Synthroid and low iron meds

I just wanted to inform people taking synthroid for under active thyroid and an iron deficiency medication to make sure that you take them at least four hours apart. I was never informed that these meds counteract each other and took them together for several years. I could not figure out why I still could not lose weight as I was now taking thyroid meds. I came across the info about the iron making the synthroid not work when I finally researched it. For the past year, I have been taking synthetic first thing in the morning on an empty stomach and iron pills 4-5 hours later and for the first time ever, have lost 40 pounds so far.


  • desertcrafty
    desertcrafty Posts: 50 Member
    That's a bummer that no one told you, but so great about the weight loss!
  • runner_gurl76
    runner_gurl76 Posts: 37 Member
    There are quite a few supplements that can affect how your synthroid functions. I always take mine first thing in the morning on an empty stomach at least an hour before eating or taking any supplements.