Success stories?!?

kma0002 Posts: 6 Member
Encourage me! Tell me how much weight you’ve lost and how long long it took!

I’m one week in and down 5lbs, so probably mostly water weight. But eager to hear your success stories!


  • 2t9nty
    2t9nty Posts: 1,621 Member
    I lost 40 pounds by CICO in the first 10 months of 2016. I adopted a keto diet to try to control blood glucose levels in October of 2016. Since then I have lost another 67 lbs and have been a lot happier with what I am eating. I feel better and have more energy, but at least some of that might be the weight loss. I have gotten my A1C down enough with just the diet that my doctor has taken me off the diabetes meds.

    FWIW, my primary goal was controlling the glucose levels. The weight loss was a secondary goal.
  • druiz09
    druiz09 Posts: 1 Member
    I have been doing Keto for 10 weeks. I have lost 34 pounds so far! I also have more energy!
  • ThinManRuning
    ThinManRuning Posts: 33 Member
    edited January 2018
    I have lost 19kg/45 pound overall, i put 4kg back on after a 2 week holiday and 3 weeks leading up to xmas ( i allowed myself that time off keto) but heading south in the numbers again. about 4 months of eating right and light to mid training.
  • __Roxy__
    __Roxy__ Posts: 825 Member
    73 lbs in 7 months. I slacked hard for Nov/Dec and took 2 weeks completely off over the holidays. Since January 1st I've been back on track and the scale is moving again.
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    I have been keto for about 130ish more migraines...within a week of starting keto I had no more menstrual migraines...after about 120 days I have had no more migraines even when I eat foods that are a migraine trigger.

    I will keep this up for 2 years and then switch to low carb and see if the neurological changes stick! For kids it does, I haven't found any studies regarding the permanence in adults, but I'm hoping 2 years will work for me as well!
  • kpk54
    kpk54 Posts: 4,474 Member
    63 pounds. 53 weeks. Low carb.

    Nearly 4 years in goal maintenance. Only 1 year of which was keto for a "medical related trial".

    I currently eat lower carb (~50 grams daily) than during weight loss. It seems to help me with hunger suppression and cravings. I have occasional days of higher carbs without issue. I'm not always willing to not eat a fresh piece of ice cold watermelon on a hot summer day just because it has a few extra carbs.
  • moissanite
    moissanite Posts: 4 Member
    i started in November. I have lost a total of 14 lbs.. had a stall for 4-5 weeks, but it is slowly moving again. even though it is only 14 lbs, people have been commenting on my weight loss. I feel good and I am planning to stick to this for the long haul.. 60 lbs to go..
  • Xerogs
    Xerogs Posts: 328 Member
    41lbs lost since May 2017. I stalled here and there (especially over winter break) but continue to trend towards my ideal weight. Losing the weight is not as difficult as keeping it off and falling back into bad habits. At my current progress I should meet my ideal weight goal right around the 1 year mark. Besides the weight loss I generally feel better and have gained more muscle tone.