dodgy form on squats



  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    yeah lol... I think my phone dates back to the lower palaeolithic era and would make a better hand axe than a phone lol

    (please excuse the totally inaccurate date for the stone)
  • zanyzana
    zanyzana Posts: 248 Member
    Bahahaha! I bought my partner that iphone3. She sold it and upgraded as soon as she could! I do like that stone though. If flat enough, it would be awesome for skipping over water! Or pummelling information into dopey students brains.
  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    sad thing is the iphone 3 is quite a lot better than my phone :sad:

    my phone would make a good skimming stone, now you mention it... it looks rather nice, just it doesn't have android, it has some obsolete platform that no-one makes apps for, and it refuses to communicate with my laptop. However, I shouldn't complain, it has a timer on it that's good for timing the kids' time-outs when they're naughty, and also for timing rest intervals between sets. And it's quite a good MP3 and MP4 player but for the fact it no longer communicates with my laptop so I can't upload new music or videos onto it.
  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    update: tried squats today with my feet parallel to each other. Still a wide stance, just feet parallel as opposed to turned out). In terms of quads feeling the strain and being overworked, that didn't happen today. All the lifts felt strong and solid. (bear in mind this is still the deloaded weight o 125lb)......... there are still form issues and in one set I think my form was different for every single rep. The main thing is how much my hips come up, some reps it feels like they're coming up too far. although it's not as bad as before, i.e. no mini good mornings.

    going to have to find a way to video myself and get it on here....!! I definitely need all your opinions/advice, especially as to whether my knees are staying stable and not caving in. It didn't feel like they were but there's a lot of different things to focus on when doing this!!
  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    another update (this is turning into a saga...).... form is feeling a lot more solid on squats now......... I think the issue was, as was mentioned in the thread, to do with glues or something in the posterior chain not being activated properly.... what was happening before was the hip drive bit was fine but then something in the posterior chain wasn't keeping up so it was turning into a mini good morning because my pelvis ended up too high and my shoulders couldn't catch up.

    Also I've decided to increase the weight in increments of 2.5lb instead of 5lb from now. Then there's not such a big jump in weight between each workout, and the idea is to keep progressing rather than keep on stalling and deloading. I skipped a couple of workouts because I've been feeling ill (dizzy spells) and didn't think it was a good idea to train, so I haven't made any progress in terms of weight on the barbell.... BUT I'm making major targets for myself in terms of consistency and sticking with the programme, which is my main issue right now!!!!!!!

    On deadlifts I'm increasing the weight in 5lb increments for the same reason

    Also I've decided to switch to starting strength, (mostly because I want to learn to do power cleans, but also for the info on form, etc lol).... although any spending of money (including buying the starting strength book) has to wait a bit... but the good news is that I've got another job (not to replace the current one, a small part time one I can fit around the other work I'm doing) which means I'll have more to save, so that means a) a power cage!! b) a new phone and c) more spending money generally... can't spend anything until I get paid though... but I've decided to get the actual starting strength book and DVD rather than the kindle one (long story involving geographical location and kindle refusing to sell books to me and I can't really be bothered to argue with them over it so I'll just get the actual book from Amazon when I get paid).
  • GypsySoul_74
    GypsySoul_74 Posts: 152 Member
    just wanted to say, reading through this forum, learning about the experience you've been having and checking out some of the articles, videos and resources others have posted to help has been great! i've been struggling with some very similar form issues on squats (at a lower work weight than you, though) and it's nice to know i'm not alone! for me, the issues are definitely lack of hamstring/glute engagement and knee caving.

    wishing you lots of luck as you switch to starting strength--and i wanted to say, i really admire you for making the best of your living situation, taking so many jobs to support your lifestyle and fitness, rigging up a squat setup at home even though it makes you work harder, finding ways around laws regarding where you can eat and when, and looking ahead to plan how to obtain the things you may need (books, power rack, new phone for videos, etc) to continue making progress. you inspire me! :)
  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    thanks for reading all of it! glad you found it useful... the replies in this thread are all great and have been very useful, thank you again to all of you!

    I should have more money coming in and less going out over the next year or so, so things should be more straight forward in the future... although more work = harder time management.... but it's only 3 workouts a week so not really that much to find time for...