Cutting tips



  • Jonyothan
    ECA Stack + Ketosis, I dropped 20lbs in a month.
  • MrVaginaSoup
    Grilled chicken salad (no dressing/croutons) is one of my favorite things to eat.
    Also: frozen veggies, eggs, Greek yogurt, whey, cottage cheese - all pretty filling with great macros.

    Check this guy's YouTube channel - he posts tons of good recipes:

    And here is a protein cheesecake (~800 calories for the entire thing):

    I'm not sure if any of you are on an EC stack, but it works incredibly well for appetite suppression and energy.

    omfg that cheesecake...
  • CipherZero
    CipherZero Posts: 1,418 Member
    Eat more protein, and be damned sure to get your fiber!
    how much do you eat daily? Is what MFP suggests enough?

    I've recently been aiming for 1g/1lb LBM and it seems to work as I'm still at a point where simultaneous fat loss and muscle gain is possible.
  • MrVaginaSoup
    idgaf anymore brahs. tryna lose 3lb+ a week now, today i ate 600 cals and i burned them off doing cardio. on dat ec stack, im gonna make it brahs. i have to.
  • falcynn
    falcynn Posts: 5
    idgaf anymore brahs. tryna lose 3lb+ a week now, today i ate 600 cals and i burned them off doing cardio. on dat ec stack, im gonna make it brahs. i have to.
    If you actually have enough control to do it, then good on ya. The main reason that people tend to preach conservative weight loss is that it's easier to stick to long-term. A lot of people who go in with the mentality that they're gonna reach their goal weight in a month eventually cave in to their cravings and give up on their ambitions within a week or two.

    Personally, I've found more success just aiming to lose a pound a week. I **** up some days, but I've been a lot more consistent than when I would lose 10-15 lbs in a week, only to gain it back the following two weeks after.

    Actually, now it's just hitting me what you said about eating only 600 calories and burning those off. You will crash and your body will hate you within a week.
  • MrVaginaSoup
    idgaf anymore brahs. tryna lose 3lb+ a week now, today i ate 600 cals and i burned them off doing cardio. on dat ec stack, im gonna make it brahs. i have to.
    If you actually have enough control to do it, then good on ya. The main reason that people tend to preach conservative weight loss is that it's easier to stick to long-term. A lot of people who go in with the mentality that they're gonna reach their goal weight in a month eventually cave in to their cravings and give up on their ambitions within a week or two.

    Personally, I've found more success just aiming to lose a pound a week. I **** up some days, but I've been a lot more consistent than when I would lose 10-15 lbs in a week, only to gain it back the following two weeks after.

    Actually, now it's just hitting me what you said about eating only 600 calories and burning those off. You will crash and your body will hate you within a week.

    I should have never posted that. I think the EC stack and no *kitten* got me changing my views on ****, i *kitten*, read your reply and realized that cutting on under 1000 a day is stupid as ****, gonna stick back to the 1600-2000 a day plan
    cheers brah
  • dvaldez2021
    Wasn't there research linking creatine to rapidly advancing dht levels and speeding up mpb? That's the main reason I got off the stuff. I have a tub if acg3 in my bathroom just sitting there since I don't want to lose my hair