9 months vsg post op and at a stall

lb21407 Posts: 6 Member
Anyone have any suggestions to getting over this stall? Had vsg done 4/2017 so far lost 55lbs (even though I feEl like it should have been more) but I have been weighing in at 196-197 since November! I am frustrated but since I have been logging in on MFP I noticed I am under in protein and always come in under my calorie intake. Anyone else have this issue?


  • loveshoe
    loveshoe Posts: 365 Member
    I had the normal stalls and they seemed to break when I got all my protein in, added an extra 10-15 minutes of exercise in at the beginning of the day. I would also change my diet by having one raw meal every day for a few days. I had a co-worker who was a body-builder and he suggested a carb load day. I did try it a couple of times when I got closer to my goal and maybe it worked or maybe the scale was going to move anyway. Carb loading was kinda scary because I love carbs and was afraid I might not be able to get it back under control.

    Just keep trying and you'll get there. I was a slow loser it took me 16 months to lose 103 pounds. But every day was so worth it. I learned a lot of good habits, discovered new foods, and learned how to exercise.