Sticking through the cholesterol wave

cstehansen Posts: 1,984 Member
Based on my research, I knew going into this some people will get elevated cholesterol when going keto, but the ratios (HDL/triglyceride being the most important) would be better. I also knew that frequently the elevation is temporary and will trend down after the spike. Well, here are some numbers for those interested.

After initially going keto in August 2016, my total shot up from 183 to 268. This was enough to make my former doctor freak out despite the fact that my HDL had gone up dramatically from the 30's to the 50's. This was one of the reasons I fired him and got another doctor. With the new doctor, I was able to get more complete numbers for my last three checks which are below:

12/4/2016 5/28/17 11/26/17
Total Chol. 259 247 207
LDL-C 185 162 119
HDL-C 68 78 79
Triglycerides 56 48 66
ApoB 139 117 95 (ideal is below 80)
LDL-P 1691 1458 931 (ideal is below 1000)
sd-LDL-C 35 34 25 (ideal is below 20 so heading that way)
VLDL-C 6 7 9 (ideal below 30)
Lp(a) <15 <15 <15 (ideal below 30 so great here)
ApoA-1 163.3 181.7 179.0 (ideal over 160)

Inflammation scores:
hsCRP 0.2 0.2 0.2 (ideal is below 1.0)
Fibrogen 284 266 301 (ideal below 370)
LpPLA2 182 198 165 (ideal below 180)
MPO 188 116 162 (ideal below 470)

The inflammation scores all being great are the most important part. If there is no inflammation, there is no arterial damage. If there is no arterial damage, there is no reason for the cholesterol to stick - as its job is to act as a bandage in those situations.

In addition to this, being a middle aged man, this WOE has helped in another key way. My testosterone and free testosterone have both trended up dramatically from being way low to both being in the normal range now:

Total 275.2 554.4 819.9
Free 33.3 64.7 86.1

You can see these are not small changes, but rather nearly tripling in about a year. This is awesome.

I post this because too often we want to see immediate results. However, sometimes, it takes some time and the initial results may not be exactly what you want. Looking at all my numbers, I could not be happier. Now, if I could just get my BG down a bit more.....although I know sometimes that can take a few years to get down that last little bit. I will remain optimistic there.
