Keto-adapted diminished appetite

Adubs0 Posts: 5 Member
Hello keto pals!
First off, I'm a newbie. I'm doing keto for weightloss. Been going strong since January 2nd! I've DEVOURED so much info on this diet. When I get devoted to weight loss, I thrive on the minutia of the process. I know not everyone is like this. Testing blood glucose, blood ketones and food logging makes me feel accountable and relaxed.
That being said....
I know this diet is touted for its natural appetite suppression. I follow IF and I've done a couple 2 day fasts and have found this process pretty easy. Over the last week my appetite has disappeared. I'm not complaining, but it's kind of crazy. I feel great. I workout (weights & running) 3-4 days/week. After my workout today, I feel 0 desire to eat. Is this ok? Should I go with it? Have any of you experienced this?
For reference:
30yo mom
178lb starting weight
168lb current weight
130ish lb goal weight

I feel like there are 2 schools of thought- 1 that says listen to your body. If you aren't hungry, don't eat. My boyfriend and family on the other hand think I'm starving myself. I have no ed history, I love food. I've lost this same 40lbs twice before. 1st time using keto! I just don't want to damage what I already fear is a sluggish metabolism!



  • nvmomketo
    nvmomketo Posts: 12,019 Member
    I would mostly go with it, with the caveat to try to get in your protein. Protein will help you retain lean muscle while losing weight. That is the one macro where I would strive to exceed your minimums over the long term. KWIM?

    Congrats on your success so far! :)
  • Adubs0
    Adubs0 Posts: 5 Member
    Thanks! Definitely don't want to compromise my work in the gym!
  • Sunny_Bunny_
    Sunny_Bunny_ Posts: 7,140 Member
    I agree with @nvmomketo Try to get the minimum protein in.
    In my experience, this level of reduced appetite doesn’t last. As you continue to reduce body fat, it will increase. Just keep the protein up in the mean time so you don’t sacrifice muscle until that happens.
  • cgcrutch
    cgcrutch Posts: 223 Member
    If u weren't workin out, I'd say if ur not hungry, don't eat. BUT working out, especially weights, builds muscles. They "break down" during the workout and "rebuild" bigger and stronger during the rest period. I'm wondering how they can rebuild if u haven't eaten protein to build with? I'm no body builder so don't take my word for it. But I know the body has fat stores, I've never heard of protein stores, or fat being converted back to protein to build with. U probably have to eat it to repair muscle.