9 months vsg post op and at a stall

lb21407 Posts: 6 Member
Anyone have any suggestions to getting over this stall? Had vsg done 4/2017 so far lost 55lbs (even though I feEl like it should have been more) but I have been weighing in at 196-197 since November! I am frustrated but since I have been logging in on MFP I noticed I am under in protein and always come in under my calorie intake. Anyone else have this issue?


  • rpyle111
    rpyle111 Posts: 1,066 Member
    Check your logging with a fine tooth comb. When it became routine, it was easy for me to slip and not include everything. If you are sure about the intake, then your body must be adjusting to that level of calories. Shake it up with a different exercise, consider adding 100 calories per day (I assume you are still at a significant deficit to your TDEE). These are things that can restart loss.