sodium that the body naturally dumps through ketosis??

    Protein isn't necessarily to be limited for diabetics, just that there are more factors they need to watch for. Excess protein can be converted to glucose in a demand driven process. Meaning that your body may think you need glucose and more of it, and may convert what protein you are taking in for this...
  • T1DCarnivoreRunner
    T1DCarnivoreRunner Posts: 11,502 Member
    I'm currently eating nearly all my calories in protein, with the goal to reach at least 190g protein daily and to stay below 20g net carbs and below 30g fat.** So I'm basically eating very lean protein. My diet is pretty much entirely made up of skinless chicken breast, egg whites, some fish (mostly tuna), and a single scoop of protein powder daily (it is 6g net carbs, though, so I skip this some days and eat more).

    **I'm NOT recommending this, but am at a point where this makes the most sense for my short term goals; and I'm very aware of what I'm doing / why / how it affects me / etc. I am only sharing so that you understand the macros I'm achieving with the foods listed.
  • Jigglypuff00
    Jigglypuff00 Posts: 267 Member
    edited December 2017
    KnitOrMiss wrote: »
    Oh, and cottage cheese might be something to whip with berries or pair with jello, too, that has a little natural carbs from the lactose, but is higher in protein! :)

    LOL...sorry! I gave you a woo! I'm not a fan of cottage cheese. I can barely choke it down! I'd have to mix it with a TON of fruit for me to eat it. Kind of negates the low carb/sugar affect! LOL!

    ETA: I'm trying to keep track of my sodium intake as well. It's hard though. Before I started adding salt in my diary, I was barely getting 1500 in sodium. So I added a generic salt addition per meal, and now I get around 3500 - 4000 grams. But it's so hard to track that! I add salt to everything. I drink pickle juice. I use Mio drops in water. It's not helping. So I started thinking it's gotta be the protein.
  • Jigglypuff00
    Jigglypuff00 Posts: 267 Member
    How does my diary look now? The only meal set in stone is breakfast. I haven't had anything else yet. I was playing around with things. Trying to include stuff I have on hand as I won't be shopping again until this weekend.
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member
    When whipped, cottage cheese transforms...but I'm so funny, I've been able to eat it by itself, but I hated adding fruit. Trim Healthy Mama has a recipe called Berry Whip or something...

    I haven't tried it...but seems reasonable overall...and it has more protein than cream cheese or whatever...

    Those numbers look pretty good!

    (P.S. You can track sodium instead of sugar on that page. If you carbs are low, your sugar numbers don't matter)
  • Jigglypuff00
    Jigglypuff00 Posts: 267 Member
    KnitOrMiss wrote: »
    When whipped, cottage cheese transforms...but I'm so funny, I've been able to eat it by itself, but I hated adding fruit. Trim Healthy Mama has a recipe called Berry Whip or something...
    I'll take your word for it! LOL!

    I haven't tried it...but seems reasonable overall...and it has more protein than cream cheese or whatever...

    Those numbers look pretty good!
    Still tweaking!

    (P.S. You can track sodium instead of sugar on that page. If you carbs are low, your sugar numbers don't matter)
    Great idea! You're right! I'll change it to track sodium now. Thanks!
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    the only fruit I like in my cottage cheese is creamy and delish...with garlic, salt, and pepper...

    plain cottage cheese with old bay is good too...but maybe that's just me...
  • Jigglypuff00
    Jigglypuff00 Posts: 267 Member
    I'll give it another try. My tastes have changed over the years. I know I hated it when I was younger. Just could never get over the texture. I do love avocado, so I could try it with that!
  • kpk54
    kpk54 Posts: 4,474 Member
    edited December 2017
    In response to feeling "weak all the time", for year I ate medically therapeutic keto where both carbs and protein are limited. I averaged only only about 15 to occassionally 20% of my calories in protein which was <50-75 grams per day and never felt weak all the time during that year. And I got a little exercise to boot without feeling "weak". My only point is I concur with what was posted above that (for me) being tired, sluggish, feeling weak was related to low sodium versus lack of protein. Any time I felt "off", I upped sodium. Not protein. Protein any higher than my Max of 20% at the time was not an option.

    I eat more protein now than I did then. Really for no other reason than I have to eat something. I personally don't chase high protein numbers. I'm not into lifting, recomping, elite training for anything. Without protein sources tend to be much of what has already been mentioned: lean meat, Greek yogurt, cottage cheese, eggs or egg whites. I recently bought a couple of protein powders for the heck of it though I doubt I'll make them a staple. I like and eat fish. I understand many folks do not. I easily get 80 to 100 grams of protein a day without much effort. That to me seems sufficient and is within the mid point of the VAST ranges of what is written as "enough", required, needed.

    I currently eat more carbs than some folks (about 50 grams) so it is fairly easy to keep my carbs where I want them while eating "carbier" things like Greek yogurt and cottage cheese. If you don't object to soy and/or count net carbs: Black soybeans. 11 grams of protein, 1 net carb in a half cup (130 gram) serving.
  • Jigglypuff00
    Jigglypuff00 Posts: 267 Member
    @kpk54 you're lucky you can get your protein without much effort. I wish I had no problem with it. I, however, have no problem getting my sodium in. I don't know why I feel so weak. I figured it has to be the protein. Because I should be getting around 100 grams a day according to the macro calculator. My carbs are usually around 30 grams. Sometimes higher, sometimes lower. But about an average of 30. Before I started keto, I wasn't supergirl, but I could open a stupid package. Now, I can't. You can't possibly know how helpless that makes me feel.

    I can't find any yogurt that doesn't have a ton of sugar. The stores around here have a lot of Fat Free foods, but not much with less or without sugar. I don't think soy is allowed on ketogenic? I could be wrong.
  • Sunny_Bunny_
    Sunny_Bunny_ Posts: 7,140 Member
    I’m not able to see your diary so I don’t know what you’re fat is coming from.
    My first thought is there is somewhere you are adding fat that is putting you too high by the time you eat the meat you need to get enough protein. So I’d reduce or eliminate some added fat.
    Eat more meat. It already has fat so you don’t really need to add much if any.
    It has been previously thought that diabetics may need to limit protein but it seems that’s not actually correct and that diabetics may actually have a greater need than others. The high insulin levels create more demand for GNG and that requires a substrate which you do not want to be your lean tissue.
    Whey protein is insulinogenic so it’s potentially (probably) problematic for someone with T2D trying to correct hyperinsulinemia.

    My opinion would be to reduce added fats and eat more meat and try to avoid protein shakes.
  • Jigglypuff00
    Jigglypuff00 Posts: 267 Member
    My highest fat seems to come from bacon, eggs and avocados. And then from any other type of meat I eat. Might be chicken, hamburg, ham, turkey. Or Ranch salad dressing, cheese, peanut butter.

    When I first started, I put butter on everything. Cooked with coconut oil, olive oil. I lost the bulk of my weight during that part! Now, I rarely use butter. I do use olive oil at times, but I use Pam most of the time.

    And now I'm worried about my protein shake! It's like the easiest way to add protein for me! Sunny Bunny! LOL! My appointment with the dietitian can't come early enough! I just hope she doesn't try to talk me out of eating keto. I'll be so disappointed. It's the only woe that worked for me.