January-lly committed, good things will come (Check-in Thread)



  • chispaza
    chispaza Posts: 153 Member
    edited January 2018
    OHP - 5x5 @ 65 lbs.
    Deads - 1x5 @ 135. 1x5 @ 175. 5x1 @ 205
    10 assisted pull ups
    1 hour power yoga
    Squats 3x3 @115 lbs ( I just didn't have it in me today to do more than this).
    Then, I did some kettlebell squats and some ab work.
  • krokador
    krokador Posts: 1,794 Member
    I seem to live in bad news land of late (I currently don't have enough solid info/don't really feel like sharing just yet. Just needed to let you all know, my head's not so much in it right now).

    But lifting's been going well. So I'll take that.

    Sunday was my last WOD day, and I also did clean and jerks because I missed those fellas.

    EMOTM x 21
    1- Power clean & split jerk (non-dominant side)
    2- power clean & split jerk (dominant side)
    3- 6 burpee over bars
    repeat 7 times (with the last minute being an AMRAP of burpees)

    I did 95lbs for the first 6 rounds, 105 on the last, and got 11.5 burpees on that last minute.

    "True Grit"
    - 2000m row
    - every minute after the first, get off the rower and do 1 thruster @ 65lbs (+1 each round)

    I made it through the round of 6, got off the rower, cleaned the bar up... and dropped it right away. Done. 1025m I think was on the rower. Wow. It wears its name well...

    And I finished off with 2 sets of each: barbell curls, triceps cable pushdowns, 1-arm seated row (with iso hold on non-working side), pec flyes (machine) and 1 set of rear delt flyes while I was there.

    Today was a groove/acclimation day. Not-too heavy-singles, supra max static holds and paused back-off sets.

    Squats 165x2x1, 175x2x1, 165x1
    Holds @ 195x, 205, 215 for ~20s (probably was more like 15, but i counted to 20, kay?)
    Pause squats 3x3 @ 125 I think?

    Bench 115x2x1, 125x2x1, 115x1
    Holds @ 145, 155, 165
    2-pause bench (chest and ~2 inches off chest where I tend to have a sticking point) 3x3 @95

    Deadlift 195x1, 205x1, 215x2x1, 205x1
    rack lockout & hold 225 and 235 (?)
    snatch grip deadlift with pause @ mid-shin 165x3x3

    Pretty set on my openers being those top sets I did today. So that's good.
  • mustb60
    mustb60 Posts: 1,090 Member
    January Weightlifting
    Goal: 10 times ( min 2times/wk)
    Done: 3/10

    Set A
    Squat 5x5 27 kg
    Bench press 5x5 24.5 kg
    Barbell rows 5x7 30 kg

    Pull down 10×3 15 kg
    Pull in Seated 10×3 15 kg
    Dumbbell side raise 10×3 5kg
    Triceps extension 10×2 10 kg
    Dumbbell OP 10x3 10 kg
  • chichidachimp
    chichidachimp Posts: 109 Member
    First week really back in the swing of things. Didn't have a gym (or motivation over the 2 or 3 weeks of Christmas break so I de loaded a bit.

    Squats 5x5 95
    Bench 5x5 50
    Row 5x5 65

    Squats 5x5 100
    OH 5x5 50
    DL 1x5 95, 115, 135
  • krokador
    krokador Posts: 1,794 Member
    Wasn't supposed to go into the gym today, but my mind needed it more than my body needed the rest (although I was supposed to do cardio core and mobility, and I ended up doing oly lifting xD)

    warmed up then hit a 21 min EMOM rotation
    1 - power snatch from floor (65, 75, 80, 82.5x2, 85x2)
    2 - hang full snatch
    3 - sled sprints (25, 45, 70, 95, 105, 115)

    then called it a day. Not too strenuous, still got a bid of a sweat going, spent about an hour in there total (my warmup takes FOR EH VER! :!)

    Also figured I'd shared this from yesterday because the faces are pretty funny, and you can kind of see I do have a bit of a bench arch after all! lol
  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    i am a lallygagger. will report later after i actually do this day's rehab thingy.

    just saying hi and covering self with shame in the meantime :p
  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    edited January 2018
    well, the nordic falls have gotten frustrating again because my kneecaps hate those last 30 degrees to the floor. i'll have to fiddle around some more with my padding arrangements. i'm behind on those though still trying at least nominally.

    abductions had a setback and i was feeling sad after this morning's fail (back down to four pounds). but tonight i actually did my planks and other stuff first and gee what a surprise. 7.5 plate was fine for 3x20. i'm half a pound (plus some consistency) off where i was ordered to get myself to \o/

    bridges i can now do without (? mostly) any repercussions. so i'm doing them. i still have to lift my feet off the floor and do a quick little semi-deadbug to get the lower abs to set first though, so 20 reps takes me a while when i'm scrupulous.

    on planks i'm starting to add some variations/extras. not sure if i really should be yet, but i basically do it because i get too bored after counting off 20-ish seconds. so i start doing the left lift on the theory that a few reps of that on each side must surely be burning the final ten. i can't lift the top leg when i'm in a side plank on the left though. just can't; makes me think i'm doing the form itself wrong on that side.
  • amyinthetardis1231
    amyinthetardis1231 Posts: 571 Member
    Thank you for the kind thoughts, canadian and mustbe60. I'm hoping for a better year, too!

    Getting back into the gym is slowly happening. I feel like I lost a lot of ground but hopefully as I get back to my routine it'll come back.

    Bench press 3x3 @ 85
    OHP 3x8 @ 57
    Seated row 3x10 @ 55
    Assisted pullups 1x7, 1x5 @ -75

    Squats 3x3 @ 140
    Sumo deadlifts 3x5 @ 115
    KB swings w/ 30 lb bell 3x 12
    Box jumps 3x10

    I'm going to practice sumo deadlifts for a few months and see how that goes, both for variety and to see if I can get through my DL plateau. Once I get a little closer to my previous numbers (weight on the bar and on the scale) I think I'll try using a belt.
  • mustb60
    mustb60 Posts: 1,090 Member
    I loved the title of this month's check in, let's good things keep coming to our ways!! :smile:
  • krokador
    krokador Posts: 1,794 Member
    Openers hit in a record timeframe. I'm hoping i get more than like 90s between sets on the day I do the actual meet xD (it's online, so I'll be filming myself, but it'll be on a week day for me and I'll prolly be time restricted because work).

    Squat 175
    Bench 125
    Deadiift 215

    I also held 235 for ~15s on my back, and 175 in my hands on bench. Do you know what 235lbs feels like on your back? Like it's trying to crush you into the ground xD I have mad respect for the people that can even just walk out those 500+ lbs I get that at that point your muscles are much stronger and all, but gravity is still gravity. It's a lot of downward pressure on that spine!

    I also widened my grip a bit on deadlifts (not a lot), and it seems to make lockout a bit easier. But it's also a bit more awkward, so I'm not sure if I'll stick with it or not...
  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    i will say that i can balance a lot better on my left leg than i used to be able to, so there's that. can even sustain about the first 25% of a one-legged squat without wobbling.

    idk if i'm using the right muscles or recruiting fakes to do it, of course. but i'm 18 days out from my followup appointment on the 29th so i guess i'll find out pretty soon.
  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    forced to leave home for errand reasons, so i broke pattern and went to the gym since i was already out there.

    they've switched up their kettlebell set, so the good news is, the new set have thin/big enough handles that i can fit my foot into the smallest one. bad news is the smallest one in the new set is an entire nine pounds.

    good news is that i did all 3x20 abductions with them anyway. and a series of prone knee-extension sets, verrrrry slow on the eccentric section. not saying the abductions were easy at that weight for that many reps, but only the final five or so in each set were real face-clencher reps. and nine pounds was a manageable weight for the extensions as well, but i kept it to just 3x5 because 'manageable' certainly didn't mean 'light'. you learn a lot about how crappy your stabilization is on one side, when you lie on your face and use one foot only to get a kettlebell into the air. right leg very little trouble; left leg waving and wobbling all over the place.

    also did some eccentric hamstring bridges - heels up on a 'step', toes cocked, and bridge up fast then use the hamstrings to come down, sloowwwwwly again. there's just no question that the left one burns in a way the right one doesn't, at all. i guess i pushed it into slightly new ground today with the heavier weight, so i'll see tomorrow whether i overdid it.
  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    saw someone today who maybe weighs 160 himself, doing squats with a JUMP as he finished lockout. i was so startled that i kept watching and it was not just a 'pop' from the hips; it was a little real and intentional jump.

    i will say that he stayed very stable with it, but not something that i'd want to try with near-body weight on my back. not on a barbell - too much of a lever arm if things go wrong.
  • hanlonsk
    hanlonsk Posts: 762 Member
    @canadianlbs so much of your above descriptions just made me feel much better about my stuff. Like my stabilization sucks on both sides... but the left is soooo much incredibly worse it is almost comical.

    I am traveling for work currently, but a novel change with current pt situation, they hav offices elsewhere. There is one here, and it’s actually around the corner from work, so no excuses. But they hadn’t seen how comical my one legged stuff is. So, pt lady goes “let’s go over to the bosu, we are going to have ya stand on the bosu, on one leg, and throw a ball to you”. I look at her rather skeptically, we very quickly went to “ummm we will hold off on the ball.” After she saw my first attempt. Followed shortly by “let’s move the bosu over here where you have something to hold on to” yeah... right wasn’t great.... but left was a train wreck even while firmly holding onto things.

    But I gotta get my butt back to the gym in some form. Or I gotta start trying on my pants before I pack them.... especially my men’s jeans that don’t stretch.
  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    I'm going to practice sumo deadlifts for a few months and see how that goes

    sumos were pretty neat. but So Different. sez the woman with no attention span who spent one evening doing them and then just wandered away from the idea. you really really need to get your hands centred for them :)
    hanlonsk wrote: »
    @canadianlbs so much of your above descriptions just made me feel much better about my stuff.

    i'm genuinely happy to hear that. because it means don't have to picture even the crickets rolling their eyes and yawning while i yammer away to myself.

    i hear you so much about the nonplussed physiotherapists. and the way they quickly rein in their expectations when they see the reality. it's weird how there can be such an explosion of body-knowledge out there these days (thank you crossfit for *kitten* up so many would-be athletes, i guess). and yet there are people like you and me who none of the knowledge seems to have gotten to yet.

    i daydream about magical fixes, you know ? :tongue: a nd meanwhile, i'm not even the tiniest bit tempted to deadlift or squat atm. i still have three weeks for this 'two months total rest' to do its magic, but idk how hopeful i am at this point. i'm some better, but doesn't feel like i'm anywhere near better enough to go back to the bar.
  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    i'll add this, to encourage myself. since idk when i have not been able to pass that physio test where you lie on your stomach and they ask you to use your glutes to get one leg at a time off the table. right leg, yes; i could always do that. left leg no. and when i did do it it was always clear even to me that i was using the hamstring and not the glute.

    so. i can now get my left leg up using the glute. not as far as the right leg, and that seems almost to be a physical block of some kind, like the joint itself just won't go past a particular point. so i'm still out of balance BUT that's a piece of basic functionality that i never have had and which i now do have, at least somewhat.
  • mustb60
    mustb60 Posts: 1,090 Member
    January Weightlifting
    Goal: 10 times ( min 2times/wk)
    Done: 4/10

    Set B
    Squat 5x5 27 kg 59.5 lbs
    OP 5x5 22 kg 48.5 lbs
    Dead lift 5x2 45 kg 99.2 lbs
    Dumbbell side raise 10×3 5 kg
    Triceps extension 10×2 10 kg
  • amyinthetardis1231
    amyinthetardis1231 Posts: 571 Member
    I'm a sumo convert! I hit a 20lb PR in my second sumo session, first one trying to lift heavy. I'm going to have to revise my deadlift goal at this rate!

    OHP: 3x5 @ 60
    Squat: 3x6 @ 125
    Bench press: 3x10 @ 65
    Sumo DL: 1x5 @ 145/152/162, 2 @ 172, 1 @ 182
  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    i basically just futzed around in t-space. taht's about all i have to say about it :tongue:
  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    i keep meaning to teach mr t the south african expression 'tuning me grief'. he likes seffer talk for some reasons, so he'd love that one. 'how's the tendons today?' 'eh, they're still tuning me grief'.

    which they are.