Jan 1 Weekly Challenge: If You Bite It, Write It

themedalist Posts: 3,217 Member
edited January 2018 in Social Groups
Theme: Healthy Eating
Challenge: If You Bite It, Write It

Happy New Year!

I thought we’d kick-off our 2018 weekly challenges with a “back to basics” challenge: food logging. For most of us, the MFP food diary was the first tool we were introduced to when we joined MFP and it remains the main tool we use to track our daily food and nutrition intake. According to My Fitness Pal’s extensive database, 88% of MyFitnessPal users who log their food for more than 7 days in a row ultimately lose weight.

Unfortunately, over time the accuracy of our food diaries often slips and logging becomes too generalized and sporadic to keep us on track. Eyeballing and guesstimating replaces using a food scale, and we try to recall what we ate earlier in the day instead of recording it right away. As a result, we have no accurate record of what we ate that day and no way of knowing if we are on track to reach our MFP goals (such as losing weight, focusing on macro/micro nutrients, or something else) This week, let's recommit ourselves to tracking our food intake in a meaningful way that supports the goals that each of us have.

Although the MFP food diary is a useful and even essential tool for many, for some people meticulously logging everything they eat is stressful and counterproductive. This is particularly true for people who may have struggled with eating disorders in the past. If using the MFP food diary isn't helpful for you, food journaling may be a viable alternative. A food journal is a record of what you ate, and often how much you ate, and can include an estimate of the calories from that food. Food journaling can be done with pen and paper or using an online tool such as Penzu. If you use a food journal or decide to try one this week, it's helpful to also note what you are doing or feeling when you eat something. Journaling can help us see the patterns and connections in our eating habits that can give us insight into what we might do differently ("Had a bag of M&Ms and a pint of ice cream after work because I hate my job" is a useful first step in finding non-food stress reduction strategies)

This Week's Challenge: Track your food in a way that helps you see the patterns and connections in your eating habits and supports the goals that you have here on MFP. Food diaries and food journals are useful tools and there are likely other strategies. Use the tool that works best for you.

I look forward to hearing your logging updates throughout the week. Please share tips, suggestions, and resources that have made food logging easier for you with our group.

Make it a great week!


Suggested Resources:

Your Top 7 Food Revelations from Logging with MyFitnessPal:

4 Tips on How to Count Calories Without Losing Your Mind:

Logging Accurately..Step by Step Guide

Online Food Journaling: Penzu

Food Journaling Through Pictures of What You Eat: See How You Eat App



  • MmamabearR
    MmamabearR Posts: 234 Member
    I have not been using my food scale as much as I used to. I think it's time to start again and pulling out my measuring cups for serving sizes, too. I didn't login anything today, but tomorrow, New Year, for sure. I even plan on making sugar cookies tomorrow. Yeah, I know, not good for the diet, but I'll be sure to log them nonetheless.
  • TrishasTime
    TrishasTime Posts: 588 Member
    I use mfp to log. I find the function "copy from" excellent . I tend to prep,an my meals so I know what is left.
  • themedalist
    themedalist Posts: 3,217 Member
    I’m intrigued by the food picture journaling app, See How You Eat. I’m checking that out this week!

    Happy 2018 everyone!
  • prgirl39mfp
    prgirl39mfp Posts: 3,154 Member
    Happy 2018. I log Everything I eat, the good, the bad and the ugly. I do need to invest on a digital scale. I tend to eye ball everything, specially condiments. Great post. I had a brownie today, and it will be logged.

    Thanks Denise.
  • cshock93
    cshock93 Posts: 92 Member
    Great idea to go back to the basics. I know I've definitely slacked on logging the past couple weeks
  • corinasue1143
    corinasue1143 Posts: 7,464 Member
    I'm usually pretty good about logging, but log loosely, think my New Years resolution needs to be to buy and use a food scale.
  • UpstateKaren
    UpstateKaren Posts: 8 Member
    Before I even knew what I was doing I licked the sour cream off my finger after putting a spoonful on my son's baked potato.....and I logged that lick for an extra 3 calories! So much intake is done without even realizing it.
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,414 Member
    HAPPY NEW YEAR Everyone!

    @PinkyPan1 I love that scale. Mine takes up so much room in our tiny kitchen. That would be perfect. Thanks for sharing.

    @themedalist I haven't heard of that app. I'm curious so will check that out too!
    Feels so good to have a new challenge! I think I've become addicted to this group. :mrgreen:

    I really need to get back to basics too. I will keep using MFP for now, and I want to try using the scanning app on it so instead of trying to search for foods and guess which one is correctly added, I can just scan the barcode. I think that will help me to pre-log in the morning as I'm packing my lunch also.

    Can't wait to read the resources you gave us! It'll have to wait though because I just spent about 2 hours just catching up on all my MFP groups this morning and kind of need to get my butt in gear now!

    Thanks for posting another challenge @themedalist I appreciate all you do for us...more than you know!
  • prgirl39mfp
    prgirl39mfp Posts: 3,154 Member
    Day one done. Today is my youngest daughter’s bday and she wants to eat out. You will see it logged.
  • themedalist
    themedalist Posts: 3,217 Member
    Way to start the new year, Everyone! It’s great to see so many new faces (avatars?) as well as so many returning friends. Let’s make 2018 our best year yet!

    That’s a fantastic scale, @PinkyPan1, thanks for posting. And @UpstateKaren, I so relate to your post. It’s way too easy to taste and nibble and then think, “oh right”. Good for you for logging that bit of sour cream.

    Yesterday was a logging fail for me but today will be better. A piece of our wood stove broke off, so we had to shut off the wood stove. It’s not our only heating system, but I do need to get it repaired ASAP. It was -6 last night here in New Hampshire. Brrr.
  • bcTRAI
    bcTRAI Posts: 414 Member
    I once knew someone who would automatically add 50 just for thoughtless tastes. That way it was always there. That being said, it was lick the spoon tastes not grab a square tastes. :p
  • Zulu87
    Zulu87 Posts: 119 Member
    Hi everyone I'm new to this group looking for some extra motivation and support! It's always easier with people on the same page!
    Day 2 logged for me, I don't have a scale yet but just want to get in the habit of being mindful of my food again! :)
  • prgirl39mfp
    prgirl39mfp Posts: 3,154 Member
    Day 2 done. Went out to eat so you know even with my almost healthy choices, went over my calories and sodium, but it is logged and I am proud of me.

    I am researching the scales. Thanks for posting.
  • texasgardnr
    texasgardnr Posts: 2,660 Member
    Happy New Year to everyone! Welcome to all the new posters here!!

    At this present time I am not logging on MFP, but I automatically use my food scale more often than not for certain items. It's like I'm on auto pilot with the scale at times. I use it both for continued weight management and recipe accuracy.

    Several years ago when I bought my food scale I was quite (understatement) surprised at what a difference it made in the accuracy of my logging, and especially for the accuracy of portions. I even learned an easy way to measure peanut butter. That was another definite eye opener to portion accuracy :o .

    @themedalist, the food scale also was my best purchase! @PinkyPan1, your food scale is definitely awesome looking!


  • mxchana
    mxchana Posts: 666 Member
    My food scale is my greatest tool. @PinkyPan1 - can you tell us what that scale is called? Would be perfect for travel!
    Thanks ...
  • prgirl39mfp
    prgirl39mfp Posts: 3,154 Member

    Looks like the Joseph and Joseph Tri Scale. Let me know if this is it @PinkyPan1. I have no counter space left in my kitchen so this will work perfectly.
  • bcTRAI
    bcTRAI Posts: 414 Member
    I know no one who's drawers are THAT neat.
  • MmamabearR
    MmamabearR Posts: 234 Member
    Measuring your food is a great way to keep track, and it's helped me a lot, but I don't want to get too caught up with exact measurements. For one, there's no guarantee that the amounts are even correct. Who determines how many calories, fat, protein, etc. is found in our foods? Two, are the numbers exact or are they allowed a margin of error? What is the margin of error? That lick of sour cream @UpstateKaren had may have had more or less then 3 calories. It may not have even registered.

    Just something to keep in mind.