Cheat meals?

kma0002 Posts: 6 Member
Do they exist and how do plan for them?


  • Sunny_Bunny_
    Sunny_Bunny_ Posts: 7,140 Member
    They exist if you choose. No need to plan. You’re gonna feel like hell and most likely regret it afterward. I suppose that varies a bit from person to person.
    But there’s nothing to plan other than how to make sure you get back on track and handle any fall out from it.
  • __Roxy__
    __Roxy__ Posts: 825 Member
    I feel like, if one has the attitude that this is a lifestyle now, those foods stop becoming "cheats" and instead become things you either do, or do not, choose to eat.

    If you want to eat pizza and chips, go for it. You are the only one who can decide that. You can plan for it all you want... pre log, pre exercise, count everything etc... but eating sugar and grains and other carb-rich food might (will likely) make you feel physically unwell/ uncomfortable afterwards. You have to try it to know for sure.

    Some people do keto for medical reasons, so eating sugars and grains isn't even an option, ever. It can trigger seizures or inflammation or migraines or many other things in some people. BUT, if you are doing keto strictly for weight loss, go ahead and eat the carbs - just go into it knowing you WILL gain water weight. You will likely also feel some discomfort and spend several days fending off cravings and increased hunger. Is it worth it? Only you can decide!

    Some people do carb cycle, as in, have occasional higher carb days on purpose. But usually they consume friendly carbs such as veggies or nuts - not sugars and grains and whatever junk food they please.
  • cgcrutch
    cgcrutch Posts: 223 Member
    My experience with cheat meals has been that I HATE the idea of going back to keto afterwards. Even though keto food is pretty good, or GREAT depending on how much effort I put in, I don't wanna give up real pizza or icecream AGAIN after a cheat. ESPECIALLY if it was a whole cheat day instead of just a meal. Ya, you'll get headaches too, but the mental strength and sugar withdrawal over and over will be the real stressor. A good option is the find or create low carb versions of whatever non-keto food you are craving. The closer you get, the easier to come back! You can also plan to fit a little bit of non-keto stuff into your daily macros/calories sometimes. So u don't have to feel like anything is off limits.
  • Shannonigans84
    Shannonigans84 Posts: 693 Member
    I plan to have 2-4 "cheat meals" a month. Not to overindulge but to be able to eat normally if there's a special occasion or if I'm feeling like I'm getting too burnt out. A keto only life until I die is just not plausible. If I say I can never have something again I'll fail eventually. Allowing cheat meals sparingly will keep my sanity and assure I can keep this up for the Long haul. I have zero issues getting back to keto if say I have a cheeseburger for lunch. I'll get right back to it for supper. I've had three cheat meals since the 2nd due to Xmas and birthdays. Now I'm done until the Superbowl, I'm hosting a party and there will be noms I'll partake in. But only during supper time and not all day. Do what you need to do to stay sane and successful! I'm steadily losing and excited to reach my goal weight :)
  • kpk54
    kpk54 Posts: 4,474 Member
    I understand the whole "cheat meal" or "cheat day" idea. I really don't care for the term so I don't even use it in jest though my way of eating may be what some consider a "cheat". A few meals a year, I might go off plan. I usually know when it is coming so I usually plan for it by eating fewer calories the rest of the day or fewer carbs. What I don't do is "go gluttonous". "Pigging out" is simply not part of my eating behavior in recent times. I had homemade lasagna for Christmas Eve dinner but skipped the bread and dessert. I had a small piece of cheese cake and a couple chocolates on Christmas Day. I could have not eaten the stuff Christmas Day because it wasn't a part of the "sit down dinner" but I "saved calories" for that purpose.

    So yes, I guess I cheat if someone wants to call it that. It works for me. It was how I lost all my excess weight back in 2013/14 and how I have maintained since EXCEPT for the year I ate medically therapeutic keto.

  • SamFranks99
    SamFranks99 Posts: 5 Member
    I heard someone use free meal, i like that better.
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    I do occasionally go over on carbs...I have the occasional small potato with dinner, or a 1/2 cup of rice, or pizza...but I don't usually go crazy and have a huge high carb meal...just a sneaky high carb item here and there with my usual protein/fat. It's enough, and if I can be satisfied with a little, why go crazy and eat a would probably make me feel terrible.
  • moissanite
    moissanite Posts: 4 Member
    I have been on Keto since end of Nov. my biggest weakness is pizza.when I was craving some last month, I took a slice with the intention of eating the whole slice or two. However, I was satisfied after 1/4 of a slice... it was pizza hut.. not worth eating more.