Saturday Weigh In 2/10/18

GennaroC2 Posts: 358 Member
Hello GoaDies it's Saturday for some of us it's time to meet the scale how did you do.

Down 2 pound for the week
By tracking and limiting the free food it seem to work. Onward@Downward.


  • Jimb376mfp
    Jimb376mfp Posts: 6,232 Member
    WTG Geno!
    Yes, I had to learn Free/Zero Food HAS CALORIES!!! Go figure!
  • beachwoman2006
    beachwoman2006 Posts: 1,214 Member
    Good job Gennaro!

    You guys aren't the first to figure out that zero points is not equal to zero calories. WW may not realize that (or point it out), but your body and the scales do :)

    I have a friend who started WW Online about a month ago so I've been trying to check in with her weekly to see how she's doing. This morning she has lost a total of 10 pounds but had her first week of a 0 loss. She said she thinks she's overdoing it on the "free" foods. I pointed out to her that they aren't FREE...they're just zero points :)
  • GennaroC2
    GennaroC2 Posts: 358 Member
    Yes it's nothing is free
  • mr_sandyman
    mr_sandyman Posts: 187 Member
    WTG Geno!
    We talked about free vs zero in our meeting today along with the program discussion points. Because of previous mindset the new members are doing better that the old timers but we are catching on.
    Only down 0.2 this week, I hadn't eaten much but also had been pretty sedentary so that balanced out.
  • minimyzeme
    minimyzeme Posts: 2,708 Member
    Good work losing GOADies!
  • myallforjcbill
    myallforjcbill Posts: 5,576 Member
    Up 2 to extend my upward trend. I went to my monthly WW meeting and decided to try Freestyle just to add a little more structure. Of course consistent tracking is the key. I might need some help navigating the emotional ebbs and flows of this chronic pain journey as the last few months have shown.
  • minimyzeme
    minimyzeme Posts: 2,708 Member
    I feel for you @myallforjcbill ; that's got to be tough! Obviously, the weight doesn't help your back problems and pain but I know I'd have a tough time not overdoing it too. Hang in there (that probably doesn't sound good either...).
  • myallforjcbill
    myallforjcbill Posts: 5,576 Member
    We all have our stuff, all different, some more than others. But each day offers a chance to make at least some good choices. I am not without blame in this. MTBC