Getting back on track

Finally feeling better after being sick for over a week, and ready to get back to exercise and tracking!! Normally when I'm sick I don't feel like eating, but not this time, I tried to eat everything in sight, which is very unusual for me. I'm normally pretty disciplined with my calorie intake.

Happy with my tracking and calorie intake today. Eased back into exercise with a 6 and 1/2 mile trail run/walk. I recently started running again at age 69, so slowly building up the running miles I put in. Trail running is my new passion, but will tolerate a road run. lol !! It's all good!

I plan on being more active in this group now that I'm getting back to normal!

Thanks, Jenn, for starting the group!!

C'mon, we can do this!! Bill


  • JennDavis2016
    JennDavis2016 Posts: 13 Member
    @fightingthetideofaging you'll do great. Having support and accountability is so important. It was so cool to meet you in person the other day! I look forward to getting to know you a bit better through this group!