Anyone use gloves?

luckynky Posts: 123 Member
Hi there, newbie here. After doing only 4 20 minute kettlebell workouts, I'm developing blisters. I have been reading various pieces of information online about gloves and thought I'd ask here what your opinions are. I really am not fond of having blisters or huge rough callouses on my hands (or feet, which I have to work on weekly). Do I really have to "tough it out"?


  • ItsCasey
    ItsCasey Posts: 4,022 Member
    I don't recommend using gloves. They interfere with your grip, and I think people use them to mask faulty technique. I used to use them on snatches because they tore up my hands, but as I continued to improve my technique (and make strength gains), I found the gloves to be more trouble than just using chalk and my bare hands.

    Calluses are a good thing when they are maintained. The thickening of the skin will help protect your hands. Use a pumice stone in the shower (and lots of moisturizer!) to smooth them out and keep them even with skin level. You don't want them to be raised above the skin because they'll rip. When you're training and you notice your skin beginning to tear, STOP immediately. If you continue to train, you WILL tear up your hands and be unable to train at until they heal.

    As you get better with swinging, snatching, etc., and as you get stronger, you will find that this becomes less of an issue because it is easier to control the kettlebell through the full range of motion when your technique is correct and when you are truly strong enough to handle the weight.
  • luckynky
    luckynky Posts: 123 Member
    Thank you, ItsCasey. It's not really what I wanted to hear, but I trust you know what you're saying (by the looks of your pic). ;) Goodbye smooth hands. Hello pain.
  • fliss2323
    fliss2323 Posts: 2 Member
    I use gloves and still get blisters! Try lots of chalk and a lady called Tracy Reifkind came up with the sock sleeves..... check them out. I do use gloves for some protection as I cant afford my hands to be too torn up as Im a nurse. Lots of people got lots of opinions on it, but generally whatever you do blisters are part of using the kettlebells unfortunately:frown:
  • ttippie2000
    ttippie2000 Posts: 412 Member
    I don't use gloves for callouses. I just have callouses. I'm sorry if that's not helpful. (The issue I have run into is losing my grip after I start to sweat hard enough that chalk won't keep up.)

    As fliss2323 commented above, I'd refer you to Tracy Reifkind's book for some tube sock modifications that are cheap, easy and are effective at protecting your hands. Her book is inspirational even if you're not doing kettlebell for weight loss.
  • VegasFit
    VegasFit Posts: 1,232 Member
    I use gloves. I know lots of people discourage it but I like my hands to stay soft and I want to avoid blisters! I use chalk too. Now off to check out sock sleeves.
  • Lupercalia
    Lupercalia Posts: 1,857 Member
    I've never used gloves for KBs or barbells. I have never had blisters from either, but I have had and do have calluses. Like Casey said, if you take care of your hands properly and train intelligently, you'll be fine.

    I'm all about bare hands, and rarely find the need to use chalk with kettlebells. I do like a bit of chalk for heavy deadlifts with the barbell, though.
  • KidP
    KidP Posts: 247 Member
    I tried gloves just to experiment & see for myself. My hands still got roughed up as the gloves still rubbed the skin underneath. Maybe they don't fit properly...hmm.

    I get blisters and then either tears or calluses depending on a number of factors (weather, weight, etc). I find that if i use a 16kg bell i am far less likely to get blisters or tears than if i use a 20 or 24kg bell. Simple physics, i guess. I chalk like crazy.