Hi there!

I live in Michigan and have been working out at Orange Theory for almost 2 1/2 years. I am an addict. I was more of a solo exercising person, but I hated weights (didn't know where to begin, how many to do, what to do) and found this studio opening near me and decided to look into it. They had 2 weeks of free trial and I had initially signed up to do 8 classes a month. By the first class, I knew I loved it.
I still go and still love it. I have improved my pace, I am more toned and feel terrific.

I just wanted to have a community here on MFP that also could combine my love for OTF.




  • RacheeGA
    RacheeGA Posts: 2 Member
    Hi Melissa- Thanks for starting this! I was a member of OTF early last year and quit because of timing/life/scheduling/work issues. I had signed up for the 8 class/month as well. Now that things have settled, I started back...all in...and signed up for unlimited. I have been going 4-5 days a week for a month now. Already, I feel stronger and healthier. It's good to see that you're approaching 3 years. I too am hooked and I plan to continue for a very long time as well. Are you still able to achieve 12+ splat points and a high calorie burn?