A Plateau Already?

There's nothing worse on a diet than working hard at being disciplined and doing everything right, and not losing a pound. It's been 8 days now that I've been hovering between 179 and 180. I can't break 179. I think my goal of losing 10 pounds in January is now a fantasy. I just don't understand it! I'm exercising every day (55 minutes, 3 miles on treadmill or swimming) and tracking everything I eat. My macros seem fine- especially my carbs. My net carbs are at, under or around 20-25. I've logged in my weight and tracked my food for 22 days in a row, here on MFP. How could I have hit a plateau this early on??? I 'm not hungry and I"m not craving sweets. I feel pretty good, it's just that the scale won't move. I've only lost 7 pounds- it was 8, but after my 765 calorie, 20 net-carb day, I GAINED! Yesterday, I had under 800 calories (I know that's really low, but I maxed out my carbs and I thought I'd try something to jolt myself into a loss.) and worked out 3 miles on the treadmill and 15 minutes in the dry sauna to sweat. I drank 70 ounces of water. I can see a couple days of this, but 8 days and not breaking 179?
I'm going out tonight and instead of being on a fittness/wellness role, I feel like having some wine and a big fat slice of lava cake. LIke I want to give a big *kitten* you to my body!


  • 0426Jamie
    0426Jamie Posts: 57 Member
    I have read elsewhere that if you're working out a lot, you could be gaining muscle and so while the scale may not be moving, you are probably still losing fat. Also, make sure you're not going too much over on your proteins. I find that if I go over on those I will lose less or even gain a bit.
  • NYPhotographer2021
    NYPhotographer2021 Posts: 510 Member
    Yes, exercising could cause you to either not lose weight or even gain weight because of the tears in muscles as your body attempts to repair those tears. Have you been measuring yourself? Sometimes because of what I wrote above, the scale may not move, but you could still be losing inches. Or your clothes are getting looser.
  • kpk54
    kpk54 Posts: 4,474 Member
    8 days is not a plateau.
    7-8 pounds in 22 days is an excellent loss though mostly water.
    This will not continue. Settle in and be happy with ~1 pound per week.
    You didn't gain 7-8 pounds in 8 days (or 22) and you won't lose it every 8 days (or 22).
    Dehydrating yourself in a sauna is an unhealthy idea. Glad you re-hydrated.
    765 calories is low and continuing this is a bad idea. Feed your body.
    Eat over your calorie limit tonight and your body may just thank you with a whoosh.

    22 days of exercise (especially in a calorie deficit) will not result muscle gain. It may result tiny tears in muscle which cause water retention to heal the muscle.

    Above all relax. Any diet is stress on the body. Exercise is stress on the body. Worry is stress on the body. Stress raises cortisol. Increased cortisol can cause weight gain.

    Feel free to research any of the ideas above to help calm yourself.

  • TheMerryMermaid
    TheMerryMermaid Posts: 69 Member
    @0426jamie @jazzb9363 Thanks so much for your reply. I appreciate your input. I decided to look into your statements and ask my trainer at my wellness center. She has multiple degrees in sports medicine and nutrition. I wouldn't have known to ask her about these things if you hadn't brought them to my attention- thanks!!!