I'm baaaaaack!



  • Al_Howard
    Al_Howard Posts: 8,491 Member
    I get 42 weekly :) and 31 daylies.
  • steve0mania
    steve0mania Posts: 3,088 Member
    That's interesting Cindy! I guess that thwarts my "they must like me better than you" answer I was going to suggest! B)
  • podkey
    podkey Posts: 5,146 Member
    Miss ya Steve for sure.
  • podkey
    podkey Posts: 5,146 Member
    edited January 2018
    Cindy it depends on your personal stats but as a 158 LB old guy I get 28 daily and 35 weekly points. Oh I see you had the chat. Suxxxx that you don't get more weekly points. Usual bigger guy discrimination.
    ALSO that includes 5 xtra pts daily for maintenance.
  • linmueller
    linmueller Posts: 1,354 Member
    Hey Steve! Good for you for rejoining. Makes sense to go to what's worked before.

    Re. oils, no requirements at all. They were dropped in the change from PP to SPS. I do still tend to get them though. After years of WW telling us how important they are for heart health, it just makes sense.

    As for how points are calculated, while PP was basically ~38 calories = 1, SPs started there and increased points for sugar and fat, and decreased for protien. And with Freestyle, point values haven't changed except for the 0 point foods.

    Re. alcohol, I can't remember if you just preferred wine or if spirits were an option, but in case they are ... Gin and diet tonic are my low point friend. 1 oz of gin is only 2 SPs. Though i do still enjoy a glass of red wine on occasion :)

    Looking forward to your input! I love a scientific/fact based viewpoint!

    Lin (viviansdd)
  • steve0mania
    steve0mania Posts: 3,088 Member
    linmueller wrote: »
    As for how points are calculated, while PP was basically ~38 calories = 1, SPs started there and increased points for sugar and fat, and decreased for protien. And with Freestyle, point values haven't changed except for the 0 point foods.

    PP worked out to ~38 calories per point, but the underlying math actually started (if I recall correctly) at 35 cal/point, and then also had "charges and discounts" for different macronutrients (that worked out to be 38 cal/point when you used it for real foods). WW seems to have tweaked that a bit more to get to SPs.

    Good advice on the gin. I'm not a gin fan, but I'll have to look at other drinks. Generally I'm a wine and beer fan, but that's probably going to be too costly, and it's probably time to take a significant cut-back on that anyway. As Carmen and I used to chat about--I'm going to try to have only two weekend days per week, rather than 5 or 6!

  • beachwoman2006
    beachwoman2006 Posts: 1,214 Member
    Philtex wrote: »
    So many of us are above our "personal target weight". Maybe WW was just too lenient with the official goal weights.

    They use BMI to set goal weights. There's a range of weights for a "healthy" BMI. For me, 140 was the top of the range and that's what I chose as my goal weight so I could stop paying. But that has never been my personal goal weight :)

  • Philtex
    Philtex Posts: 1,117 Member
    the top of the range and that's what I chose as my goal weight so I could stop paying.

  • GennaroC2
    GennaroC2 Posts: 358 Member
    steve0mania wrote: »
    I get 23 points per day and 35 weeklies. It's so hard to compare with the old numbers because the values have changed so much, and there are truly so many zero-point foods!

    I was wondering how that works their cut the daily point from 43 to 32 and i got 58 weekly whit carry over from the daily not that i use them but is very tempting to use them.
    Welcome back Steve.