Vegetarian keto?

Hi, I'm currently doing keto and I'm taking a vegetarian approach to it this time around. I haven't eaten meat in over a month now, but it's kind of hard. I was wondering if anyone else was doing vegetarian keto, and how it was working for them? Maybe some of the recipes they used or foods they ate? It's definitely been difficult since I can't eat fatty meats and such.


  • kiramaniac
    kiramaniac Posts: 800 Member
    I think this is a crazy, nutty idea. That said, there are a bunch of equally crazy, nutty folks on reddit that do this.

    Best of luck.
  • RoisinKC
    RoisinKC Posts: 3 Member
    Hi, I'm a veggie doing keto :) I don't find it difficult at all! I personally keep to 25g of carbs a day, as 20g is a little trickier without meat (but not impossible).

    I have a Pinterest board with vegetarian keto recipes that might be useful:

    As for what I'm generally eating, I'm pretty much living on eggs, cheese, peanut butter, almonds, macadamia nuts, eggs, brocolli, cauliflower, spinach, eggs, Atkins Advantage bars, eggs and more eggs.

    I don't have a huge appetite though. But you should find it okay :)
  • TPlenge
    TPlenge Posts: 31 Member
    I am usually vegetarian, but I have added fish to do keto. Most of my meals are still vegetarian and I keep my daily carbs under 20. My veg foods consist of: heavy whipping cream, butter, high fat cheeses, cream cheese, cottage cheese, raspberries, blackberries, blueberries, lemon, avocado, cucumbers, mushrooms, celery, spinach, romaine, brussels sprouts, onion, jalapenos, eggs, coconut oil, flax oil, brazil nuts, macadamia nuts. My indulgences are monster absolutely zero, red wine, tequila with sugar free mixer.