Non Scale Victories



  • PloddingTurtle
    PloddingTurtle Posts: 283 Member
    <3 your NSV @CheezWhiz88, and I'll bet it's helping to keep your dog fit too.
  • PloddingTurtle
    PloddingTurtle Posts: 283 Member
    @stormtheworld, that is fantastic! Air travel and seat belt victory. Two of my big hills to climb.
  • meldwel
    meldwel Posts: 143 Member
    I’ve been doing water aerobic classes for a month or so now, about 4-6 times a week. Today I branched out and did a Zumba class, and I thought I was going to die! But I made it through!!! tomorrow I’m gonna try silver sneakers class after my water class and see if that is more in my range right now. Zumba is no joke! Lol
  • bigghunny
    bigghunny Posts: 550 Member
    @stormtheworld awesome NSV.
    @meldwel least you can say you did it and survived great NSV!!
  • bigghunny
    bigghunny Posts: 550 Member
    edited June 2018
    I know I've missed a few @tammyfranks2 @cnavarro002 @amy_kee @Mellykay88 @ploddingturtle @urbansparx @JJKMO2 @cheezwiz88 @kwiris0328 all great things you guys are accomplishing. This group is absolutely phenomenal!!! :)<3<3<3
  • crazykatlady820
    crazykatlady820 Posts: 301 Member
    I don’t always respond, but just wanted to say I love reading these posts and I’m so proud of each of you!
  • bmeadows380
    bmeadows380 Posts: 2,981 Member
    edited June 2018
    Sorry I've been gone so long! But you might have enjoyed the reprieve from my long winded posts lol

    I've actually got a day in the office today after being out a lot because of my job.

    anyway, you know how badly I've been struggling with a plateau for the last 5 months now. It seems that I lost my momentum over Christmas, and by February, I ground to a halt. The scale has been bouncing around 270 lbs ever since; some weeks, I'm up 3 lbs, some weeks, I'll be down 3 lbs, but I can't see to break past that point. I've been struggling mightily with depression, and this isn't helping at all; I lost 100 lbs last year and wanted to lose 50 more this year, but its June so I have to face the fact that that ain't going to happen, which is frustrating. And of course, being as I'm naturally pessimistic, I tend to see the failure instead of the victories - such as "you just shed 100 lbs; you shouldn't be surprised that you're body is slowing down!" or "okay, so you plateaued for a while - your life has been stressful the last several months, work has been extremely time consuming, and you've spent a ton of time out of town, eating out - so give yourself a break", or the best one: "you haven't lost in 6 months, true - but you haven't gained either; its a victory that you've managed to maintain when the last time you plateaued, you gained all the weigh back!"

    But my objective side that can be much more reasonable and pragmatic and see the positives isn't able to communicate with my emotional side very well, so I've been fighting depression, stress, frustration, and a whole host of bad emotions, and the scale not budging isn't helping.


    I'm starting to think that I HAVE been slowly losing, but that water weight may just be masking the whole thing. I say this because of a few things:

    1) I finally updated my measurements from January and found that I've managed to lose 1/2" off my waist, hips, and bust since then - and in some cases, it was pushing closer to an 1". So yes, its been a big slow down, but it's still apparently coming off

    2) This week, I dug out a pretty black belt out of my closet to wear with a pair of jeans that I can't seem to get to stay up. When I bought the belt, I had to buy the next size down because they didn't have it in the 3XL. But at the time, while I could get it to buckle, it wasn't comfortable to wear it, so I put it in my closet. I was shocked on Saturday to be able to wear it comfortably - yes, I was still in the first hole, but it was comfortable; I even wore it all day yesterday and it remained a comfortable fit, even into the evening (because sometimes as the day goes on, I get bloated and have to let my belts out a little). So that's a big victory!

    3) I have another belt that when I bought it, I was using the 1st 2 holes on it; I wore it the other day and realized that I was getting near the end of the belt string. And I had to give my dad one of my belts because I had gone past the bottom hole - meaning, I had to give it away or punch a new hole!

    4) I bought a firm style body shaper back in the early spring -sometime around March or maybe even earlier. This was a corset style shaper with the ribbing in it and hooks up the front. I have a horrible muffin top, so I bought it tight, hoping it would hold that muffin top in better than the regular, non-ribbed shapers, plus I get really tired of the non-ribbed shapers rolling down all the time (and they all do it!) Anyway, when I first bought the thing, while I could just barely get it on and squeezed into it, I usually had to take it off after an hour because it was just so uncomfortably tight, especially if I had to sit down.

    Now I've only worn the thing 3 times now, so I know I haven't stretched it out. This Sunday, I wore it under a dress and realized after the service was over, that it wasn't bothering me - I sat through the whole service and wasn't uncomfortable. In fact, I wore it several hours because I took it off and it didn't bother me! that was a real eye opening moment! :smiley:

    so apparently, though the scale won't budge, I'm still having success in other ways; I AM still slowly losing inches, so weight has to still be coming off; its just all the stress I'm under is apparently having a profound effect on my water retention and is masking my success. GRRRRRR

    But I'll take it - right now, I need positive encouragement!
  • PloddingTurtle
    PloddingTurtle Posts: 283 Member
    edited June 2018
    I survived shopping for clothes on the weekend, something I've been avoiding for a little too long. I was desperate for some office wear summer-weight tops. My office is usually business formal but goes a little more business casual in the summer (i.e. I don't have to wear a blazer in the summer).

    Clothes shopping is usually traumatic at the best of times for me. I never look the way I think I should in the mirrors. Anyway... I picked up five tops, 2 sheer weight over blouses that can act as jackets (hide those flabby arms a little), two pair of pants, and a half dozen underwear. My old underwear is getting so baggy! Life is just too short to wear baggy underwear, right? All on massive discount sale prices: 60%, 75%, and even 90% mark down. I am down a dramatic 3 pant sizes (I'm going to keep one pair of my fattest pants for after pictures), and I'm down 2 top sizes over my last clothes.

    I also picked up a new pair of office shoes because I literally walked a hole into my very last pair of office flats (at an average of 25 miles/week according to my Fitbit). The shoes were not on sale.
  • bigghunny
    bigghunny Posts: 550 Member
    Awesome @PloddingTurtle sounds like you won all around. Great NSV!!
  • Mellykay88
    Mellykay88 Posts: 306 Member
    Popping in to share that I bought a size 20 jeans today!!! I started my journey in a tight 28 so I’m quite excited.
  • bigghunny
    bigghunny Posts: 550 Member
    @Mellykay88 awesome news girl you deserve a high five woohooo
  • Mellykay88
    Mellykay88 Posts: 306 Member
    @bigghunny *air high five* I certainly did a happy dance in the dressing room.
  • kwirs
    kwirs Posts: 9 Member
    I hiked up a mountain to a waterfall last week. It wasn’t pretty, and I didn’t think I would make it all the way up, but I did it! Two years ago my knee problems were so bad I couldn’t walk around a store.

  • Mellykay88
    Mellykay88 Posts: 306 Member
    @kwirs that is such and AWESOME accomplishment!
  • PloddingTurtle
    PloddingTurtle Posts: 283 Member
    @kwirs and @Mellykay88

    Celebrating with you both. I can so relate to both of those NSVs! Love the new pic too @Mellykay88.
  • tammyfranks2
    tammyfranks2 Posts: 290 Member
    this past Wednesday I went to my son's boy scout camp , we had a cook out and saw MY son who was inducted into the OA (order of the arrow) I am so proud of him , but me .... I walked all over the place , up hills and from camp site to camp site . 5 hours we were there and I felt great , yes when we left i was tried , but not into much pain ....I was happy . I am a big woman and walking is not my friend LOL but I did it !! just 50 pounds off and I am doing things like this ....wait til i am 100 pounds down , no holding me back. so @kwirs way to go , I understand !!!
  • PloddingTurtle
    PloddingTurtle Posts: 283 Member
    @tammyfranks2, so thrilled for you at this new reality.

    I'm just 30 pounds down, and I live on the 2nd floor of a walk-up apartment building. I am really noticing the difference in carrying up my groceries...especially now that I'm eating all this fresh food. Healthy food weighs so much more than non-healthy food. :)
  • PloddingTurtle
    PloddingTurtle Posts: 283 Member
    Hi, @kayish

    Those are some pretty impressive victories. Applause from me. :)