
Even though we fill ourselves up with awesome, whole, clean foods, there's always room for improvement, right?!

I know a lot of us use supplements to 'fill the gaps.'

Trot 'em out!

I use Vitamin Code's Raw One a Day for Women, magnesium, and Co Q-10. I also, since it's summertime and I can get it at the farmer's market, try to chew on some raw honeycomb for about 20-30 minutes a day. <<- No longer taking my Allegra due to this! WOOT!

Some of you lovelies have already posted some supplementation info in the Here Goes thread.. copy/paste on over here if you have time!


  • ThePrimalSpartan
    ThePrimalSpartan Posts: 59 Member
    That honeycomb idea sounds really interesting. I've been suffering pretty bad lately with my allergies for the last two years since moving to Virginia. I hate taking a ton of medicines, so I usually just suffer through an symptoms I may have. I'll have to look at some of our local farmers markets and see if there is any available.
    SJVZEE Posts: 451 Member
    Right now I'm taking a generic store brand D3 supplement-doctor's orders for being deficient, a multi-vitamin couple times a week as 'back up' as I transition to a vegetarian and then vegan diet (still trying to figure it all out!), and then once a week I'm taking a B12 vitamin, which is a big must for someone eating a plant based diet :)
  • kts1988
    kts1988 Posts: 108 Member
    Currently, I take fish oil, vitamin D, a probiotic, and digestive enzymes (with each meal). Sometimes I take a B vitamin mix for energy :)
  • abbyrae1
    abbyrae1 Posts: 265 Member
    I might get flack for all the supplements I take but here goes....
    BCAA powder--I lift 5-6x/week and have found the more consistently I use this, the better my recovery rate seems to be
    Glutamine powder--same as above
    Calcium--lactose sensative so I don't drink milk; cheese is really the only dairy I get so just to ensure I meet my needs, I take this
    Glucosamine/Chondroitin--joint health support
    Optiwomen multi
    Vitamin B
    Vitamin D
    With the exception of the last week (haven't been too good about keeping my diet clean), I get enough vitamins through my food but I have found that using these supplements have really helped my body recover and perform. I usually order from (best prices i have found); no they aren't organic, no they aren't holistic, but it helps my muscle recovery and I am sticking with what works.
  • RunningRichelle
    RunningRichelle Posts: 346 Member
    I usually order from (best prices i have found); no they aren't organic, no they aren't holistic, but it helps my muscle recovery and I am sticking with what works.

    Sounds like it's working well!

    I'm on the other side of the spectrum, i was a little peeved that the Co Q 10 I bought from Costco had soybean oil as the main ingredient.. mainly because soy can block the absorption of other nutrients. So now I take it at a time during the day when I'm not eating anything... I need my micros, haha!! I'm also peeved at myself for not checking it before I bought it- lesson learned.

    I recently added rhodiola root powder to my breakfast smoothie. There's quite a bit of decent Scandinavian and Russian research (where the plant is native) to support the claims that it helps a lot with stress and fatigue relief- some research showing that it significantly lowers blood cortisol levels.. loving it!!
  • sluggz
    sluggz Posts: 134
    I'm a powerlifter and lift heavy 4-5 times a week so my supplements aren't exactly clean, but I do the best I can...

    Optimum Nutrition Gold Standard Natural Whey
    USPLabs BCAA's - absolutely the most important thing I take after Whey and Creatine. Unbelievable help to recovery.
    Creatine Mono
    Fish Oil
    True Athlete Whole Food Multi
    Vitamin D when I can't get out in the sun
  • SirBonerFart
    SirBonerFart Posts: 1,185 Member
    Creatine Magnesium Chelate
    50,000 UI Vitamin D
    Fish oil