Mini Challenge Week 1

Laurenmp16 Posts: 344 Member
This week (1-8) I am going to try to drink at 10 (8 oz) glasses of water each and EVERY day! Anyone else in?


  • CarmenNeitz
    CarmenNeitz Posts: 16 Member
    I'm in. I try to get 8 in but I need to do more.:drinker:
  • I'm on my second glass. Can hot tea count if I don't put any honey in it? Lol. J/K. I will drink regular H2O
  • Trinabird
    Trinabird Posts: 2 Member
    I just joined tonight, but I've been able to keep up with drinking tons of water by using the Crystal Light Liquid.
  • bhannana
    bhannana Posts: 22 Member
    I'm on my second glass. Can hot tea count if I don't put any honey in it? Lol. J/K. I will drink regular H2O

    I count hot tea towards my water intake, especially in the winter since that's pretty much all I drink during the day (office is FREEZING!).

    I regularly drink 64oz (2 full, large nalgene water bottles) at work and then at least another 30 at home while working out.
  • bathsheba24
    bathsheba24 Posts: 18 Member
    Water is pretty much all I drink since I don't drink soda or juice and occasionally I indulge and have some alcoholic beverages lol lol So I usually drink about 10 glasses of water a day so this is easy for me lol
  • conniehv40
    conniehv40 Posts: 442 Member
    I made the 8 glasses of water on the 1st, 6 glasses on the 2nd.

    Today I WILL get my 8 glasses of water in!

  • cgrout78
    cgrout78 Posts: 1,628 Member
    That's my goal, but on the weekends i'm AWFUL about drinking water at much easier for me at work!!
  • CarmenNeitz
    CarmenNeitz Posts: 16 Member
    I've been drinking more water. My water bottle holds 20 oz. I usually forget how many times I've filled it up though in a days time. I get two or three in a day with no problem after that I lose count, but I really need to keep better track of it somehow I've also started putting real lemon juice in my water which I enjoy a lot which helps.
  • wornekkl
    wornekkl Posts: 3 Member
    Do you think we should count unsweetened Lipton Ice Tea as part of our water intake? Because I'm usually guzzling either that or ice water, both with wedges of Lemon squeezed into them. I alternate when I get tired of one.
  • jahzbuttafly
    jahzbuttafly Posts: 173 Member
    Good going everyone!! I did we'll yesterday got 64oz. Not doing so hot today :sad:
    At 30oz an ready for bed. Gonna be an up n down night:blushing: